10-688Coancil File # �Q �� Green Sheet # 3115419 RESOLUTION 4JN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legisla6ve, hearing record and testimony heazd at public hearing on June 16, 2010 hereby memorializes its decision to certify and approve the June 1, 2010 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the following address: ADDRESS 315 Larch Street APELLANT John Norris Decision: Appeal denied. Car[er Bostrom Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date ? Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � d� Approved b Date � � f �j� Sy: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: lo �� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � CO —Council ConWCt Person & Phone: Marcia Moermond 6-8570 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Dat6): 7ype: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Mai Vang Contact Phone: 6-8563 23 JUN 2010 I Green Sheet NO: 3115419 �/ Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 i 2 3 4 5 Resolution memorializing Ciry Council action taken 7une 16, 2010 denying the appeal for property at 315 Larch Street. Recommendafions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curreni city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and aHach to g�een sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvaMages If Approv¢d: Disadvantages If Approvetl: Disadvantages If Not Approved: ToWI Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. June 23, 2010 9:30 AM Page 1 � 10-688 � ¢� � k 0 � � d � �s CTTY OA �85'� a� � � � h APPLICATION FOR APPEA Y RECEtVED MAY 2 5 20i4 C4TY CLERK The City Clerk needs the following to processyour�ueal• y � $25 filing fee payable to the City of Saint Paul (\ (if cash: receipt number 3 3���{) � Copy of the Ciiy-issued orders or letter which are being appealed ❑ Attachments you may wish to include � This appeal form completed Address Being Appealed: Saint Paul City C � � 310 Ciry Hall, 15 W. Kellogg . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: (651) 266-8560 Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, � { 1 I ID Time \�'� �� �h'1 Location ofHearin� Aoom 330 City Hall(Courtkouse Number & Street: � ��% �"� � �fi City: � J ��`� State: � Appellant/Applicant: � 6� l'- ��� �` r�'-S Phone Numbers: Business �-�� ��- ����Zesidence � YS i°77� Cellular ^ ���i� �d�� � Name oE Owner (if other than Appellant): S�- — ^'�.�.i\. .n Address�if not AppellanYs): � S�-�C��\ City: Date: 5�%/7 State: Zip: Phone Numbers: Business Residence Cellular �� c��� ��tS� ��°°�°°,—�� .� ►�asw°e�ll �. 55 i � � Specifically what is being appealed and why (use an attachment if necessary): Check all that avnlv: � Vacate OrdersJ Condemnation( Revocation of Fire C of O ❑ Fire C of O Deficiency Letter ❑ Window Orders/I'ermits (Only) ❑ Correction Orders ❑ Vacant Building Registration ❑ Summary/Vehicle Abatement Orders L ❑ Other: �C�le2: Revised 5/132010 1Q-688 ��P�PARTMENT OF SAfiETY AND INSPECTIONS FireInspecEion Aivision z Bob Kess(er, D"necior CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor May 17, 2010 JOHN E. NORRIS E J LIQUIDATTON 315 LARCH ST 375JacksonStree;Suite220 Telephone: 651-266-8989 Saini Pau1, Minnesota 55 7 07-180b Facsimile: 657-266-8951 Web: smvwsmauL¢ov/dsi ��1 ..s�s �� _ =GL�o�za � ;•t� �Qt � �� � � ao� a��ttrS��r � _ � `yytaSt�f�r C�im.�¢ � vmz.� ! � - _� �,-e .c,�;� a-ec.��a c ✓t�.��� f SAINT PAUL MN 551 ��'�'��E ��' 3 �G� �.. �{ � 7�� ,���, � � 'j R 1 � 1 � � , Y6 � 1Y!ll V �1 L .L�l \ UNSAFE BUILDINGS ORDER TO VACAT� RE: 315 LARCH ST Ref. # 16616 Dear Proper[y Representative: 315 Larch Street was inspected on May 10, 2010. "i'he entire premises was found to be unsafe, unfit for human habitation, a public nuisance, a hazard to the pubIic welfaze or otherwise dangerous to human life. A Condemnation Placazd has been posted on the building. The followin¢ deficiencv list must be comoleted or the buildines vacated bv the re-insnection date. A reinspection will be made on May 27, 2010 at 9:15am. CONDE113NATIONS OF THE BUII.DINGS REVOKE THE F112E CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY. Failnre to comnlete the corrections mav result in a criminal citation. The Saint Paul Legislative Code requires that no building shali be occupied without a Fire Certificate of Occupancy. 