D11022 C I T Y OF S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR •roved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: -City Clerk(Original) BUDGET REVISION -Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division r�I 0 -Requesting Dept. No: U Dater ° ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of CITY ATTORNEY to amend the 19 90 budget of the GENERAL fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Department is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND AND ACTIVITY: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Department of General Government Accounts Division of City Attorney General Fund 09073 Outside Council 09073-0219 Fees-Hearing Examiner 7,000 9,393 16,393 09073-0299 Misc Services-Transcribing 2,000 5,007 7,007 • 09073-0218 Attorney Fees -----70,000 --__- (14,400) 55,600 NET CHANGE 79,000 0 79,000 ared by: Activity Manager Appf&ed by: Mayor equ y: Department Director Uate Approved �- t— fD Dale Requested e07:ADMINORD.al AE 715190 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �L City Attorney - 298-5121 GREEN SHEET NO. 5935 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR : 'CITY_000NCIL Jane McPeak - 298-5121 D-1 ASSIGN NUMBER FOR CITY ATTORNEY ®CITY CLERK "IST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: An Administrative Order to amend the Outside Counsel Account - Activity 09073 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT(OPTIONAL) RECEIVED ANALYST PHONE NO. JUL 1 6 �9 PLANNING COMMISSION - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION L 1 CIB COMMITTEE_STAFF COMMENTS: CITE/Yi ATTORNEY DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Transfer $9,393 to the Fees - Hearing Examiner Activity (09073-0219) and $5,007 to the Misc. Services Activity (09073-0199) from the Attorney's Fees Activity (09073-0218) to cover the unanticipated costs incurred from the special hearing for the proposed termination of the Fire Chief. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �"� y Aa yP tv 5s�� WL JUL 6 1990 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There are no other funds available to the City to fund Outside Counse�'ECEIVEO JUL 1 91990 CITY CLERK .OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $14,400 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE G nera l Fund — 001 ACTIVITY NUMBER 09073 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) dw 4� RECEIVED �o • P t..• JUN 19 1990 MY OF SAINr PAUL 3UDG- OFFICE WrERDEPART AIRIMAL MEMORANDUM June 19, 1990 TO: Stacy M. Becker Budget Director FROM: Jane A. McPeak/ City Attorney-:3 RE: Hearing costs for the Proposed termination of Fire Chief, Stephen F. Conroy In reviewing the costs incurred to date for the Conroy matter and estimating the remaining costs, it has become apparent that the costs are greater than was originally expected. As these costs represent a one time extraordinary expense and could not be anticipated, they are not funded for in the City Attorney 1990 budget. Below you will find a break down of the cost. Item Budgeted Costs Est. Tot Additional • Amount Incurred Costs Funds Needed Administrative Hearing Costs $ 7 , 000. 00 $ 7,592, 60 $16, 392. 00 $ 9, 392. 60 Outside Counsel For Council -0- -0- 6,050.00 6, 050.00 Metro Legal -0- -0- 280. 00* 280. 00 Transcript Costs 2, 000.00 7, 006. 39 7,006.39* 5, 006. 39 $ 9, 000. 00 $14,878.99 $29,728.99 $20, 728.99 I have enclosed for your convenience a copy of a memo written by Greg Blees, in which the funding request was transmitted to the Mayor and Council. Please call me, so that we may discuss the best way to approach the necessary budget adjustment needed. Thank you. *Actual Costs • CC: Mayor Scheibel Phil Byrne John Colonna +CITY G� - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���� ►�� OFFICE OF THE C= ATTORNEY • • ..• JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL PAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR June 21, 1990 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM JUN 190 TO: Greg Blees Buu(-- Budget Office FROM: Joanne Rettner City Attorney' Office RE: Outside Counsel Account - Activity 09073 Pursuant to your request, the following is a breakdown of • expenditures from our outside counsel account thus far in 1990 and our projection for expenditures through the end of the year. The total amount available in this activity for 1990 was $113,920. This includes the amount budgeted, funds carried over from last year's budget for ongoing fees of Jardine, Logan and O'Brien authorized by C.F. 89-1780, and the $9, 000 already transferred into this activity to cover expenses in the Conroy hearing. To date, we have expended $54,860 for outside counsel fees. This includes fees paid in connection with the Dahlen and Huyen lawsuits, fees paid to Jardine, Logan & O'Brien for their ongoing representation of the City in certain litigation cases, and costs incurred for the Conroy hearing. The balance remaining in this account is $59, 060. We expect to incur the following expenses for the remainder of 1990: 1. An additional $21,000 for the Conroy hearing (this includes the $6,050 recently requested for outside counsel fees in Jane McPeak's memo of June 19) . • • Greg Blees Page Two June 21, 1990 2 . $20, 000 - $25, 000 to Jardine, Logan & O'Brien for continued representation of the City in certain litigation cases. 3 . $10, 000 to Briggs & Morgan for representation in some HRA bond matters. 4. $20, 000 - $35, 000 for counsel fees in the Huyen/Dahlen lawsuits. There are presently four separate trials set for July in connection with these lawsuits. Should all cases go to trial we expect to incur $35, 000 in legal fees before the end of this year. Therefore, our total projected liability for outside counsel fees for the remainder of 1990 ranges from $71,000 to $91, 000, depending primarily on the outcome of the Huyen/Dahlen cases. In either case, we anticipate an additional transfer of funds will have to be made before the end of this year to cover outside counsel fees. • If you need any additional information, - please call me. •