D17 Ori Ginal to City CIerl No. D V � Date JUL 11 1972 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That an extra in the amount of Two Hundred Forty Dollars ($240.00) be allowed under Contract L-7498 between the City of Saint Paul and Phalen Park Landscaping Co. , said contract for Landscape Planting of the Como, Phalen and Highland Golf Courses, and said extra to cover replacement of four vandalized Spruce trees at Como Golf Course, said work having been requested by the Acti'ng' Head of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement having been • filed with the Acting Head of the Department of Finance .and, countersigned by him. Charge to 6000-502 to be reimbursed from 2700-460. Job #71-78. ROBERT .w. TRUDEAU Acting Head Department of Finance ;. , 7 APPROVED AS TO 0 cting a e - artment o F' an e T yrt Assistant Ci y Attorne ACt ng epartment Head -Parks & Recreation and Public Buildings Date Administrative Assistant to . Mayor