D10822 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pinks — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: �LL?QS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: J —3)-� • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The St. Paul Police Department's Volunteer Services Unit and the Community Services Unit is seeking endorsement to sponsor a banquet for the Department's volunteer groups. These volunteers provided over 43,943 hours of free labor. The purpose of this banquet is to recognize the service that these groups provide to the City and Police Deparment. Every public event in the City such as Riverfest, Winter Carnaval, Taste of Minnesota, etc. gets the support and services of these volunteers. It is important to the morale of these groups that time is taken to recognize their contribution. Awards and plaques are presented at the banquet to those volunteers that contribute the most, which is an incentive to the rest. Monies needed for this banquet would provide for entertainment, hall rental, food and beverage. No monies will be spent on alcoholic beverages. Money for this banquet will come from Responsive Services • activity code 34115. The expenditures will not exceed the following: Hall Rental 300.00 Entertainment 350.00 Meals 5,128.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Total Cost 5,828.00 The Police Department is requesting an ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER to spend up to $5828.00 for this banquet. APPROVED AS TO FORM �?.,J,*f/-- 6 t4 g' Assistant City A,Vey Department Head A012590A J Date ayor DEPARTMENTIOFFICE/COUNCIL EAGN IATED POLICE 5/90 GREEN SHEET NO. 7247 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE- CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL CHIEF T4CCUrCHEON CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK FOR BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the two attached Administrative orders. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. _CIS COMMITTEE J-i O C. .x.": COMMENTS: STAFF DISTRICT COURT r' l' ` '� •y n L;00 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Every year the Volunteer Services Unit and the Comnunity Services Unit sponsor a banquet for the Department's volunteer groups. These volunteers provided over 43,943 hours of free labor in 1989 and this is the only form of recognition that they receive. The pro- jected costs of the banquet are $5,828.00. The banquet is scheduled for Jan. 26,1990 at the Town and Country Golf Club. This amount should pay for all expenses, although no monies will be spent on alcoholic beverages. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This is the only vehicle we have to recognize the tremendous service that these groups provide to the City and Police Dept. Every public event in the City such as Riverfest, the Winter Carnival, Taste of Minnesota, etc. enjoys the support of these volunteers. In fact, without their help, we probably couldn't adequately staff these events. It is very important to the morale of these groups that we take the time to recognize their contribution. We also present awards and plaques at the banquet to those volunteers that contribute the most, which is an incentive to the rest. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECEIVED None apparent JAN 2 6 1990 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Without the support of this function, the volunteers will undoubtedly begin to feel they are not appreciated. The likely result will be a significant attrition in member- ship. With the Olympic Festival, Special Olympics, Super Bowl, and the usual number of annual events approaching in the next two years; such an attrition would be devastating- to our ability to address these events. *TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 5828.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Police Special Projects Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER 34115 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)