315 Larch St. (ENPII2E COMPLEX} has been condemned due to the followina conditions. -Property is a nuisance due to structural, fire, safety, and health' hazards. (SPLC 45.03 (1), �4); �g)> � - Unapproved roofing and storage sfructures that appear unsafe and dangeroas (MSFC I f 6.I.2) - Unsafe conditions. Complea is lacking necessary egress, is dangerous to humau life and gLblic rvelfare, and is lacking maintenance and repair. (MSFC 1101.1) - Improper storage, handling and use of hazardous materials. (MSFC 2741, MSFC 3401, and I+I�`PA 58} - Ezcessive accumulafion of maYerials. (MN Statue 299F.18) - I3isorder3y storage of materials. (MSFC 315.2) An Equal Oppostwsity Employer 10-688 DEFICIENCY LIST 1, SPLC 3423, MSFC 110.1 - Tlus occupancy is condemned as unsafe or dangerous. Premises can only be occupied to comply with these orders until re-inspected and approved by this office. 2, ROOF COVERINGS OVER THE COMPLEX - SSC 3405.1, SBC 110.2 - Obtain a structural ,� engineer to complete a code arq�lygis and have it reviewed by the St. Paul Building O�cial. Contact�DSI ��� at 651-266-9090. -Several s, ' es have en erected and appea� stru�turally unsound. Submit approv�,e*d ,� documentation to proof its s ral inte� or remove. �� Ove una roved locks from the exit doors.�The door must be openable 3. MSFC10033.1.8-Remo pp from the inside without the use of keys or special knowledge or effort. -A11 exit doors leading into the ��� '� 6ui��;*gs-�nc� cq�plex axe bar:ed e: ckliae� shut. 11 °.: .� ma� B (�ab. n e� a�� rins���z � struchues..2f ��o r� f3��.� ��� � ' 4, MSFC 1010.1, 10043.1 - Provide and maintain a minimum of 28 inch aisles� oughout emQtoyee only areas. G 4 L( a��^ °� 5, MSFC 1005.2 - Provide additio means o e es inadequate number of exits. �� ,d (, MSFC 2305.1 - Provide and m tain struct�u'al B tegn�a�d��3'_of.�(�ack storage systems. bxE. h� c�a o-w✓ '7. MSFC 23013 - Submit plans and speci cations to this office fo approval of the installation of the rack storage systems. � on g, MSFC 34Q433.3 - Class 1; 2, and 3A FlammablelCo� s� le liqu'd�s not��tored�e�c' 5 ,�� .�� be allowed to obstruct physically the route of egress. °'q tiv.. iw �!� . 9, MSFC 34043 - All Class 1 and 2 Flammable(Combustible liguid containers must be stored in the closed condition at all times except when in actuai use. f� ��`f `� �"�' � 10. SPLC 34.08 (6), 3431 (4) - Remove the accumulation of ext� rior storaga �at creates a nuisance i� _ 1�_. � . or harbors rodents. � 11. MSFC 3153 - Outside storage of combustible materials shall not be located within 10 feet of a properry line. Separation can be reduced�to ee £eet as long as the storage does not exceed sis feet in height. 12. SPLC 34.08 (1), 3431 (1) - A11 ea�terior progerly areas�sh�ll b�e m�aintainec� free,�',om an��� � r,�d p cl 7 t� � �'� / accumulation of refuse, gazbage or feces. — 3 y � �� lo�. 13. SPLC 34.09 (1) b 3432 (i) b,c - Provide and maintaiu all exterior walls free from holes and deteriorarion. All wood ea�terior unprotected surfaces must be painted or protecte_ d frqm� the elements and maintained in a professional manner free from cliipped or peeling Paznt• ` ��� 14. SPLC 34.09 (1) e, 34.52 (1) d- Provi e and maintained the roo we�e�right ��ee�� � � .�,s d:Y� defects. -0ffice trailer has a visible leak.-- �"'�C' °� =°� � � ����� �. 15. SPLC 34.09 (3), 343� (3) - Repa and maintain the doors in�oo co "ti��� ���1 a c � -_ ? Ci��� r� 10-688 16. SPLC 310.02 - Use of this proQeriy do� y no lon��ao� t� sing ordin�n�e�. Call DST/Licensing at (651) 266-9090. �`<-� � �` �� 17. MSFC 803 - Wall and/or ceiling fmishes exceed the code requirements for flame spread ratings. Remove o provide documenta on of flame s read compliance. -Tarps in use as dividers. a � r- �a� cu¢. �-i es�a--�-°�° -� � x c�ot - H a-v G u: 1 t k,. �.�iun� � �'°��/ 18. SPLC 34.10 (2), 34.33 - Repair and mamtain or remove the damaged or unapproved structures' This will require abuilding permit; call D S I at ( 6 5 1) 266-9090. � 19. SPLC 3410 (5), 3A33 (4), 34.16 - Provide and maintain interior in a clean and sanitary condition. Z0. MSFC 315.2 - Provide;and maintain ordetly storage of mat rials. �� 6 ���y ,� � �� w� � rn � 21. MSFC 3152 -� vid nd ' tain staHle p I� d stabks of materials -- Do �� s ¢� �� ??. �r�S? Sta± 299g_t g_ rI„mPdiately r�m�va znd discqirti�nna t�e a�ess o���-� �,p� �07c,K � �.2,,t,r "��,.a�, oy`J U _ combustible materials. — v 23. MSFC 2302.1 - Reduce and maintain storage height to 12 feet or less or provide approved hi�- piled stornae protection. �°-� t � � `� � "�� � t y Zq, MN Rules 1300.0180 - Immediately discontinue use of unsafe heating appliance until repaired or replaced by a licensed contractor. This work may re� �e �p� it�s . Call DSI at (651) 266-9090. ��� Fumace in the wazehouse and used oil burner. -� e ,� ��� CA,�,� � ru✓� v',w f 25. MSFC 2703.4 - Provide Material Safety Data Sheets on all flammable and combustible liquids, hazardous materials, and chemicals on site. The sheets are to be kept on site in an orderly fashion in a readily accessible area. 26, MSFC 3403.5 - Label all containers with product specific identifica6on. -There aze several containers of unlrnown products tluoughout the complex. 2 7. MSFC i Ol 1.2 - Remove the materials that cause an e�t obstrucrion. Maintain a cle� and , � unobstructed exitway. -Maintain cl�ar ais s and pathways. _. ���4 I nS ja • w Xoe �' �^q � Zg. NE�'pA 58 - Reduce the�ane witnin th��m m�Il�o�le quantities in accordance with NFPA ss. - 35 `Fa o = ` ° � � rG - �"°�° `� � � � 29. MSFC 2703.3 - Hazardous materiaIs in any quantity shall not be discharged or released on the sidewallc, sh'eet, high�'aY> d�'au�age canal, ditch, storm drain, sewer, flood-control channel, lake, river, ar the �'ound. -Evidence of broken fluorescent bulbs and other unlaiown products on the ground. For an e�cplanation or information on some of the violations contained in this report, please visit our web page at: http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.uslindex.aspx?N You have the right to appeal these orders to the Lea slative Hearing Officer. Applicarions for appeals may be obtained at the Office of the City Clerk, 316 City Hall, City/County Courtnouse, 15 W Kellogg Blvd, Saint Paul MN 55102 Phone: (651-266-8688) �d must be filed within 10 days of the date of tha original orders. . �r�--.� � � o-sss If you have any questions, email me at: adrian.neis@ci.stpauLmn.us or call me at 651-266-899 between 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Please help make Saint Paul a safer place in which to tive and work. Sincerely, A.7, Neis Firelnspector Re£ # 16616 cc: Housing Resource Center Force Unit 7im Bloom, St. Paul Buildin Off�icial �__ Philip Owens, Assistant Fire Marshal ;� �v � ` � � � Steve iJ�', Bniiding L�sYecto; Greg LaMere, Ramsey County Hazardous Waste Lazry Zangs, Project Facilitator Dick Lippert, Deputy Director of Code Enforcement Steve Magner, Code Enforcement Manager Steve Zaccazd, Fire Marshal �� j�,°°.�l � �t� ��' � �„�, __" 10-688 June 1, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page I 1 8. Appeal of John Norris to allotice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate for property at 315 Larch Street. John Norris Sr., appellant, appeared with his son, John Norris Jr. Joe Keller, Joe's Hot Dogs, appeared in support of the appellant. A.J. Neis and Leanna Shaff appeared on behalf of the department, DSI — Fire. Inspector Neis stated that he first inspected the property on April 19, 2010 and found multiple code violations including unapproved roofing and storage structures; improper storage, handling and use of hazardous materials; excessive accumulation of materials; disorderly storage of materials; lacked necessary egress as there was only one exit from the building; and overall found it to be structurally unsafe and posing a fire danger. He re-inspected the property on May 10 and was able to gain access to areas he had been unable to gain entry on his inspection in April. He condemned the building due to the conditions found and placarded the building with a re-inspection scheduled for May 27. He conducted another inspection on May 27 and found that the property owner was working to address the deficiencies listed in the orders. He noted that Ramsey County Hazardous Waste also issued orders due to the hazardous conditions found at the property. Mr. Norxis Sr. stated that he didn'Y understand the orders which was why he filed the appeal. They were working on cleaning out the yard as well as the inside of the building. Ms. Moermond asked what type of business he conducted. Mr. Norris Sr. responded that he was a"green cycler" where he collected used electrical parts and would break down the components for resale. He said they were working to clean up the property but needed more time. Mr. Norris Jr. stated that they had hired some additional staff to help clean out the building; however, staff needed more supervision and it was taking more time then he had expected. He said that the property had been burglarized through the roof which had been repaired on the exterior so it did not leak; however, they had not yet repaired the interiar. They had also gotten two lazge dumpsters which they filled and removed and were getting two more. He requested a couple of months to comply with the orders. InspactQr Neis said that he found the conditions at the buitding posed a danger to firefighters to be able to navigate through the build'ang as there was only one exit in and out. The roofing structure also posed a serious danger as there was one structure covering three separate buildings. Awnings were also installed without permits being pulled. He also found that the materials being stored could fall and injure anyone occupying the building. Ms. Shaff stated that the property owner would need to have an engineer review the safety issues with the structure of the buildings concerning appropriate egress; the roofing structure would also need to be reviewed by an engineer and the building official would need to conduct a separate review. Mr. Norris Sr. responded that he had contacted two engineers to come and look at the property and was waiting to schedule a time. He said he objected to the number of inspections that had been conducted with photographs being taken and the fact that the police were present which he believed was hurting his business. 10-688 Date: <dndate» File#: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: <dndate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» Date: «Indate» 10-688 File #: «flenum» Folder Name: «foldemame» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: <dndate» File #: «£lenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» , r ;��.. '== � ��._. `;�°. ��.�� � � <'.<'� '� t '`'�;.a . .. . , l} . K � � � � � s � � � �> . � � � :� r� . 4 10-688 Date: <dndate» File #; <dtlenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «P'IN» Date: «Indate» 10-688 File #: «filenum» FolderName: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» Date: <dndate» File#: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» 10-688 Date: <dndate» 10-688 Ntile#: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldemame» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» •� .: Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» 10-688 Date: <dndate» Fiie #: <�lenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: <dndate» File #: «Slenum» FolderName: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «f'ilenum» 10-688 FolderName: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 10-688 Date: <d�date» File #: «filenum» FolderName: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» Date: «Indate» File #: «filenam» Fotder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «Tilenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» i � F � � f 8 .: .. zw �,- ` ` � -� ��. _. � � � . � � v ��.