D11186 White - City Clerk CITY O F SAINT 13A U L Pink - Finance Dept. Canary- Dept. OFFIC3F OF THE MAYOR 1I I l 2W No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER f ( - (`10 1il'IX;ET RF,\1SIOX Date: I O NMN'ISTR-kM7E ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Commun i ty Sery i ces - Pu bl i c Heal th to amend the 1990 -budget of the —�prni a j Reyaanl to Gam_ fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget HEALTH SPECIAL FUNDS 305-33233-0132 FAMILY PLANNING - PERSONNEL $0.00 $12,625.00 $12,625.00 305-33233-0215 FAMILY PLANNING - PROFESSIONAL FEES $25,500.00 ($12,625.00) $12,875.00 305-33234-0111 IMMUNIZATIONS - PERSONNEL $23,868.00 $6,200.00 $30,068.00 305-33250-0111 DAYCARE - PERSONNEL $25,130.00 $5,700.00 $30,830.00 305-33257-0111 VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - PERSONNEL $8,576.00 $950.00 $9,526.00 305-33247-0111 WIC - PERSONNEL $298,704.00 $66,100.00 $364,804.00 305-33235-0111 TUBERCULOSIS - PERSONNEL $13,129.00 ($6,200.00) $6,929.00 305-33240-0111 ENV. HEALTH EDUCATION - PERSONNEL $35,441.00 ($12,750.00) $22,691.00 305-33248-0111 CHILD HEALTH INITIATIVE - PERSONNEL $62,430.00 ($60= -- 000 00) $2,430.00 - - $492,778.00 $0.00 $492,778.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ WHEREAS, SPECIAL HEALTH ACTIVITIES 33233, 33234, 33250, 33257. AND 33247 NEED ADDITIONAL SPENDING AUTHORITY FOR PERSONNEL COSTS BECAUSE OF INCREASED STAFFING NEEDS AND CHANGES OF STAFF; AND WHEREAS, THERE IS NO INCREASE OVER THE NUMBER OF FTES ALLOCATED IN THE BUDGET; AND WHEREAS, THERE IS SPENDING AUTHORITY IN 33233, 33235, 33240, AND 33248 THAT COULD BE TRANSFERRED. THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, THAT THE MAYOR APPROVES THE CHANGE TO THE 1990 BUDGET. • 1 Prepared ity Manager Approved :Mayor I ZL Requested by:Department di or joli;h Pox c^c Z�Q Date DEPARTMENTIOFFICEM.oUNCIL �F �ar cl . DATE INITIATED 111186 - C.S./Public He J6 GREEN SHEET NO. 6153 CONTACT PERSON 6'PHONE INITUU DATE INITIAUDATE ®DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL -LKathv Mohrland — NUMSeR FOR ❑CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) MUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES MR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) ❑ 7TO=TAL# SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ON REQUESTED: Signatures on a budget revision of various Health Special Activities object codes. RECEIVE OCT 16190 IE ooMMENOATIONS:Apprm W or (R) COUWx COMMA REPORT OPTIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. CIO COMMITTEE STAFF COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,When,Whsro,Who: he Family Planning (33233) Activity needs spending authority in 0132 for physician services hich were budgeted in 0219. The Immunization (3.3234) , Daycare (33250) and Volunter (33257) rograms need spending authority in 0111 personnel because of staffing changes; staff being harged to the program on which they are working. The WIC (33247) Program needs additional uthority in 0111 because of increased staff. There is no increase over the number of FTEs llocated in budget. There is spending authority in 33235,33240, and 33248 that can be ransferred because of reducted staffing in those activities. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The personnel costs will be paid. RECEIVED 00-1- 12121990 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ONE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Staff will not be paid. RECEIVED 71� CITY CLERK 7FmNDm TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 78,950 COST/REVENUE ouoGETEU(CRCLE ONE) YES NO SO� S pecial Revenue Funds AcTm"NIM1�R Various ANCIAL INFORMATION:MXPUUN) dw