D11133 White -City Clerk No. 0 ,3 Pink - Finance Dept. 10- q „ r]Q Canary - Dept. Accounting Date ''11 Blue -Engineer Green - Contractor CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as EAST 7TH STRF.F.T RFTATNTNG WATT. nupr Rritiga Nn_ 90386 known as Contract IGA-8351-5 City Project No.B-1138 SP 6228-54 , Contractor, is composed of the following: Furnish and install sheet pile wall on the north side of EAST 7TH STREET from station 306 5.s to 33+1'0:..g Construction shall be in accordance with MnDOT Spec 2452 and 3373 and as shown on the attached Exhibit A. Piling shall be driven to the depth specified in Exhibit A or as directed by the Engineer. No lane closures during rush hour periods shall be allowed. Traffic control shall be in accordance with Stage I I I construction. The estimate of quantities shall be as follows: Item No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Price _Tula] 2452.603 Steel Sheet Piling (Permanent) Sq. Ft. 4590 13.35 $61 ,276.50 2451.501 Structure Excavation Cu.Yds. 340 (P) 27.12 9,220.80 0563.601 Traffic Control (North Wall) Lump Sum 1 1 ,800.00 1 ,800.00 2401.541 Reinforcement Bars (Epoxy) Lbs 1510. (P) 0.68 1 ,026.80 2451.503 Granular Backfill Cu.Yds. 227. (P) 11.00 , 2,497.00 2401.501 Structural Concrete 3X46A Cu. Yds. 24.2(P) 338.20 8184.44 Forty-five(45)calendar days shall be added to the Stage I 11 $84,005.54 construction,commencing when this Agreement is approved. ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of s84,005.54 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as contract L- A-A'19 1-5 , and which amount is to be financed from: Minnesota Department of Transportation Funds f-K-MnDOT etro District Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM MnffOT Proje g eer 19 Gt° Assistant City Attorney Contract �iZ 7 19 °IO E ineer - ig 70 Chie 1/(City A h' ��i� Head of Department of Finance __L_�19 Director of pub Administrative Assistant to the Mayor AW/7-2-90 (NIVIdX3):NOIIVWHOdNI IVIONVNId rTT 438wnN AlIA110V PLmd sq-oOCOld leTOa S 001 Lod 3O4nos SN1aNnd 7LL�G ON S3A ONO 310410)0313oang 3nN3A34/1S00 00.Szc-q $ NOIl0VSNVUi d0 1Nnowv ivio, •sj,uana 0sai11- ssa.Ippe 04 Al-TITae .Ino 01- auz���s>;nap act pinom uoz�zz��� Im Ions :szr;a6 omq. jxau auk uT ;JuTUoeo.Iddlo s4uana llenuu� To zactuanu l�nsn a�I� pur; `lmog .IadnS `soTduL&jo l,uToadS `l-CnTlsod oT"To au4 u4TAI 'dTus -zactuzauz uT uoT4Ta44e 4u-eoTTTUATs 'e act llTm 4lnsaa'AT@NTl OU •pa��TOazdd� you axe �Sacl� LaaT o� uT act �lpa�ctnopun llTm szaa�.unlon auk uoTl-ounT sTLI1- To q-.zoddns awl- POM-Thl :03AObddV ION d1 S30VINVAOVSIO 3N?4o 0661 9 n�h q-uaxmdd-e auoh a3AI3038 :03AOHddV dl S30VINVAGVSIO •�saa auk oq. anTj-uaOUT LTC ST uoTLIm `gsc(u aclq aq-ngTaj-uoo szaa�unLon asou,_ ol. q-anbuect auj. q--e sonb-eld pue spxuAke q.uasa.zd osl-e ahl •uoTq-ngTJjUO0 .ITagq- azTuaooa.I oq- auzTj auk. a��. am 1-'eu; sdno-61 asau To al L@Ll auk o� �u1✓�.zoci1- 6zan ST �I •s�uana asau� TT�j_s Alaq_Bnbape 1,upinoo �Slct-ecto.Id am `dlau -ITOLIq. 1-nO-Tm �O�T uI •s.Iaa�unlon osau� TO 1..zoddns au1 sAOCua •01a ` -osauuTIJ TO a1-Sej, `l�nTU � zaTuTh1 auk `�saT zanT�3 s� lions ��T� auk uT I-uana oTlctrid Aaa� •gdoa aoTlod pue A4T3 auj off- apTnoad sdnojW asaLI_ 1�LI, aoTnzas snopuauza.zq- aLI1- azTuJooaa o� an�u am alOTuan 6luo auk ST sTLiI, :03AOIiddV All S30VINVAOV •sa.��tanact OTTOuool0 uo q-uads act llTm saTuoul ou �I�nou�l� `sasuac�a LLB .IOT A-ed pinags ;unom sTU1, •nnl� l00 nz�uno� pug um 0Z o@C it' 0661`99 'gyp joT polnp@gos sT �anbueq atls, '00'II��$`�$ axr; �anbu�ct auk To s�soo Pal -ozd airy •anTaoaz cSau� I�qj uoTj_Tu�000a To UUOT 6luo auk ST sTUq p� 696T uT aoctel 0@JJ To smou £L,6`£Ii a@AO papTnoid sa@ajunlon as@gL •sdnoI� zaa�unlon s,�.uauzq z�daQ auk zoT a.anbueq a josuods I-Tufl saoTn.IaS &q-TunwLuo0 0141- pue q TuII saoTAJaS .1001- nlog auk z�a�S �S zaA, :(R4M'eje4M'ue4M'184M'o4M)AlINniwOddO'3f1SS1'W3'19OHd E)NI1VIIINI " 43AII031'80 IIONIl00 HOIHM SIWWdns 11if100101HISIO- JAVIS :S1N3WW00 3311IWW00 810- NOISSIW0400 301Akl3S IIAIO - NOISSIWW00 E)NINN`dld- 'ON 3NOHd 1SAIVNtl 1VN011d0 140d34 HO4V3S34/33111WW00 11ONnoo (y)loeley io(V)enaddtl SNOIIVON3WW003F! •s.zapJ0 GATI-LI.11-STUTWPV patio-eqq-e oml_ acll To l�nozddy :03183=3d N0110V (3un.LVNJIS U04 SNOUV301 11V di-13) Z S39Vd 3un1VNDIS d0#1V101 Ntl1SISSV 80)HOAVW 430HO dl0 S30IAU3S'ION 4'Nld� UM03d10 Inane ONI1n04 (31V0)AS VON30Y IIONnOO NO 38 1& A3Nklo1ltl ulo 40�43ewnN T,IO�I�I[1�Ob'�i 3gIH� A13I0 AI10 NOISSV II0Nnoo AllO H0103HIa IN3VUUVd30 3NOHd 4 NOSU3d 10VIN00 31VOr1tlI11Nl 31tl0 nvi IN1 06/9Z/T0 HDIZOd J1 F L ON 133HS N33bJ 031VIlINI 31V0 IIONf100/301dd0/1N3W11iVd30