D10996 White - city Clark G I TY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dapt. ()IrFIGF OF THE MAYOR No: IL1 (1J�1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I -q -l0 lil'IX;ET RBISION Date: PED - Community Development page 1 AD'.%iZ\�ISMA.T1\'E ORDER, onsistent with the aiylthori ranted o the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of rlanning & Conom c Development to amend the 19 85 budget of the Community Development Block Grant fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CDBG Year XI ----------------------------------- Current Amended HRA Property Management Budget Change Budget P6-100-39102-0537-61003 $178,698.00 ($74,116.59) $104,581.41 Citizen Participation P6-100-39117-0537-61013 $346,205.00 $73,142.10 $419,347.10 HRA Contract Services P6-100-39102-0537-61112 $0.00 $30,653.40 $30,653.40 Residential Street Paving P6-100-39103-0537-61177 $555,030.00 $287.00 $555,317.00 General Administration P6-100-39101-0537-61179 $0.00 $36.91 $36.91 P6-100-39102-0537-61179 $17,070.00 ($4,754.08) $12,315.92 • P6-100-39112-0537-61179 $639,497.00 ($395,245.02) $244,251.98 P6-100-39116-0537-61179 $222,000.00 $113,116.58 $335,116.58 P6-100-39117-0537-61179 $1,100,383.00 $81,822.27 $1,182,205.27 Deferred Payment Loans P6-100-39112-0537-61220 $0.00 $5,675.00 $5,675.00 Energy Deferred Loans P6-100-39112-0537-61221 $249,810.00 ($5,295.00) $244,515.00 Neighborhood Partnership Program P6-100-39105-0537-61225 $10,750.00 $750.00 $11,500.00 P6-100-39112-0537-61225 $59,609.29 ($59,609.29) $0.00 Rain Leader Disconnection P6-100-39112-0547-61232 $18,126.91 ($12,583.58) $5,543.33 Neighborhood Energy Program P6-100-39112-0547-61232 $0.00 $2,325.73 $2,325.73 Unspecified Contingency P6-100-39118-0537-61999 $84,198.32 $243,794.57 $327,992.89 --------------------------------------------- Totals $3,481,377.52 $0.00 $3,481,377.52 �, 90 Prepar by. ctivity er Approved by:Ma Requested by:Department erector Date White dity Clark CITY O F SA I IFT 13A U L Pink — Finance Dept. Crnary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE M AY U R No: 1Iy/1�Q' '� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 'T.q" 90 BUIX;ET RENISIO� Date: `1 PED- Community Development ( ,� JQ. 2. AMIEXISIR.AMT ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of P1 ann;n"—E mic Development to amend the 19$6-_budget of the Community Development Block Grant fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget CD Year XIE HRA Property Management P6-100--39202-0537-61003 $210, 173.00 $28,779.03 $238,952.03 Citizen Participation P6-100-39217-0537-61013 $378,386.00 $26,671.27 $405,057.27 Finance/Accounting P6-100--39217-0537-61085 $26,362.00 ($1 ,747.37) $24,614.63 NHS Revolving Loan Fund • P6-100-39212-0547-61099 $525,373.81 $15,808. 14 $541 , 181.95 HRA Contract Services P6-100-39202-0537--61112 $0.00 $31,438.95 $31 ,438.95 CDBG Audit Expenses P6--100-39217-0537-61117 $30,000.00 $17,099.90 $47,099.90 General Administration P6-100-39202-0537-61179 $0.00 $10,438.90 $10,438.90 P6--100--39212-0537-61179 $783,808.00 ($311,540.79) $472,267.21 P6--100-39216-0537-61179 $222,000.00 $95, 160.49 $317, 160.49 P6-100-39217-0537--61179 $1,259,781.00 ($199,715.72) $1,060,065.28 Taxi Refueling Station P6--100--39212-0537-61201 $500,000.00 ($500,000.00) $0.00 Neighborhood Partnership Program P6--100-39205-0537-61225 $0.00 $22,347.50 $22,347.50 P6--100--39212-0537-61225 $24,840.71 ($24,765.88) $74.83 Prepared by: tiv�ity pis Approved .Mayor Requested by:Department director Date White — City Clark CITY O F SAINT 13A IT L Pink, — finance Dept. Cinery— Dept. O1°FIGfR OF THE MAYOR No: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I3I'IX;EI'REN ISION Date: I —1 PED—Community Development page, 3 %1a'ISTR-VM E ORDER,Consistent with th$rthority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the requgst of the Director of the Department of_ Planning & Economic Development to amend the 1901) budget of the Cnmmun i ty Development- Rlock Grant fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget E1 Rio Vista Rehabilitation P6-100--39203--0537--61270 $79,000-00 ($9,890-87) $69, 109. 13 Acq. of Blighted Prop/Riverfront P6-100-39201-0537--61274 $0.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00 Rain Leader Disconnection P6-100--39212-0537-61276 $50,000.00 ($22,047.63) $27,952.37 Urban League/Leap P6--100--39205-0547-61277 $25,000.00 ($3,888. 18) $21, 111 .82 • Single Family Rehab/ESNDC P6--100--39212-0547-61278 $0.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 Unspecified Contingency P6--100-39218--0537-61999 $122,323.00 $215,852.26 $338, 175.26 Totals $4,237,047.52 $0.00 $4,237,047.52 I In S� • Prepared 6y: ivity ApprovYd by:Ms Requested by:Department director Date )JOG DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ouo& GREEN SHEET rvo. 9035 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON&P E It'� � C�DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL y� `f ASSIGN I '�I CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK l�� d NUMBER FOR LJ IST BE ON COUNCI AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING ®BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&�M1GT(.SERVICES DIR. ! N ORDER ID MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) E71 6.0,14"lO \ TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: /1 Q �PPrat�AL o A� r� �u � ' R�UT�► o� 5 �rz IqH 0 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE COMMENTS: _STAFF _DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): �U n1 �R Cif 5 n 5 XL Ago � `�a �� � ► 6Un6e--r5 Sal--AT-�G� R�u1S 1Orjs W/��' �uDri�t PC rSl� �ffl�l � 7�.. Cd��/� If� rvo G�GG 5t,(a.T� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 6aLAOcr01 iIqN J w, LL, &C— ct'05-6 0 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: os 066 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: (A)/CL 1\\Jo-r 6� 41SV- -ro C605E wL+021990 CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF-TRAOSAGT" s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE CO' 6 ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) l7Ci�-. nod wAl L .