D001994CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, � Na: oQ I 99� Date: °JJ ��/ WHEREAS, the Great American History Theatre (GAHT) has leas�the space in the Arts and Science Center (a.k.a. the East building ofthe Minnesota Science Museum) located at 30 East l Oth Street forthe past 14 months from the City of Saint Paul; WHEREAS, the GAHT has requested to continue their lease of certain spaces in the Arts and Science Center for the term of September 1, 2000 - August 31, 2001; THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement TMS/8. APPROVED AS TO FORM ��l✓L�w.w�_ TIZ/a ( Assistant City Attorney Date ����� ���/� � � Departsnent Head � ��� �_C� ��-/i// �\� Mayor -;� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: March 1, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 111858 ontact Person and Phone Number: � 2 EPAR'1'MEN? DIRECl'OR C11'Y COIINCII. ave Nelson 266-8860 1 r"'^�'TOx�v crrvc��uc i3DGETDSRECLOR FFICEOFFINANCIAl,SVCS. [ust be on Council Agenda by: 3 YOR (OR ASSLSl'ANT) 4 AI. ESTA1'E DIVLSION 'OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES i �cc,m a�,L Loca�noxs Fox sicNa�> Execute the Admininstraive Order thaf authorized Lease TMS/8 between the City of Saint Paul and Great American History Theatre for the term of Sept. l, 2000 - Ausgust 31, 2001. Ref: 1. Adminsitrative Order for signature;• 2. Sample lease. ' PLANNING COh➢NISSION C[VII. SERVICE COMhllSSION C� CObNll'CLEE A STAFF WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? �RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has the person/firm ever worked uoder a contract for this departme�t? YES NO Has this person/firm evet �ieen a City employee? Does this persoWfirm possess a skill not uormally possessed by any current City employee? all YES answers on a COUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): Continued operation of the GAHT until the properly is sold. AGES IF APPROVED: The GAHT will remain in its current lease space. she¢t and attach. YES NO YES NO 17 n NTAGESIFAPPROVED: �+° s '�'t"'���"� RECEiVE���'�'� NONE � �;�.�� �kR 15 200� ��a � � ��� 'AN'I'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' The GAHT would have to relocate. AMOiIN'L' OF TRANSACTION: $36�4g0.00 SOURCE: INFORDIATION: (EXPLAIlV) City will receive $36,480. F�At ES7,'�,E B�v�s��n COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACITVITY NUMBER: 160-091g0-68�1 �( i , � / / �� � / / � , �� ��i ' � ' ��' �i /�� � � ►�/ / � � /1 �, �/ / � � � � � �, j . / • � �� � ��� ��� � � ���, �� � � G� -' '�� - �� 3��� ,: �r. � � '�v e -- - � � „ / I � ,l � d� � . �- , � - � ., � � � � �i� � � / n � • i �J • Authority (C.F. or A.O.) L,EASE N0. FINANCE DEPT. LEASE NO. 'r��x DATE: No_vember 15. 2000 L�SSOR: C1TY OF SAII3T PAUL DEPARTMENT OF TECTiNOLOGY & MANA�EMENT SRRV(CES LESSEE:, �I15TORY THEATER INC. CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL STANDARD LEASE AGREEivIENT [1] Leased Premises. The LESSOR, ui considerarion of the payment of the Basic Rent and Additional Rent hereinaQer speciiied to bc paid by che LESSEE, and the covenants and agrcemenu herein contained, does hereby leasc, demise and let unto LESSEE the I3istorv Theater hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Prcmises," whose address is: 30 East 10" Street Saint Paut Minnesota SS1U1 together with any fixnues, improvemenu and slraclures, if any located thereon. This lease covers only those pazts of the premises shown on Eahibit "A" pagcs 1 through 4. [2J Term of Lease. This lease shali be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated below, unlcss tcrminated eulier by the LESSOR as provided herein. Term (MonthslYears) Commencing Date Ending Date 1 year September 1, 2000 August 31, 2001 [3j Use of P�emises. The LESSEE shall use and occupy the Leased Premises, outlined in yellow on �xhibit "A", for theatrical productions, be.nefitc and ncher activities surronnding �heater ptuducti�n, and for no othcr purposc without the prior wriccen consent of LESSOR. [4J Rent. Rent shall consist of Basic Rent and such Additional Rent as may apply. LESSEE shall pay aIl rent in advunce, on the first day of thc tcnn of thc lcase and on the �t da� each payment period lhereafter as indicatcd in thc Payment Schedule below: �S' Schedule Total Basic Rent I Dtuing Lcasc Term (Payment Period — Commencing Date — S per Pcriod) $36,480.00 monthly September l,JA�S Zoa� $3,040.00 C� (Sj Taxes. LESSEE shall be responsible for and