D11135 White - city clerk CITY O F SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGIF: OF THE MAYOR 111135 No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 10 - I I ,n O • lil'IIGET RF.'%1SK)� Date: `1 XD-NMN'ISTKA,M-E ORDER,,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of ^rnrnyp $ yicw=puhl i r Wealth to amend the 19-go-budget of the — General fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget G MEDICAL PROGRAMS 001-03214-0369 MEDICAL RECORDS - OFFICE SUPPLIES $0.00 $400.00 $400.00 001-03214-0276 MEDICAL RECORDS - OFF EQMT REPAIR $1,071.00 ($400.00) $671.00 001-03217-0234 HOMELESS - MILEAGE $1,000.00 $400.00 $1,400.00 001-03217-0259 HOMELESS - TRAVEL $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 001-03217-0253 HOMELESS - REGISTRATION $0.00 $100.00 $100.00 001-03217-0353 HOMELESS - CHEMICAL $1,040.00 ($11000.00) $40.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ $3,11-.00 $0.00 $3,111.00 WHEREAS, THE PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICAL RECORDS PROGRAM NEEDS SPENDING AUTHORITY IN 0369 TO PURCHASE OFFICE SUPPLIES, AND THE HOMELESS PROGRAM NEEDS AUTHORITY IN 0234 FOR MILEAGE COSTS, IN 0253 REGISTRATION AND IN 0259 TRAVEL; AND WHEREAS, THERE IS AUTHORITY IN 03214-0276 EQUIP REPAIR AND IN 03217-0368 THAT CAN BE TRANSFERRED TO COVER THESE EIPENSES. THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, THAT THE MAYOR APPROVES THE CHANGE TO THE 1990 BUDGET. eper • cti i Manager M Approved by:4ayor Requested by:Departnvid director *I 97—A Date DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED D1 1135 COMMUNITY SERVICES - Public Health 10/1/90 .GREEN SHEET NO. � CONTACT PERSON&PHONE I ITI DAzE IN IdUDA E 555 Ce'�ur DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �� /U L_.❑CITY COUNCIL Kathy Mohrland - 292-7702 ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR 'ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING ©BUDGET DIRECTOR ©FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER ❑MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) EJ TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures on budget revision transferring spending authority between object codes in 03217 the Homeless Program, in 03714 Medical Records. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. c i �_�- ►goo _CIB COMMITTEE - _STAFF COMMENTS: _ C cOtilli�uCity$ePb"f�S _DISTRICT COURT OCT0919 0 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? t� if INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): - • t - t t The Medical Records program needs spending authority in 0369 for office supplies., there is spending authority in Office Equipment Repair that can be transferred. The Homeless needed spending authority in 0234 for mileage costs until the end of the year in 0253 for registra- tion to Homeless Conference and in..0259 to attend the National Homeless Health Care Conference. There is spending authority in 0353 that can be transferred to cover these expenses. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Pxpenditures will have the needed budget authority. 0C J .: 1990 'f'GE DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Expenditures will be in the deficit. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S $1,400 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE General ACTIVITY NUMBER 03214, 03217 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)