10-73Council File #_�� ?
Green Sheet# 3095217
Presented by
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative
heazing record and testimony heazd at public hearing on January 6, 2010 hereby memorializes its decision
to certify and approve the December 15, 20Q9 decision of the Legislative Heazing Officer for the following
164 Geranium Avenue West
Michael Gralish
10 Decision: Appeal denied and refening the property to the Vacant Building Program, and waiving the
11 vacant building fee for 90 days. The property owner must obtain a certificate of code compliance before
12 the property can be re-occupied. Appeal denied and extension granted to June 30, 2010 to complete the
13 exterior repairs.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date �
Adoption Certified by Coun il Secretary
Approved ` 3� Date t �� /
Form Approved by City Attorney
Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
DepartmentlOffice/Council: Date Initiated: �
co-�°°n��� ,2��zo,o Green Sheet NO: 3095217
Contad Person 8 Phone: Deoar6neet SeM To Person Initial/Date
Marcia Moermond y o omcit 0
6-8570 1 ooncil De artment Director
Assign Z 'tv Clerk Ci Clerk
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 0
Fof 4 0
Doc. Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 0
E-Document ReqUired: Y
Document ConWCt: Mai Vang
Contact Phone: 68563
ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature)
Adion Requested:
ResoluGon memorializing City Council action taken January 6, 2010 denying the appeal, referzed to Vacant Building Program with
fee waived for 90 days, Certificate of Code Compliance required for re-occupancy, and extension granted for exterior repairs for
property at 164 Geranium Avenue West.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrect for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has thi5 person/firm evef been a cily employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
ToWI Amount of
Trensaction: Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
FUnding Source: Activity Number:
FinanCial information:
January 12, 2010 3:57 PM Page 1
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December 9, 2009
Michael Gralish
2031 8rennerAve
Roseville, MN 55113
RE: 164 Geranium Ave W
Dear Mr. Gralish:
Your application for an appeal has been received and processed.
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Please attend the public armg before the Legislative Hearing Officer on Tuesday,
December 15, 2009 at ti:30 p.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your
appeal concerning the above referenced property. Atthattime the Legislative Hearing Officer
will hear all parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may resuit in denial
of your appeal.
Sinc rely,
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Shari Moore
City Clerk
Leanna Shaff, DSI (Fire)
Phil Owens, DSI (Fire)
Marcia Moermond, Legisiative Hearing Officer
Jerry Hendrickson, Deputy City Attorney
15 4VEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, SUTTE 310 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA55102 Tel: 651-266-8688 Fax: 651-2668574 wwwstpassl.gov
M A�rtnative Action Equal Opportumry Employer
: �r.�;.
� �;
Saint Pat1 City C"terk
1� W. KeIIogg Blvd., 910 City Hall
Samt Paul, Minnesota 55102
'FeIephone: (65I) 266-8688
1. Address of Properry being Appealed:
i� �� �
D£C � � `U�'�
��' �1
2. Number oi Awelli� Units: � 3. Date of Letter
�/– ��—�
�t. Na�ne of Owner. ,�> ��7�� ��/` r`�C�� � 1 S�
Address:�'i�f �j��.'���� City: �1�� �9tate:_��ip:.�✓���
Phone Numbers: Business
5. Appellant / Appliearit (if other than owner}:
Address: City: State:
Phone I�Ttuabers: Business
iZesidence�✓� '�i � ✓ � CeIlular
6 State specifically w�ai is being a�pealed'and wk�y (ITse aa attachment if necessarg):
,. ,�� , , fl n C �
NOTE: A$25.00 filing fee made payable To the City of Saint Pau1 must accompany this application as a
necessary conditioa #or filing. You must atta"eh a copy of the original c>rders and any other cozrespondence relative
to this appeai. l�ny pezson unsarisfied by the final decision of thP City Council may obtain judicial review by
�maly fiIing of an action as provided by law in IJistrict Co�ut.
� For O€fice Use Ouly `�
Received: Fee Received: Receipt Number.
