D1 Original t City Clerk No._ -' V)j Date .l U i 6 1972 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas the City of Saint Paul, by Ordinance No. 232974, has established the procedure to be used in conducting a Dutch elm disease control program for the City of Saint Paul, and under such control program has listed those things determined to be a public nuisance when found within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, The City Forester has indicated that conditions exist on the following properties that.,he believes to be a public nuisance: Name & Address of Owner Location of Diseased Elm Wood Mrs, Mary ARimnac . Elm stump: in front yard 318 Arbor Si.t 55102 Resident Dead elm tree: in back of house 717 Brown Mr. Victor Vik Elm logs and brush: in private 1 2118 Midlothian Rd. 55113 fenced-in dump on California } (owns property in St. Paul on California St.) Resident Dead elm .tree: in back yard 284 Dunedin Terrace 55107 The Lentsch Co. , Inc. Dead elm tree: s.w. corner of 242 University Ave. 55103 vacant lot (owns vacant lot between 298 & 320 'Jenks) (continued) APPROVED AS TO FORM ,. Assistant Ci y Attorney �partment Head - Date Administrative A sistan to • Mayor a 1,, ... .r .,.ri .w uw..lsnl.ra p.. A„+ry .. ...... . ..L,..-. r. .... ,. ...,.M M.•.« ........►L.♦.w .. *« • a Original to City Clerk No...* D I - Date atli 61972 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (continued, page 2) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Name & Address of, Otex Location. of Diseased- Elm"Wood Resident Elm stump: frdnt. y.ard, south 1019 Jes$fe 551fl.1 side of,.yatd•near fence. Mr. Kenneth R. Wnkler e od some elm: 1422'Mechanic 'Qve. 5'S'lt}6 back` yard`; Weer rfce Resident Brush '' & :plump; .in front . 2111 E, Nebraska.551.19 yard along.dri4b%i43r,and in yard :Charles E. Wolden Elm wood pile. east. , id&' of. garage 2173 5elbq Avenue 5'5104 1' NOW, TIiEREFOR$, BE IT ORDERED BY THE MAYOR; that the condo tionIs described- by th City Forester on the above notsd properties be detl'aied :'a public .ntz3sance .and the City Forester 'is' hereby authoti ed and di icte'd .to send. .out the proper notices and cause. the nuisances,to'`be.abated;A,'accordance `with procedures; established. in Section 5 pf tlydiaance No `2329:74. APPROVED AS TO FORM Y Assistant City Attorney AAting. partment Head Parks & Recreation & Public Buildings Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor