D8 Original to City Clerk No. V Date JUL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract formerly known as Comptroller' s Contract L-7482 for the Cedar Street at Fourth Street Sewer Revisions, City Project No. .71-S-1214, Axel Newman Heating and Plumbing Company, Inc. , Contractor, the specified date of completion is October 30, 1971. WHEREAS, the Contractor did not complete the work by said date of completion, but the City did not suffer any loss therefrom, it is hereby ORDERED, That the proper City Officials be and they hereby are . authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to June 6, 1972, provided however, that this Order shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on- the Contractor' s bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing • with the Head of the Finance Department of the City of Saint Paul; and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the- City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period.. i APPROVED AS TO FORS E - AL Assistant Cit Attorney Department Gad - Date • Administ ative Assistant to Mayor