Date of Heanh
��� p�
DEruz�T oF sr.�� r.� misracnoxs
Fire Inspection Di�nsion
Bob KessZer, Direc[or � � �� �
Christopher B. Caleman, Mayor
November 30, 2009
ROSEVII,LE MN 55113-1208
Deaz Property Representative:
375JacksonStreet.Suite220 Telephone: 6i1-266-8989
SaintPaul,Minnuota55701-1806 Facsmile: 651-266-8957
Web: wwwstpauZeov/dri
Your building was inspected on November 30, 2009.
The building was found to be unsafe, unfit for human habitation, a public nuisance, a hazard to
the public welfare or otherwise dangerous to htunan life. A Condemnation Piacard has been
posted on the building.
The foilowing deficiency list must be completed immediately or the building vacated.
Please contact Jim Seeger to schedule a code compliance insuection at: 651-266-9Q46.
Failute to complete the corrections may result in a criminal citation. The Saint Paul Legislative
Code requires that no building be occupied without a Fue Certificate of Occupancy.
Exterior - SPLC 71.01 - The address posted is not visible from sireet. (FIN-1)-Provide
reflective nuxnbers or background or illuminate at night.
2. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (3), 3432 (3) - Repair and maintain the door in good condition.
3. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (1) b,c, 3432 (1) b,c - Provide and maintain all exterior walls free
from holes and deterioration. All wood exterior unprotected surfaces must be painted or
protected from the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from chipped
or peeling paint.-Paint all exterior peeling azeas on the house and garage.
4. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (i) e, 34.32 (1) d- Provide and maintained the roof weather tight
and free from defects.-Repair or replace the damaged roof on the house and garage.
An Equal Oppomuiity Employer
( U-��
5. Exterior - SPLC 34.08 (5), 3431 (3) - Repair, replace and maintain all exterior surfaces
on fences, sheds, gazages and other accessory structures free from holes and
deteriaration. Provide and maintain exterior unprotected surfaces painted or protected
from the elements.-Repau or remove the gazage. Replace the roof, broken garage doors,
and paint. Also repair or replace the broken fence.
6. Exterior - SPLC 34.08 (1), 3431 (1) - All exterior property areas shall be maintained free
from any accumulation of refuse, gazbage or £eces.-Remove the over-flowing dumpster.
7. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (3), 3432 (3) - Repair and maintain the window glass.-Replace ali
missing windows.
8. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (3), 34.32 (3) - Repair and maintain the window frame.
9. Exterior - SPLC 34.09 (3), 3432 (3) - Provide or repair and maintain the window screen.
10. interior - MSFC 60�.6 - Provide electrical cover plates to all outlets, switches and
junction boxes where missing.
11. Interior - MSFC 605.1 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may
require a pernut(s). Call DSI at (651) 266-9090.
12. Interior - MSFC 605.1 - Remove unapproved exposed wiring and install in accordance
with the electrical code. This work may require a pernut(s). Call DSI at (651) 266-9090.
13. Interior - SPLC 34.14 (2) c- Provide or replace the duplex convenience outlet with
ground fault protection within 3 feet of the basin on an adjacent wali in all bathrooms.
This work may require a pemut(s). Call DSI at (651) 266-9090.
14. Interiar - MSFC 605.5 - Discontinue use of extension cords used in lieu of permanent
15. Interior - NEC 110-26 - Provide and maintain a minimum of 36 inches clearance in front
of all electrical panels.
i 6. � Lnterior - SPiC 34.23, MSFC 110.1 - This occupancy is condemned as unsafe or
dangerous. This occupancy must not be used until re-inspected and approved by this
17. Tnterior - SPLC 34.1� (7), 3433 (6) - Repair and maintain the walls in an approved
manner.-Complete renovations under pernut.
18. Interior - SPLC 34.10 (7), 3433 (6) - Repair and maintain the floor in an approved
manner.-Complete renovations under permit.
19. Interior - SPLC 34.10 (7), 3433 (6) - Repair and maintain the ceiling in an approved
manner.-Complete renovations under pemut.
f U��
20. Interior - UMC 504.6 - Provide, repair or replace the dryer e�aust duct. E�aust ducts
for domestic clothes dryers shall be constructed of inetal and shall have a smooth interior
finish. The exhaust duct shall be a minimum nominal size of four incbes (102 mm) in
diameter. The entire e�aust system shall be supported and secured in place.
