D10631 White - city ca►k CITY O F SAINT 13A U L Pink — Finance Dapt. Canary— Dept. OFFIGF OF THE MAYOR 1106 3I No: /V1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 11 - ,)0-2Q . 6l'IX;ET RF.%1SI0N Date: 0 AD-NMN'ISTR-kM7E ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Cnmmunl ty SPryi cPS- Di vi Si on of Puhl i c Heal th to amend the 19-&q._budget of the Gener-al fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES 001-03200-0219 ADMINISTRATION - FEES OTHER $500.00 500.00 30.00 001-03200-0286 ADM. - RENTAL OTHER $500.00 500.00 0.00 001-03204-0219 LABORATORY FEES - OTHER $1 010.00 11400.00 l6 0.00 001-03204-0277 LABORAOTY - OTHER EQUIP 500.00 $500.00 s0.00 001-03227-0296 WRECIING t BOARDING - 3145,230.00 ($ ,158.00 $140,Oi2.00 001-03200-0369 ADMINISTATION OTHER SUPPLIES 5,000.00 $3 000.00 #8,000.00 001-03204-0353 LABORATORY - LAB. SUPPLIES 6,700.00 ;900.00 37,600.00 001-03212-0235 FOOD - MILEAGE 18,500.00 $1 600.00 110,100.00 001-03213-0235 ENVIR. - MILEAGE 2,400.00 1558.00 $2,958.00 001-03227-0387 WRECIING I BOARDING - PHOTO SUPPLIES $1,800.00 $1,000.00 $2,800.00 -------------------- ------------------ ------- ------------ $172,140.00 $0.00 $172,140.00 • WHEREAS VARIOUS DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITES NEED SPENDING AUTHORITY IN 0235 FOR MILEAGE 0369 OT1IR SUPPLIES, AND 038( PHOTO SUPPLIES; AND WHEREAS THERE IS SPENDING AUTHORITY IN 03227 THAT CAN BE TRANSFERRED FOR THESE HIPENSIS. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE MAYOR APPROVES THE CHANGE TO THE 1989 BUDGET. Pre r tivity I Approved by:ma#r k4 Requested by:Department director Date DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL c j,. DATE INITIATED T10631 GREEN SHEET NO. 4 1 A 4 INITIAL/DATE IN IAUDATE CONTACT PERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN CITY ATTORNEY n CITY CLERK Kathy Mohrl and 292-7702 NUMBER FOR. ;T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR Ct FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) RECEIVED ACTION REQUESTED: `�ECEI`/ED Transfer of spending authority between various activities. NOV 2 01989 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. PLANNING COMMISSION -CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE - COMMENTS: STAFF - DISTRICT COURT - SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The Public Health Administration activity needs spending authority in 0369 for the purchase of other office supplies. The Laboratory needs authority in 0353 for the purchase of Lab. Supplies. The Env. and Food activities need spending authority to cover mileage expenses until the end of the year. There is spending authority in 03200-200, 03204-200, and 03227- 200 that can be transferred. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECEfVEp NOV 22 1989 Expenses will be paid. BUDGET OFFICE DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NONE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: RECFIVFr) Expenses will not be paid V271989 CITY CLERK rOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 7,058 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE NO FUNDING SOURCE General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER 01200 01204 0.'1212, n'1213, 01227 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ik