pay all taxes and assessmenu against the Leased • Premises, except that LESSEE may ac iu own expense contesl and challenge the imposition or amount of xny such tax or assessment as prescribed by law; provided, howcvcr, that in the event this Lzase is tcrminaced by either pany, LESSOR may at its option rcquire the LESSEE to pay such contested taxes pending appeal, to place in escrow a sum sufhcicnt to pay Said laxes, or take other action thac will remove said contested taxes as an encumbrance to tide or as an exceprion to the transferability of marketable tide to the Izased Premiscs. j6] Rinht of Entrv. At all times duiing the term oC thzs lease, the LESSOR shall have the right, by itseif, its aoents and employecs, to enter into and upon thc Lcased Premises dnring reasonablc basiness hours or, in the cvcnt of an emergency, at any fimc for any leo timate purposc. [7] lnsurance. (A) LESSOR' Insurance. Thc LESSOR shall acquire and kecp in effect during the term of this agreement the following covcrages: (1) FIREANDAI.LRISKINSURANCE,ontheLcasedPremiseswithiimitsofnoticss than full $2AOO.00Q-shall be purchased by thc LESSOR; the LESSEE shall pay, as Additional Rent, the premium for said insui�ance and, in the event of a claim, any dcductible. Said insurance shall name thc City of Sainc Panl as the insured. With � respcct to any loss of the LESSOR'S property nat covered by insurdnce, it shall be the responsibility of the LfiSSEL•, within a reasonabie time, to pay all costs to rcpair or replace the damaged property with like kind, such reasonablc timc to be determined by the LESSOR. LESSEE shall be responsible for insurance of its own propeny. (B) LESSEE'S insurance. Thc I.ESSEE shall acquire durzng the term of this Icase the foliowing coverage: (1) The I,ESSEE shall be responsible for the self insurautcc of, or the acquisition of Commercial Property Insurance on its personal property. (2) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABII.ITY INSURANCE inctuding blanket convactual liabiliry covcragc, personal in}ury liability coverage and broad forai property damage liability endorsement with a combined single limit of not lcss than $1,000,000 per occurrence shall be purchased by the T.�SSEE. Such insurance shall: (a) namc the City of Saint PauI as additional insured; (b) bc primary with respec[ to LESSOR'S insurance or self-insurance; (c) not cxciude explosion, collapse and undergrouud properry damage; (d) be written on an "Occurrence" Forni policybasis; and (e) notcontain an"aagregate" pulicy limi� unless specificailyapproved in writin� by LESSOR. (3) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE with minimum IimitS of $750,000 combined sing]e limit and $1,000,000 aggregate, coverin� hired, non-owned and owned automobilcs. C � J 2 (4) WORKERS'COMPENSATTONII3SURANCEwithnatlessthanstacucoryminimum • limits; and EMPLOYERS' LTABILITY INSURANCE with minimum limiU of at least $lOQ,000 per accident and wxth an all statcs cndor.sement. (5) The LESS�E shall supply to LESSOR curcent insurance certificates for policics tequired in Paragraph (7). The said certificates stsall cemfy whether or not thc agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage. (6) The limits cited undcr each insunnce reqairemcnt ahove establish minimums; and it is the solc responsibiliry oI' the LESSEE to purchase and maintain additional insurancc that may be oecessary in rclation to this lease. (7) Nothing in this contract shall consatute a waiver by rhe LESSOR of any statutory limits or cxceprions on liabilzty. (8} LESSEE shatl place the insurance with responsible insurance companies authori�.ed and licensed to do busincss in the State oCMinnesota and approved by LESSOR, and shall deliver copics of the policies to L�SSOR on the date of LESSEE'S execution of this agreement. The policies required in paragraph (7) shall be endorsed to indicate that the insurer cannot cancel or ch•ange the insurance withouc ['irst giving thc LESSOR 30 days' written notice. (9) insurance limits shall be subjea to the lort claims liability limits as set forth in chapter 466 of Minnesota Statutes. � (C) Waivcr of SubroQation. LESSOR waives its right of s�ibzogation for damage to the Buitding, contcnts therein, loss of use thereof, andlor loss of income, up to the amount oi insuranee pirocceds collected. LESSEE wazves its right of subrogarion for damage to property in thc Leased Premises, loss of use thereof, loss af income and/or accounts