21. Interior - SPLC 34.11, SBC 2902.1, SPLC 34.17, MPC 4715.0200.0 - Provide an
approved number and type of piumbing fixtures.-Provide a ldtchen sink, and remove the
illegal kitchen and illegal unit from the basement.
22. Interior - SPLC 3411 (5), 3434 (2) - Contact a licensed contractor to repair or replace
the water heater. 'Phis work may requue a pernut(s). Call DSI at (651) 266-9090.
23. Interior - SPLC 34.11 (6) - Frovide and maintain a minnnum of 68 degrees F in all
habitabie rooms at a11 times.
24. Interior - SPLC 34.13 (4) - Provide and maintain a minimum egress window sill height of
48 inches. Refer to provide handout EW-1 for more intormarion.-Illegal bedroom in the
basement-Remove. s
25. Interior - MSFC 10033.1.8 - Remove unapproved locks from the unit doors. The door
must be openable from the inside without the use ofkeys or special laiowledge or effort.
26. SPLC 34.11 (6), 3434 (3) - Provide service of heating facility by a licensed contractor
which must include a carbon monoxide test. Submit a completed copy of the Saint Paul
Fire Mazshal's Existing Fuel Burning Equipment Safety Test Report to this office.
27. SPLC 39.02(c) - Complete and sign the provided smoke detector affidavit and retum it to
this office.
For an explanation or information on some of the violations contained in this report, please visit
our web page at: http://www.ci.stpaui.mn.us/index.aspx?NID=211
You have the right to appeal these orders to the Legislative Hearing Officer. Applications for
appeals may be obtained at the Office of the City Clerk, 310 City Hall, City/County Courthouse,
15 W Kellogg Blvd, Saint Paul MN 55102 Phone: (651-266-8688) and must be filed within 10
days of the date of the original orders.
If you have any questions, email me at: lisa.martin@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call me at
651-266-8988 between 6:30 - 830 a.m. Please help make Saint Paul a safer place in which to
live and work.
Lisa Martin
Pire Inspector
December 15, 2009 Legislative Hearing Minutes ���/12, Page 7
6. Appeal of Michael Gralish to a Certificate of Occupancy Revocation, which includes
Condemnation, for properry at 164 Geranium Avenue West.
Michael Gralish, property owner, appeared with his son, Cory Gralish. Leanna Shaff, Fire — DSI,
appeared on behalf of the department.
Ms. Shaff stated that a complaint was received on November 6, 2009 that there were five people
living in the house, there was loose wiring, the house was filled with trash, the garage was filled
with trash, there was no trash hauling service at the property, and people burned trash. On
November 9, Tnspector Martin went to the property and there was no answer. She sent an
appoinrinent letter to inspect the property on November 19. On November 18, the property owner
contacted the inspector and requested an extension which Inspector Martin rescheduled to
November 30. On November 30, Inspector Martin inspected the property and found the kitchen had
been gutted, there was no electricity, there were what appeared to homeless people living there, and
she condemned the building as uninhabitable placing placards on the exterior of the building. The
vacate was immediate given the conditions found at the property.
Cory Gralish stated that the house had been his grandparents' house and he had moved into it
approximately four years ago. He explained that he was a recovering drug addict and took in
recovering addicts who had no place to go. Currently, there was a family friend who was a
recovering addict who was living with him. He said that he was trying to rehab the kitchen;
however, he ran out of money. He was currently using the basement as a kitchen unit as it had a wet
bar as well as a couple of refrigerators.
Ms. Shaff stated that there were no permits for any of the work that had been done. She said the
inspector had taken photographs when she inspected the property; however, they were "stuck" in
her computer and IT did not provide assistance so that she could present them at the hearing.
Michael Gralish stated that since the property was condemned, they couldn't pull any pernuts. Cory
Gralish stated that he intended to repair the interior of the building and wanted to wait until spring
to make the remainder of the repairs. He wished to remain living in the house while he continued
making the repairs.
Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal and referring the property to the Vacant Building
Program. She also recommended waiving the vacant building fee for 90 days. The owner must
obtain a code compliance inspection report and must obtain a certificate of code compliance before
the property can be re-occupied. All permits must be pulled for any wark that has already been
done and all new work done in accardance with the code compliance inspection report. Ms.
Moermond also recommended granting an extension to complete the exterior repairs to June 30,