D11010 4White — City Clark CITY OF SAINT 13A U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. UFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: 111010 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: 9- 10A0 90 BUMEI'REAISI0N ADNILN'ISI R.-ITIAT ORDE of Consistent with the at�thorit ra led to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City harter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of r inanc� Management Services y to amend the 19 83 budget of the Capital Improvement Bonds fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget Public Works Activities Permanent Improvement Revolving 30 , 984.71 (30,984.71 ) 0. 00 Signal Installations/Revisions 925-92083-0537-72119 22 ,019 .55 25 , 384. 37 47, 403 .92 Intersection Rechannelization 925-92083-0537-72118 0. 00 3 , 789 . 56 3, 789 .56 Arlington Avenue Lighting • 925-92083-0537-72180 0 . 00 432 .86 432 . 86 Minnehaha Lighting 925-92083-0537-72181 0 . 00 733 . 16 733. 16 Burns Avenue Lighting 925-92083-0537-72183 0 644.76 644.76 ------------ ------------ ------------ 53, 004.26 0. 00 53 , 004 .26 • Prepar by':Activity Manager Approved by:Mayor Requested by:Department rector Date DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIA Finance & Management Services g9� GREEN SHEET N0.7849 CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE [-]I DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR INmAU DATE CITY COUNCIL IMITIAUDATE Joan Rutten 292-6784 a34CH ASS FoR CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BE IONCOUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Amend the Capital Improvement Bonds budget to reflect the transfer of unused C.I.B. funds from the Permanent Improvement Revolvin Fund. r RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. ANALYST PHONE NO. CIS COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: STAFF DISTRICT COURT OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE NT SERVICES INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whet,When,Where,Why): Unused 1983 C.I.B. funding was returned from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. These amounts are not reflected in the Capital Improvement Bonds Fund available balances. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The balances in the Capital Improvement Bonds Fund will reflect the correct amount available for reallocation. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECEIVED NONE JUL 0 3 1990 BUDGET OFFICE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The available balances in the Capital Improvement Bonds Fund will be not correct. RECEIVED JU CITY CLERK OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 30,984.71 COSTIREVE�IUE BUDGETED(CMU NO P.I.R. Fund Various FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) d