receivable, up to the amount oC their re�pective insurance proceeds collecced. The parties shall notify thcir respecuve insurance companics, in wriring, of the provisions ot i.his paragraph; and, if cither cannot w:uve its subrogarion rights, such party shall immediately notify the othcr party, in writing. j8] CancellaYion or Terminafion. This le•ase shall bc subject to cancellauon and tesmanation by LESSOR at any ume during the term hcrcof by giving the T,ESSEE notice in writing at ninety {40) days, (thiriy (30� days Yorlcascs with a term of one (1) year or less or any month-to-month tenancics) prior to the date when such terminacion shali become effec�ive. In �he event vf such tennination, and on thc effcctivc date of such termination, LESSOR shall return any uncamed rentai paid by The LESSEE wi�houc interest. [9j Notice. All nouces hercin provided to be given, or tha� may be given by either pany to thc other, shall be deemed to have becn fully given when served personally on LESSOR orLESSEE, or when made in writing and deposited in theTJniced States MaiJ, certified andpostage prepaid, and addressed to the LLSSEE at thc address stated on page (1) and [o the L�SSOR at the Rcai Estate Divisian,140 City Fiall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. ?he address to which thc noticc shall be mailed may be . changcd by written notice givea by either party to the other. Nothing herein sha11 Qreclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service. [i(1] Assienment and Sublettin�. Except as providcd in Paragraph [Bj, LESSEE shall not assign or sublet this Lease without the written consen[ �f thc LESSOR, which consent must be obtained prior • to the execuuon of any agreement �o suble•ase the Leased Premiscs. (11] MaintenanceandRenairs.LESSORshall,aticsowncostandexpense,beresponsibleforallrepaus maincenance and upkecp of the Leased 1'renuscs, including but notlimited to emergency repairs of any kind; janiwriat scrvices on a schedule to be agreed upon at a later date; muune maintenance and repair to keep theLeased Premises in good repair, safe and in compliance with applicable fuc,heahh, building and other life-safety codcs; and all repairs and maintcnance needed to keep the building.s or suuctures on the Lzased Premises in good condition, including (a) the exterior (including windows and doors) and interior suucture of the buildings or st�uctures, (b) �he roof or roof's, (c) ihe heating, venrilacing and air conditioning systems thciroin, (d) all electrical, piumbing> lighting, mechanical sys[ems fire suppression equipmenG i.c. fire sprinkler sys�em; and (c) all grounds, fences and roads within the Lcased Premises. [12) Pavmentc in Case of Default. LESSEE shall pay LESSOR all costs and expcnscs, including reatonable attomey's fecs in any action brr�ught by LESSOR to recover any rent duc and unpaid hereunder, or for thc brcach or default of any of the covcnants or agreements contained in this LQase, or to recover possession of said property, whether snch actian progresseS to jud�nent or not. [13} Surrender of Premises. The LESSbE, at thc cxpiration of said term, or any sooner terminavon of this lease, shall quit peacefuily and sunender passession of said propetty and its appurcenances to • LESSOR in as good order and condition as the properry wa,c delSvered to the LESSEE. {14] Indemnitv. The LESSEE agrees to indemnify, delend, savc and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul and any agents, otticers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, ae6ons or causes of action of whatsoevcr nanue or chazac�er, arising out of or by reason of zhe Lease of the hcrcin described Leased Prcmiscs hy the LESSOIZ to the l,ESSEE, or the use or condi�ion of the I.cascd Premises or as a result of the operations or business activiries taking place on the T.eased Premises. It is fully understood and agreed that LESSEE is awue of the conditians oC the T.eased Prcmises and leases the same "as is" [15] I;aldover. Any holdover after thc cxpiration of che term oC lhis Lease shall bc allowed only after receiving the writtenconsent of the LESSOR. Said tenancy shatt be deemed to be a tenancy only from month-to-month. Ail uther tcrms and c�ndirions of this I�ase shall be applicable. [Ibj Poliution and Contaminants. LESSEE agrees to comply with all ordinuices, laws, rules and regulations enacted by any governmental body or agency rclating to the control. abatement or emission of air and