D11064 i White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGH OF THE MAYOR ^� 1101 No: U b ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • 1)U1X;ET RE%1S10X Date: 0 :�D. M ISTRATIN'E ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Police _ to amend the 1990 budget of the Police Special Projects fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget Financing: 436 - Police Special Projects 34129 - Police Parking Lot 0321 - Horticulture 1,000.00 (480.00) 520.00 1,000.00 (480.00) 520.00 Spending: 436 - Police Special Projects 34128 - Narcotics Control Grant 37 - Operating Transfer Out 0.00 120.00 120.00 539 - Other Misc Nonexpenditure 0.00 360.00 360.00 0.00 480.00 480.00 Net Change -0- The above change will authorize the transfer of $480 within the Police Special Projects Fund. This transfer will allow the Department to return to the State unexpended 1988 Narcotics Control Grant monies and to reimburse the City's General Fund for unexpended matching dollars. Prepared by:Activity Manager Approved by:Ma Requested by:Department dtrector Date v I o 6q DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police GREEN SHEET NO. 9271 INITIAL]DATE INITIAUDATE- CONTACT PERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Chief McCutcheon 292-3588 ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR "11ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING ®BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL #OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Process the attached Administrative Order. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. CIB COMMITTEE COMMENTS: STAFF _DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The St Paul Police Department desires to adjust the budget in the Police Special Projects Fund. The attached transfer of funds will enable the department to reimburse the State for unspent dollars from a 1988 Narcotics Grant and to reimburse the City's General Fund for unspent matching dollars (25%) of the same grant. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will allow the Police Department to reimburse the State for the unspent dollars per the rant Agreement and to reimburse the City's General Fund for unspent dollars. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: JUN 2 0 19 None. BUDGET OFFICE AUG16SO CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The St. Paul Police Department will not have an authorized budget to reimburse the State and City's General Fund. JTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 480 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Police Parking Lot ACTIVITY NUMBER 34129 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � d