D001993C I T Y O F 5 A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR •roved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET RE'VISION - City Clerk (Original) No: Q 9 - Finance Services, Accounting Division Date: �� -�/ -POliceDept,ACCOUnUngUnit - GreenSheet# 111717 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10A7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request uf the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 2000 budget of the Special Revenue Funds 405 and 436, t6e Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budgets in the following manner: CIJRRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: 405 - Crime Lab Special Revenue Fund 34055 - Crime Lab 0161 - Salary Needs 436 - Police Special Projects 34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant 0141 - Overtime 0439 - Fringe Benetits TO: • 405 - Crime Lab Special Revenue Fund 34055 - Crime Lab 0439 - Fringe Benefits 436 - Police Special Projects 34056 - Internet Crimes Against Children 011l - Fall Time Permanent Salaries 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34�68 - State Incentive Grant 011l - Full Time Permanent Salaries 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34107 - School Liaison Program 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34119 - Automated Pawn System 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34133 - D.A.R.E. 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34144 - LLEBG III 0141 - Overtime 34191 - School Resource Grant 011l - Full-time Permanent Salaries 2,160 146,427 48,472 (660) 1,500 (16,966) 129,461 (6,569) 41,903 > > 11,279 660 11,939 30,846 8,637 42,000 11,800 135,031 8,648 92,991 88,469 78,966 1,183 103 5,240 712 2,659 585 2,510 10,190 353 32,029 8,740 47,240 12,512 137,690 9,233 95,501 98,659 79,319 1: � ' :� • I �� Requested by: Department irector Date Approved by: Financiai Service� Date F�nd405&436Year-EntlA0�00 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED PoliceDepartmem 3/6/Ol GREEN SHEET �N��� 11171 CONTA TPERSON PH NE INITIAL/DATE INRIALIDATE e . ��-.,,' ; ChiefFinne}� 292-3588 � OEPARTMEMDIREGTOR crtrcouruca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� ' '+Se process ASAP ❑cmwnow+er �crtrc =°� �FINqNCW.SFRVICESDIR aFINANCIpLSF.RV/ACCfG £- ❑MAYOR(ORASSlSTAlR�_ �nUMRNRIGHfS � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUES7ED Signatures requested on the attached Aduvnis4ative Order, approving the transfer of moneys in the Police DepartmenPs 2000 spending budget for Special Revenue Funds 405 and 436. RECOPAMENDATION AppfOVe �A) of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING �UESTfONS: 1. Ha5 this perso�rm ever worked undef a wntract for this departmenY� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis person/firtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill `rot normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO 4 Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendo(? YES NO Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY� • The attached Admuustrative Oxdex will adjust the spending plans fox Speciat Revenue Funds 405 and 436. This budget adjustment will align the spending plans in these special revenue funds to reflect the actual expenditures for the acriviries. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Police Department's spending budgets for Special Revenue Funds 405 and 436 will properly reflect the actual expenditures for 2000. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED - Activities in special revenue fund 405 and 436 will not have appropriate spending plans for 2000. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION 5 - COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE Special Revenue Fund 405 and 436 ACTIVITY NUMBER various FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) Fund405&436Year-EndAO.GS.00