water contaminants and the disposal of refuse, solid w�stes or liquid wastes. LESSEE shall bear a]] costs and expenses tuising from compliance with said ordinances, laws, ruics. or rcgulations and shail indemnify, dcfcnd, save and hold harmiess LESS4R from all liabiliry, in- cluding without limitation, fincs, forfeitures, and penalties arising from thc failure by LESSEE to . comply wi[h such ordinances> laws, rules or regulations. LESSOR has thc righc co perform eleanup and chazge the L�SSEE as Addiflonal Rent for such cos�s should the LESSEE fail to comply. [! [17] Controllin�Lease_IncheeventthereisanypriorexisungleaseorrentalagrccmcncbetweenLESSEE and LES SOR (or iu predecessor in in[erest) covering the subject property, it is agreed and understood • that this Lease shatl cancel and terminate any prior Icases or rental agreemente as of the effective date of this lease. (18) Des�uction. In the event of damage to or de,etruction of the Leased Premises or in the event the premises becomes uncenantable or �nfic far occupancy due �o sueh damage during the tcrm of this I.ease, LESSOR may a� its option: (A) tcnninatc the lease upon fifceen (15) days' written nouce to LESSEH; or (g) within fiftccai (15) days agree to restore the premises within a reasonabie cime period following the casualcy, charging rhe costs in excess oC Ihe insurance proceeds, if any, to the LESSEE as Additional Rent; or (C) may direcx that LESSEE prompdy restore the Leased Premises to substanually the condirion cxisting immediately prior to such damage or destruction, and for thal purpose, if such dam- age or desuucrion was caused by perils insured agains[ the LESSOR sh�il make availabie to LESSEE pro-rata, as work progresses, the net proceeds of such insurance. If such proceeds are imcufficient to pay the enrire cos[ thereof, LESSEE adrees to pay as Additional Rent, a hmip smn paymenc (or in a form agreed upon by che LESSOR) equal eo the rem:under oCsuch cost. The Basic Rcnts to bc paid duiing the restoration period shall be abated in praponion to the percentagc oY' loss and impairment of the use of the Leased Premises as determined by che � LESSOR, timcs thc numbcr oY days of loss or impairment. [19] Events of Default The oce. of' any oY the following evcnu during thc term of this Leate shall constitute an event of default by the LESSEE: (A) the filing of a petition to have LESSEE adjudicated bankrupt or a petition for reorg•anization or azrangement under any laws of the United States relating to bankivptcy Yiled by LESSL•E; (B) in the event a petition to have LESSEE adjudicated bankrupt is F'i.led against LESSEE, the faihue to dismiss such petirion withia ninery (90) days from the date of such filing; (C) the assets of LESSEE or of the business conducted by LESSEE on the L.eased Premises be assumed by any tivstce or othcr person pvrsuant to any judicial procecdin�s; �p) �) (� (G) n U LESSEE makes any assignment for the benefit of crcditors; the failure by LESSEE to rimely pay Basic Rent or Addiriona] Renc as required by ihis Izase; thc failure by LESSEE to obseive and perform any covenant, condicion or agreement on iu part to bc observed or performed as required by rhis Lease; or thc failure by LESSEE or its surety to dischazge, satisfy or release any lien or lien statement filed or recorded agains[ the Leased Premises within sixty days after the date of such filing or recording, whichever d�te is earlier. 5 It is an express covenant and agreemen� of I,ESSOR and LESSEE that LESSOR may, at its election, terminate this Leasc in the event of the occurrence of any of the events described in this paragraph • or in paragnph (22) relaring �o liens by giving not ]ess than ten days' written notice to LESSEE; and when so tcmunaced, LESSOIt uiay rccnter the Lzased Premises. This Lease an d its Leased Premises shall not bc ueated as an asset of LESSEE'S estate. Tt is furthcr cxpressly understood and agreed that LESSOR shall be entitled upon such reenuy, no�withstanding any orher ptovision of this Lease, to exercise such ri�hts and remedi�s as are provided in Paragraph (24) of tlus Lease. [20} Comgliance with Laws. The groperty describcd herein may be used for only the purposes stated herein. Tt is the soIe and exclusive responsibiliry of the LESSEE in the use of the property to comply with alllaws> rules, regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the use to which thc properry is proposed to bc put. Inability or failure by the