D001992C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �aooro�eaco�m: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: -cnrc�n��ai9imn BUDGET REVISION -Olfice of Flmnciai Services. Accou�ny -�����. No: noo��9a mm: 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent wfth the authority granted to fhe Mayor In Section 10.07A of the Cfty Charter and based on the request of the Director ot the Office of Financial Services to amend the 2000 budget of the Cable Communicatfons Fund, tfie Di�ector of the Office of Financiat Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT & DNISION: FUND AN� ACTNITY: Technology and ManagemeM Services Cable Communications . 166-31127-0111 166-31121-0369 166-31121-0439 16631121-0557 16631121-0821 166-31123-0349 16G31123-0439 Tofai CURRENT BUDGET APPROVED CNANGES 264.319 3,500 87,451 762.741 0 3,084 34.161 1 56 (19,762) 3,300 (2.�) 2,662 15,800 �2.715) 2.,22� AMENDED BUO6ET 244,557 6,800 85,451 765,403 15,800 859 �� 1 155 256 / � ���� 3-rs-�/ Approvetlby: DirectorofFinanclal5ervices Date Li� NJ qfrc'e af FYUaW 8mkv� � . i � WFR�UN�. DAIEPIIlN1ID �lAf ���� tMSic�eoffce 0306-01 GREEN SHEET NO. 101171 ��� �,� ���„s� o �,��_ �� o �� rattyGe�v�i�-oFS ss6-sso� �� � arr.,,xocx��, Q arca�c ���.�.,,����.,� � o �.�,�,�_ �� o �.���,.� O „xYOR�OR„S�C� �l HoC,�¢p6k0�s TOTAL it OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQIIESI� Approval ofAdminishative Otder budge[ revision for year 2000. nEwa.am M� W�a'��1 PERSONALSH[tVICE CONTRACfS MUSCANSWEIt 7'HS FOLT.OWING QIIESTION& PuHIm�amM.�ox 1. ElxsiLispasodfum evawaiced�mdaawntractfa tivs depax�mt? �coAaaRFE YES NO _avamctx5cotanc4ox 2. tlac thisP��everban a ciry anployee? YES NO 3. DcestlusperswJFim�possessaskillnotrmm�al�YP�bYm3'���+h�P�O'a'! , YES NO 4.Is�hispason/fvmatatgetedvendoR ' � YES NO (Fsp1aN ell yes anawers on separa4 sM1eet aad atfach W green sFeet) u�vru9'MO Px�Blst asuE aaPOx'nAm'r (Mn w6+. wTm whvq whrk Budget aafhority needs to be moved to cover 2000 yearend variances witBin the Cable Communications Special Revenue Fund. ADVANYA�6WAPPROVFD: The activifies in Uils fund will be in accordance witfi the budget level of controt policy. DISADVANfAGESffnYpROV�. ... None. ntSnnvAxrwc� oP xat areROVm: Activities wili show negative variances in 2000. SoTN..atiouHtoF'rnnrisaCnoN_$ -Q- cossmEVimftawce�rm(cmca.sWiE) � xw .,,��� Cable Communications a�� GL - 166 -31121,31123 FIIUNCIAL NIFORMATTON: (64P1A1N/ SaYt Pa10l1ka IX £6arlal Servkes