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White -City Clerk CI'T'Y OF SAINT` PAUL Pink -Finance Dept. Canary-DeDt. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No.: T-10177 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date:.D4aY 72-"9- In the matter of an approved city project known as the Seventh/Otto Storm Sewer Project (City Project No. 90-S-8060, Final Order approved November 14, 1989, C.F. No. 89-2003, 89-2004 and 89-2005). The Department of Public Works determined that a storm sewer should be constructed in Otto Avenue and Orrin Street under the Soo Line Railroad tracks in the vicinity of Stewart Avenue. The presence of rock necessitates that the storm sewer be constructed by the open cut trench method. The Department of Public Works has negotiated an agreement with the Soo Line Railway to remove and replace their track and/or appurtenances to facilitate sewer construction at an estimated cost of$73,922. The cost of the railroad work will be paid for from project funds and has been identified in the project contract award, therefore it is hereby ORDERED, that the City of St. Paul enter into an agreement with the Soo Line Railway for payment for removing and replacing railroad tracks in the vicinity of Otto Avenue and Stewart Avenue and Stewart Avenue and Orrin Street; and BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that the proper City officials are directed and authorized to execute said agreement. • APPROVED,AS Tq FORM �,. e' Rssi9t11t C y Attorney a artment Hea 0 � Date � �2�G? ' ..e..«_„r r,. Nayor EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 'ublic Works 5/24/90 GREEN SHEET 1gN,Q. INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE ONTACT PERSON&PHONE ©DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL loe Mueller(6149) ASSIGN ©CITYATTORNEY , , zi;N CLERK ;,:.,µ NUMBER FOR � _� F ,_ 1—T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT SERVICES DIR. ,P ORDER ©MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) ©Joe Mueller 292-6149 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ❑ %CTION REQUESTED administrative Order to enter into an agreement with the Soo Line Railway for removing and replacing of their tracks to facilitate ,ewer construction. {RECEIVED FCOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST JUN 1990 PHONE NO. CIB COMMITTEE COMMENTS _STAFF _DISTRICT COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ry.ND MANAGEMENT SERVICES JITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE,WHY): -he Seventh/Otto Storm Sewer Project (90-S-8060) requires construction of a storm sewer under the Soo Line Railway tracks In Otto Avenue and Orrin Street. Because of the presence of rock, this construction must be done by the open cut trench nethod. Public Works has negotiated an agreement with Soo Line to remove and replace their tracks to facilitate construction. his work must be done between July 5 and July 10 in order that rail service to Ford Motor Company not be disrupted. DVANTAGESIF APPROVED: sewer construction can proceed with no disruption to rail service to Ford Motor Company. )ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Qone )ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Sewer separation work will not be completed as scheduled. RECEIVED JUN+ 61990 CITY CLERK tL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION$73,922 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNDING SOURCE Sewer Revenue Bond ACITVITY NUMBER C90-2T623-29091 INANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) d