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White — City Clark CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGM OF THY. MAYOR No: U • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I1UMET REUSI0A Date: 3D,NILN'ISTK-1M7E ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of P > >i r. Works,_ to amend the 1989—budget of the ct,-oot Repair t ri can;nq fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 22542310-0019 Fees-Other Professional Sery 93,744.53 (15,000) 78,744.53 225.42310-0241 Printing 35,265.38 (10,000) 25,265.38 225-42310-0261 Find iability 18,540.00 (16,000) 2,540.00 225-42310-0221 Pose 40,000.00 (15,000) 25,000.00 225-42310-0439 FdgeBenefsts 128,799.00 (25,000) 103,799.00 22542311-0111 FullTimeCerdfied 159,667.00 (21,000) 138,667.00 • 225-42311-4283 Rental-Vehicles 113,719.00 8,500 122,219.00 225-42311-0359 Other-Spec Met&Supplies 1,000.00 (1,000) 0.00 225-4231 I-= SmallTools 3,100.00 (3,100) 0.00 22542311-0439 FrYegeBewfits 43,861.00 (14,000) 29,861.00 225-42312-0111 FullTimeCe Med 934,712.00 (25,000) 909,712.00 225-42312-0283 Rental-Vehicles 662,626.00 42,200 704,826.00 225-42312-0322 Aggeegatea-Sand,ECL 5,000.00 (5,000) 0.00 225-42312-0324 Coaarete(Rek"ft)Cement 27,000.00 (2,000) 25,000.00 225-42312-0329 Other Repair/Mainfame 335,000.00 (15,000) 320,000.00 22542312-0349 Other-Egmt Parts-Supplies 8,240.00 (6,000) 2,240.00 225-42312-0359 Other-Spec MAM Supplies 2,575.00 (2,000) 575.00 225-42312-0383 SmallTools 4,120.00 (2,000) 2,120.00 Page 1 of 4 • Prepared ctivity Manager Approved by:Ma 12� 7,4- a Requested by:Department Date 'D INN DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL JR0U5NCG ATED Public Works i; . hi GREEN SHE T nt0. 7135 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE I AL/ Tr CONTACT INITIAL/DATE Al Shetka, 292-6676 G CITY COUNCIL FOR ❑CITY ATTORNEY ®CITY CLERK IST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ®BUDGET DIRECTOR C,Q ®FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) ©Activity Man ager TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7— (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) u t ACTION REQUESTED Transfer budget to cover expenditure shortfalls within the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. _CIBCOMMITTEE COMMENTS _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 5 i INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE,WHY): Activity/Object line item budget overspent. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Invoices will be paid for and 1989 budget will have no overspent major objects. Bufl�'E� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: I i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Some major object budgets overspent. RECEIVED CITY CLERK 1TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION$9>488,067.96 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON YEr NO FUNDING SOURCE Misc. Expenditure codes. ACITVITY NUMBER / FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��P 'D i og -a�- o 225-42312-0439 FringeBene is 243,914.00 (39,000) 204,914.00 • 225-4231240899 Other-Swecum 25,000.00 (25,000) 0.00 225-42313-0111 FullTimeCetified 1,134,237.00 9,900 1,144,137.00 225423124322 Aggregates-Sand,Ect. 71,688.42 68,800 140,488.42 225-42313-0439 FringeBenefts 270,939.00 (16,000) 254,939.00 225-42314-0111 FWITimeCertfied 327,957.00 (25,000) 302,957.00 225-42314 40283 Rental-Vehicles 178,285.00 23,100 201,385.00 225-42314-0323 Bitumen 71,500.00 (14,000) 57,500.00 225-42314-0329 Other-Repair/Maiutence 105,000.00 (1,000) 104,000.00 225-42314-0439 FringeBe 63,953.00 5,000 68,953.00 225-42315-0111 FoU imeCertf"ed 38,748.00 (20,000) 18,748.00 225-42315-0283 Rental-Vehicles 24,700.00 5,000 29,700.00 225-42315-0322 Aggregates-Sand,Ect. 10,000.00 (6,000) 4,000.00 22542315-0439 Fringe Benefits 14,904.00 (6,000) 8,904.00 • 225-42316-0828 Tracts:dt Power Lawn Mowrs 22,000.00 12,000 34,000.00 225-423164836 Trailers-Non Self Prop F9 1,975.00 20,000 21,975.00 22542318-0111 FullTimeCertfied 164,851.00 8,100 172,951.00 225-42318-0279 Other-Repar&Maiffienance 9,468.00 6,000 15,468.00 225-42318-0299 Other-Mix.Services 500.00 5,000 5,500.00 225-42318-0373 Gasincl Battle 8,800.00 (51000) 3,800.00 225-42320-0283 Rental-Vehicles 52,725.00 (40,000) 12,725.00 22542320-0439 FringeBenefits 25,174.00 1,200 26,374.00 225-42321-0111 FW17tmeCertfied 80,828.00 (16,000) 64,828.00 225-42321-0274 Self Propelled Veh-Repair 0.00 4,700 4,700.00 225-42321-0439 FringeBeneCts 36,942.00 (25,000) 11,942.00 • Page 2 of 4 TIOgoq I-a6-Q© 225-42322-0111 FuUTimeCertfied 143,462.00 17,000 1601462.00 • 225-423224)283 Rental-Vehicles 75,142.00 12,600 87,742.00 225-42322-0314 Supplies-Paint&Pad q 515.00 (500) 15.00 225-42322-0315 Supplies-Jan w/Hoasehold 515.00 (500) 15.00 225-42322-0439 FdWBenifits 29,936.00 (1,500) 28,436.00 225-42325-0291 Refus&Vout Coffec Lion 125,000.00 (12,000) 113,000.00 225-42331-0111 FuUTimeCertfied 365,937.00 61,000 426,937.00 225-423314)2$3 Rental-Vehicles 361,894.00 156,000 517,894.00 225-42315-0322 Aggregates-Sand,Em 6000.00 24,400 84,400.00 225-423314388 SaltforStc"" 355,267.76 79,000 434,267.76 22512331-0439 Fringe8enefo 92,834.00 (8,000) 84,834.00 225-42332-0111 FuliTimeCectfied 155,289.00 16,400 171,689.00 225-423324)286 Rental-OtherEq*pment 253,226.79 28,500 281,726.79 225-42333-0111 MTimeCe tfied 90,989.00 (25,000) 65,989.00 • 225-42333-0283 RenW-Vehicles 240,397.00 (180,000) 60,397.00 225-423334)M Rental-OtherTquipmem 399,170.81 (5,000) 394,170.81 225-42333-0439 FrimgeBenefits 30,854.00 (14,000) 16,854.00 225-42334-0111 FullTimeCeiTted 43,424.00 (4,000) 39,424.00 225-42334-0439 Fringe Benefin 11,160.00 (4,000) 7,160.00 22542335-0111 FuRTimeC"died 84,727.00 27,700 112,427.00 225-42335-0439 FriWBenefus 18,671.00 5,100 23,771.00 225-42336-0111 FullTimeCehfied 44,344.00 (51000) 39,344.00 225-42336-0283 Rental-Vehicles 73,150.00 (25,000) 48,150.00 225-42337-0111 FullTimeCettfied 168,788.00 (1,000) 167,788.00 22542338-0111 FuUTimeCertfied 140,163.00 35,000 175,163.00 7.75-47338-MRZ ReMrAINOiclps U. 9.517.7 It M 3R 153 77 ltrr .lYVV rlvv ���wA •r��t♦�rr vtyl•YYtlt YyZt64 JVy6Y Y ii: • Page 3 of 4 White - city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �10ON No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I _•1b_OO • IWIXXT REVISIOX Date: o[ :AD3ILN'ISTRATIA'E ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works_ to amend the 19$9—budget of theStreet Repair & t^leanincr fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 225423384M9 Other-Rep/M>bt Cis,Str 25,000.00 1,400 26,400.00 225-42338-0439 Fiisge Befits 29,285.00 6,900 36,185.00 225-42339-0111 FallTimeCert6ed 79,115.00 5,200 84,315.00 225G339-0271 Boilditg-ReplatirService 0.00 1,700 1,700.00 225.42340-0111 FUM"MeCeirf"ied 342,401.00 (3,000) 339,401.00 22512340-0274 Self Propelled Veb-Repair 11,400.00 1,700 13,100.00 • 225-42340-0373 Gans laol Bottle 0.00 1,300 1,300.00 9,488,067.96 0 9,488,067.96 Totraanstl rfiled:tocovaern VaaativesismajorobpM. 116i? . Qi4 Pagge 4 0[4 - 2 Pre tavity Manager Approved by:Mayor Wested by:Department director ate