LESSEE to comply with any of said laws, ivles, regulations or ordinances will no� relieve ihe LESSEE of the obligation to pay the rental provided herein. [21] Non-Discrimination. The LESSEE for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest and a�signs, as a part of the consideration hereof, docs hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with thc land, chat (A) no person, on the ground of nce, sex, color crecd, religion, age, disability, marital status, status with respect to public assistance or nationai origin or ancestry shall be excludcd from p�rticipating in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected �o discrimination in the use of said facilities; � (B) that in connection wich the construction of any improvemenu on said lands and the furnishing of services �hereon, no disciimination shali be praciiced in the selection of employees and conuactors, by conirac.KOrs in the selecrion and retentiun of first tier subcontraaors, and by first-tier subcontracKOrs in thc scicction and retention oC second-tier subcontractors; (C) that such discrimination shall not be practiced against the public in ils access in and use of thc facilities and services provided for public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping, rest and recreation) cunstructed or operated on Lhe I.eased Premises; and (D) that the LESSEE shall use the premises in compliancc with all other requitements imposed pursuant to the Sainc Paul Lzgislative Code Chapter 183. [22] Liens. The LESSEE shall not permit mechanic'S liens or other licns to bc Yiled or established or to remain against the Leased Premises for labor, materi<�ls or scrvices furnished in connection with any additions, modifcations, impruvemcnts, rcpairs, renewals or replacements made to the Leased Premices, or for any othcr rcason; providcd that if the LESSEE shall Cir�t notify the LESSOR of iu intenrion to do so and shall dcposit in cscrnw with the LESSOR a sum of money or a bond or iaevocable ]etter of credit acceptable to the L�SSOR equal to the amount of the claim of lien, LESSEE may in �ood [aith contest any such claims or mechanic's or other liens Fled or established and in such event may permit the itcros contested co remain nndischarged and unsatisYied d�uing thc period of such con�esG Tf. in the opinion of the LESSOR, the nonpayment of any such items subjecL� the LeasedYremises to anyloss or forfeiture, theLESSOit may req�irethe LESSEEto useche escrow � account to prompdy pay all such unpaid icems and if L�SSEE fails to pay from the escrow account, the LESSOR may pay and chazge the LESSEE as Addiiional Rent. 0 [23] Eminent Domain. In thc event the entire Leased Preraises are taken by cnunent domain, or such goraon thereof is so taken that in LESSEE'S reasonable judgement it is uneconomic thereafter to . restore thc Lcased Premises and proceed under the temis and provisioas of chis Lease, LESSEE may temiinate this Lease by; ving to LESSOR thirty days' written norice of termination, effective as of the date on which the condemning authurity �zcquises legal title or physical possession uf the Leased Premises. LESSEE hereby waives and relcases any claim to or share in the Award of Compensation for the taking, notwithstanding any other provision of law, this Lease or any other agrecment. LESSEE may to the extent othcrwise permitted in rhe eminent domain proceeding, rcmove its own trade fixtures at its own expense. [24] Default Remedias. In the even� an Event of Default occurs under paragraph (19) of this Lease, LESSOR may exercise any onc or morc of the followinc remedies: (A) recnter and take possession of the 1'remises without teiminarion of this Lease, and use its bes� efforts to ea5e the Premises to or enter into an agiccmcnt with anochec person tor the accoun� of LESSEE; (B) tcrminatethisiease,excludeLESSEEfrompossessionofthePrcmises,anduseitabestefforts to lease the Premises to or enter into an agreement with another in accordance with applicable law; (C) excludeLES5EEfrompossessionofthePremises,wichorwirhoutterminaiingthisLeaseand operate the Premiscs itsclf; (D) terminate the Yease, exclude LES5EE from posscssion of the Leased Premises, sell all or any � part of the Premises at the best price obtainable (provided such sale is permitted by applicable law,) such sale to be on such terms and conditions as theLESSOR, in its sole discretion, shall detem� ine and applythe proceeds of siich salc less any expenses thereof for the account of the LESSEfi. (E) cxercise any remedies available to ic under the Minnesota Uniform Commercial Code; (F) talce whatever action at law or in cquity may appeaz necessary or appropriate to collect tf�e Basic Rcnt and Additional Rent then due and thereafter to becoma due, or to enCorce perConn- ance and observance of any obligation, agreemenc or covenan� of the LESSEB under �is Lcasc. (G) in exercising any of its rcmcdics sct forth in this Section, the LESSOR may, whecher or not thc Lcasc is thcn in cYfect, hold the LESSEE liable for the difference becween the payments and other cosu for which the LESSEE is responsible under this Lease. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to LESSOR is intenJed to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addirion to every other remedy v�'ven under this I.ease or now or thereafter existing at law or in cquity by statutc. No delay or omission to excicise any such right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such ri;ht or power or shali be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as oftcn as may be decmed expedient. In order co enritle the LESSOR to exercise any rcmcdy reserved to it in this Provision, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, ocher than such natice as may be herein expressly required. • [25] Default of Pa�me.nt LESSEE agrees that, shovld it dcfault on any payment owing and due to be paid to LESSOR a� provided in this agreement, including but not limited lo Ba.eic Rcnt and Addiuonal • Rent, then the remaining unpaid balance shall, at the option of the LESSOR, immediately beconie due. Said I.ESSEE further agrees that the I.ESSOR may, at its option and wichout notice to I.ESSEE, enter judgmcnt against LESSEE in Ramsey County District Court for the amoun� of the unpaid balance. And LESSEE does hereby confe.ss judgment in the amount nf the anpaid balance due upoa default, and does authorize thc LESSOR to enter jua�cnt as provided above. L.ESSEE does hereby agree that the LESSOR, at its opuon, may enter a judgment, at any time within one year of the time the last gayment sh�lll have come due, for the full amount of the unpaid balancc due pursuant to the confession of judgmcnt provided herein. [2fi] Alterations. The LESSEE will not makc any alterarions to �he prenuscs without the written consent of the LESSOR, such consent not to bc unreasonably withheld. If thc LESSEE desires to make any such alterarion¢, an accurate description shall first be submittcd to and approved by the l,ESSOR and such alterations shall be donc by tbe LESSEE at its own eapcnse. All such work shall be performed under the LESSOR'S supervision and any improvcmcnts made to lhe Leascd Prcmises at the LESSEE'S expense shall become the property of thc LESSOR at the end of the I.case period. LESSEE anrees that xll altcrations wil] be done in a workmanlike mannez and in conformance with applicable building codcs, that the structural integrity and buildin; systems of the building will not be imp:ured, and that no licns will at[ach To i.he premiscs by reason thereoC. [27] Trans£er of T�Ue. In the evenc of the sale or othcr transfer of ticle to the Leased Premiscs, the new • owner shall bc bound by the terms of this a�reemcnt. [28] Amended.Anythinghereincontainedtothecontrazynotwithstanding,thisI.easemaybeterminated and the provisions ot this I.casc may be, in writing, amended by mutual consenc of che parties hereto. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this L.ease • first above-written. LESSOR: Mayor N/A City Clerk _ _ «--� Director of Technology & Management Services • City Attorney (Form Approval) LE55EE: � ��%����� . . . . Its President Its Managing Director Its � . . , .�.._...---- � _ � �— � ^ _� -tk tkp,. ,�... . .� � 4 �'a � � —'S � - : , 1 I �a..+ $ � ? 3 w � � : 4 �i } � I � � � ��s � �� � �: � � � � � ❑O❑ —. •�� � , + ti . ?i; { , � � � �, �� �;: - t �� v ' s '� '� i : o � � a � P � �-- ` --� 3� r � �— � �� � � g � �_ : � sd� , ,y�{ � � � � 3 x 3 �' • � .�:�_��: `:' � o li LL n. ❑❑❑❑ g —_ !' f r � ' ` { � �' �� � f� __ _ ._ � i , � !!�' i1 ' , �z� �...:��_ t S „ <• � ,1 .zl ,�� �; ��. . _ .. n ., . ...� �r� C� i S .P ; � . .. .. N .� 1 - _ __ i � ; . �� � 5 . :=, ' �� r n #� . . ,_.0 . � i P�:=� . �� �.l � _ ^0 4 �� --}f ;� i;;� ��� ;_cl ' ; � ��. . �_!— t '-'����.�., -._� . . �_� 'ial]„r �7;a'�� Y , I ��s .- _- ��� � �� { 4 a , I .) 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