10-726Council File # 10-726
Green Sheet # 3115217
Presented by
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department has received a grant of �10,000.00 from the F. R. Bigelow Foundation in support of
the Saint Paul EMS Academy, and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul EMS Academy provides 35 participants that live in Ramsey County the opportunity to prepare for
careers in Fire and/or EMS service, and
NOW, THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the City Counci] accepts this grant and authorizes the Ciry of Saint Pau] fo enter
into the attached grant aareement with the F. R. Bigelow Foundation to provide funding for the Saint Paul EMS Academy, as
provided by the Saint Paul Fire Departrnent; a copy of said a�eement is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of
Financial Services.
Yeas Nays Absent
Bostrom �/
Carter ,/
Harris ✓
Helgen �
Lanhy �
Stazk ✓
Thune ,/
Adopted by Council: Date �/�j���/jCI
Adoption Certified by Conn ' Secretary
By: ' i
Approve ay . Date C � �D�(
Requested by Department of.
Fire �
Approved L�A4ayor for Submission to Co{tncil
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
FR —Fire
� Confact Person 8 Phone:
Fire Chief Tim Butler
Must Be on Council /�qenda by {Date):
I p�_ 7� RESOLUT)ON W/$
E-Dotument Required: Y
Document CoMact: ���I LaCasse
CorrtactPhone: 228-6257
15 JUN 2010
i �
� Assign
j Number
� Fw
� Order
Total # of SignaW re Pages, (Clip All Loeations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3115217
0 Fire '! '
1 �Ftir¢ .., Denarbn tne�7li nrrxt • �''
2 �'mancial Services : b&ce Financisl Services D
3 ity Attornev I� Citv� Attorney ' ✓
4,0.Vfavor's Offce ��� I Mavor/Assistant � .
Approval of the attacbed Council Resolurion authorizing the Saint Paul Fire Department to enter into a grant agreement with F. R.
Bigelow Foundation.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Pianning Commissian
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following �uestions:
1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curtent city employee?
Yes No
F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet.
Initiating Probkm, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Wha; When, Where, Why):
The F. R. Bigelow Foundarion has awazded a grant of $1Q000.00 to the Saint Pau( Fire Department in support of the Saint Paul EMS
Academy. The Saint Paul EMS Academy provides the opportunity for Ramsey County youth participants to prepaze for careers in fire
and/or EMS service.
AdvanWges If Approved:
The Saint Paul Fue Department will be able to accept tl�e grant for the Saint Paui EMS Academy.
Disadvantages If Approved:
DisadvarMages If Not Approved:
The Saint Paul Fire Department will not be able to accept the grant for the Saint Paul EMS Academy.
Total Amount of �10,000.00
Funding Source: Gr'dnt
Financial lnformation:
CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y
Activity Number. 35120
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June 15, 2010 8:37 AM Page 1
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Please Read Carefully!
The grant to your organization from the Foundation is for the explicit purpose(s) described in the
Grant Resolurion and is subject to your acceptance of the terms described therein.
To acknowledge this agreement, to accept the grant and receive the funds, rehun a signed copy
of this Terms of Grant to the Foundation. Keep the other copy for your files. Please refer to the
hzcking number and title in all communications concerning the grant.
, :.��
City of Saint Paul, Department of Fire and Safety
May 20, 2010
TRACKIlVG #: BG-10-000058
A grant of $10,000 is approved to the City of Saint Paul, Department of Fire and Safety to
heip finance the budget of the 2010 Emergency Medical Services Summer Academy.
Begins: May O1, 2010
Terminates: December 31, 2010
GRANT: John Couchman
The grantee will furnish the Foundation with written reports according to the following
55 Fifth Sueef Eaet, Suite 600 • Samt Paul, Minnesota SS101-1797 • Pnone 651.224.5463 • Fax 651224.8123 • www.frbigelow.org
Interim Report(s): None
Final Report(s): January 31, 2011
INTERIM REPORTS, if any should be completed annually by multi-yeaz pmjects and should
follow the enclosed form.
TF� FINAL REPORT to be completed at the end of the grant period should follow the report
narrative guidelines, using the enclosed Interim/Fina1 Report Form as a cover sheet. The final
report should be accompanied by a certified financial statement, if available, or ttie most recent
financial statexnent of your organization. Reports should be sent to the Program`Officer
responsible for the grant.
All grants are made in accordance with current and applicable laws and pursuant to the Internal
Revenue Service Code, as amended, and the regulations issued thereunder. Please read the
following cazefully:
1. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMEN'I'S: Announcements of the grant awazd aze to be made by
the grantee unless otherwise indicated by the Foundarion. Grantees aze expected to
review the telct of any announcements and plans for pubiicity with the Foundation
Officer responsible for ttus grant. Please send a copy of any published accounts
mentioning the project or the Foundation to the Foundation Officer.
2. PAYMENT OF GRANTS: The Foundation reserves the right to ternunate or modify
any payments pursuant to this gant, including modification of previously agreed upon
payment schedules shouid this be deemed appropriate by the Foundation.
3. EXPENDITURE OF GRAN'I' F[INDS: The funds provided by this grant may be spent
only in accordance with the provisions of the gantee's funding request and budget as
approved. The progr�m is subject to modification only with the Foundation's prior
written approval. Funds will be disbursed to the grantee upon receipt of the properly
completed Terms of Crrant and the satisfactory compliance with special conditions:
(a) Any special condirions which apply to this grant, as listed, should be complied
with as rapidly as feasible. These conditions may make the release of funds
contingent on special requirements and future payments contingent upon
demonstrated perfonnance. In such cases, adequate evidence of compliance
with conditions must be submitted before the Foundarion will release grant
funds. If you have questions about the special condirions, contact the
Foundation Officer responsible for this grant.
(b) No funds provided by the Foundation may be used for any political campaign,
or to support attempts to influence legislarion of any governmental body other
than through making available the results of nonpartisan analysis, study and
(c) Expenses charged against this grant may not be incurred prior to the date at
which the grant period begins or subsequent to its terminafion date, and may be
incurred only as necessary to carry out the purposes and activiries of the
approved program.
(d) The grantee organization is responsible for the expenditure of funds and for
maintaining adequate supporting records consistent with generally accepted
accounring practices.
(e) Equipment or property purchased with grant funds shall be the property of the
grantee organization so long as it is not diverted from the purposes for which the
grant was made. If the purpose of the organization or the use of grant funds is
changed, or if the grantee organization should go out of existence, the
equipment or property reverts to the Foundation.
4. REVERSION OF GRANT' F2JNDS: The grantee will return any unexpended funds to
the Foundation at the close of the grant period.
Funds also will be promptly returned:
(a) If the Foundation determines that the gantee has not performed in accordance
with the Terms of GTant or met the specific grant conditions of the approved
(b) If the grantee loses its exemption from Federal income taxarion as provided for
under Section 501(c)(3) ofthe Intemal Revenue Code.
5. COPYRIGHT AND PATENTS: Reports, xnaterials, books, and articles resulting from
this grant may be copyrighted by the organization receiving the gant or by the author, in
accordance with the policies of the gantee organization, toward the goal of obtaining
the widest dissexnination of such reports, materials, books and articles. The Foundation
reseroes the royalty-free license to use such publications. For projects involving the
possibdity of patents, the gantee should request further information from the
6. LIMIT OF COMMITMENT: Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, this grant is made
with the understanding that the Foundarion has no obligation to provide other or
addirional support to the grantee.
In accepting the grant, the grantee accepts the terms stated in this agreement.
For the Grantee:
Signature of Authorized
Print Name, TiUe, Date
Signature ofProject
Director (if different)
Print Name, Title, Date
Form approved: Aprii 9, 1992