D10774 N White — City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PA U L Pink Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: 3 10 q- 1�qq I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I _ I_QO Date: __II • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract known as Activity No. 29082 for street lighting on SYLVAN/ACKER, City Project No. 89-V-8040, L.P.D. Electric, Contractor, the specified date of completion is Nov. 30, 1989, and the Contractor did' not complete the contract by said date of completion because of unavoidable construction delays, and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to March 31, 1990, and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period.. • APPROVED AS TO FORM Ass ant City Attorney De ar ment e • Date S 0 Adminis a tive e Assistant to Mayor DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED IMy Public Works 12/8/89 GREEN SHE No. 7653 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE IN 5F7 M i k e K o t i l a = " aFOR CITY COUNCIL J CITY ATTORNEY ©CITY CLERK "'1ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) UDGET DIRECTOR ®FI N.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) F7 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: t Approve the attached Administrative Order for Contract Extension. r ` J41V 0,7 109 0 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RES Al PTION PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. r p CIB COMMITTEE A STAFF COMMENTS: DISTRICT COURT oF' I"� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? DEPA C,r e.A�. _, " ECTOR t AND �"VANCE INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): `yt ACES The contractor was unable to complete the project by the specified completion date. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 'he contractor would not be unfairly penalized. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: N/A RECEIVED JAN1 01990 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The contractor would be unfairly penalized. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ N/A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE_ N/A ACTIVITY NUMBER C89-2T622-0784-29082 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ^/ 0