D10903 White - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFF10F OF THE MAYOR TV03 No: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 3 _22_00 IX 1il' ;ET RBISION Date: 11 �D%ta''ISTR IMT ORDER,Consistent with the authori�y granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director f the Aepa meet of P u b.11 c Works to amend the 19 8 9 budget of the C a p 1 t a 1 1 mp r O V e m e n s fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: TRANSFER: Current Amended Year Fund Log No. Project �! Budget Change Budget 1988 PIA S-6620 '88 Sign atio s._ $ 4,900.00 + 4,900.00 -0- 1989 PIA S-6620 '89 Signal Installations(-y9-,2rP/ 50,000.00 - 5,000.00 45,000.00 1988 MSA S-6620 '88 Signal Installations 17,100.00 -17,100.00 -0- C SS aT8'oo To: 1988 PIA S-6620 Sixth/Mounds eSS�'aZT�DD -0- +$3,960.00 $ 3,960.00 1988 PIA S-6620 11th/12th - VJabasha/St. Pe r -0- + 940.00 940.00 1989 PIA S-6620 11th/12th - Wabasha/St. Pete&7,F-ol7 hb-0- + 5,000.00 5,000.00 1988 MSA S-6620 Sixth/Hounds C 3F,,, jXj -0- + 3,040.00 3,040.00 1988 MSA S-6620 11th/12th - Wabasha/St. Pet r -0- +14,060.00 14,060.00 ��a7sDo Prepared by:Activity MaWapr Approved by;fpyad 71- Z- chut' Requested by:Department di Date DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL _ r., DATE INITIATED 't GREEN SHEET NO. 9227 TE CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAU DATE tNITIAUDA DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCk, IGN Chief n.ZcCtiitcheon ASS CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR 'ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL #OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Execution of the attached administrative order. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT(OPTIONAL)-', . n ,y r ANALYST "'PHONE N0:' _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION' v _CIB COMMITTEE STAFF COMMENTS: DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The St. Paul Police Department's East Team desires to purchase supplies to decorate the East Team site. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The decorating of the team house facilitates public communication and good will with officers of the team during the holiday season. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The tradition of decorating the East Team house will be honored. REC IM) VIAR211990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $34.04 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) UV