D10847 White, - City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGF. OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER _ Date: � • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department desires to become an accredited agency by complying with the Standards developed by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), and WHEREAS, The Department wishes to perform a mock on-site assessment of it's Accreditation Program, and WHEREAS, The assessment will be performed on a volunteer basis by three individuals knowledgeable in the process, for a period not to exceed four days, and now be it ordered That the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay for reimbursement for lunches for these three individuals while they are conducting the Accreditation assessment. Reimbursement not to exceed $200.00. Account code: 410-34012-0252-40001. • APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant City Attorney Department Head DO t � � � A ayor A021390A J_ o y�-- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL JA TE INITIATED Police 2-13-90 GREEN SHEET NO. 8151 INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON&PHONE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Chief McCutcheon 292-3558 u B CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK UMBER FOR "UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) OUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. RDER I?ll MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached Acl-inistrative Order. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST .,� ;.VA;•; PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION -CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION '_ ��., !r z CIB COMMITTEE COMMENTS: _STAFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Three Officers from surrounding jurisdictions will be detailed to the St. Paul Police Department at our request to conduct a mock on-site assessment of this Department to critiqu the product of our efforts to become an accredited agency. This will allow the Department to remedy any deficiencies that may exist prior to the on-site assessment which will be conducted by the accrediting body. The Officers time is donated by their agencies. The assignment involves a comprehensive effort culminating in a detailed report of findings. Th payment for their lunches is to show the Department's appreciation for their time spent ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will provide the Department with an interim assessment of our accreditation efforts by three individuals knowledgeable in the accreditation process. This will point out any weaknesses and allow us to rectify them. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None apparent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Police Department will be unable to proceed with the above described assessment. not to exceed OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ X200 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Special Fund (410) ACTIVITY NUMBER 34012 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) to/ "V