#�� .;�� �- 8�: v� � y 10•688 �r � 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 0 Date: «Indate» Ntile #: <fiilenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» � .: Date: «Indate» Fite #: «filenum» 10-688 Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» Date: <dndate» File #: <�lenum» FolderName: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» � .: Date: «Indate» File #: <fiilenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 � ��� Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIl�T» 10-688 Date: <dndate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» 10-688 Date: <dndate» � File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIlY: aPIN» 10-688 Date: File #: Folder Name: PIN: «Indate» « filenum» <doldername» «PIN» �'s€�>ss=; i ����'�. ��95E� ' �;. __�..� ` '.�. �. { V _ � t F Date: «Indate» File #: «Slenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» 10-688 File #: «filenum» Folder Name: cfoldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» FolderName: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» �;x ��°`.: a � �- s-�- r <; _ -� � *�� � ..� _ _ � � r ° .' �. � �� � . } .;:-� �.;,. . " � _ ! . V � ✓ � � � ° m'- : � �� . - , .�.:xs >. . ��? �'� Date: <dndate» File #: <�lenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» � � . y? k t ,:�th . Mr '.' t�y .' _ c ^'2 , -v � E` : . h �-r ^' -'"°^ :. , � . �. - S �� l�. r , � d . . � ��� .. r�� �! s 3 « - . vx< �.r t„ ,• .rm � . Date: <dndate» File #: <�lenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: aPIN» 10-688 � .: Date: «Indate» File #: «tilenum» Folder Name: <doldername» PIN: «PIN» Date: «Indate» File #: «tilenum» 10-688 Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «fflenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: uPIN» �� � �� � � ,. � . ��; � Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 10-688 Date: <dndate» File #: «8lenum» Folder Name: <doldername» PIN: «PIN» � . . �� � � �° ,� �. e .,' � � ,�� k �� E � .,;, �,�_ �."�, a . s y . iz u '� .:�^ � �. �� ' A ��u� `. x t J r, � � N� J ur � � �rt N y ri ' tf f �'J �g"n'.�-�, �:'.x�,. �II )' T Y4� Y 1 { 1 ': � IY @�� �� "e� � � I i �Ilill Ili ��'�° , �'" �� � � �;; :� ���t. � T � r.,: � Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: <�lenum» Folder Name: <A'oldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» 10-688 File #: <�lenum» Fofder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» Date: «Indate» File #: <fiilenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» � .: Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» � � ' �� .. �: ^,� , , 'u"� ,��_�`' .. °� � �� V $ r {- � � a�° �fi. ��f•t�rl��� � 10-688 � �: �.� � � ." ' �''�? � . e ` .�., - ' ff' ;� c * d � " v,a n - ��; e�� ;7r �� 4 �� � �� y �` � sz � =`+ 4 ,y k� r :.. r , �„�"W ,�.,. � � ` > �; « _ � `� ,a>� � . t < �,� : < .:� - � - s � �:��� v . , ,,...�a .;t 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» � � � �m _ . r - . u - n �s�-� .a.�_.s� �:._..,„._'. .: ... _. ..,.._._.. _ �.> � j . � "�.- � °"�; w`; ¢ r:;� � �- + ._.. ' .�''� . � ....,.... _ � �:. — 4 ` _ '� �'��;._ ' � . . e � _ � n° „ ` . ��� .z� �_:...a � � Date: «Indate» File #: <�lenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-6&8 � 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: <�lenum» Folder Name: <doldername» PIN: «PIN» Date: «Indate» � .::a File#: «tilenum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File #: <�leuum» Folder Name: «foldername» PIN: aPIN» 10-688 Date: «Indate» File#: «Slenum» FolderName: «foldername» PIN: «PIN» .� - �-=� � -x s. , -� ,`� _ � ° �� ._� � . . " � � _ � °_ � � - `--�--< ����`� _ � , . � � .. ���� -; � ��`�"`�°��e � y v Y v � ���������� . . -" -� "' u . ._ . ..- _ ._. ., .._v _ -.`�" ° �. _._;� � -- - ,� � {� � .�_, ._.,-:.� M � 'v✓ �,x �, a- _�s� . _ � �� Mi! . _.�� . ,.. ' ' � .=_ - _:� . � .s c-:;'"..� _ x'` '..�.._r:.� 2 .� ' . ��'r"` _�e,'..i"..,a-�.Y,�- ". ��z�!� Z .. . _ .� _ ' . -^� u � �.. ! � ; '-"f ?��x,,. .- ._. � ��, ' �;�a� � _ , :. y ..:�„ w ��� _ � � „�`x' �� . . . . . .,... _ . "...�`'�...x:. 't:^'...t:=.r`< <. . p �r'v . � rs`�-.x?`,p.�y'�. r-'x Y Y°� y �y�yt{�''��roprr S*•v },�•u�;:i3: fi .�'a .�q . + � � ,.+ .,. Z.' ..' � .�n 10-688 Date; <dndate» File #: «filenum» Folder Name: <A'oldername» PIN: «PIN» � �;�: -_ � � � �`�`` .� Date: <dndate» File #: «file�um» Folder Name: «Foldername» PIN: uPIN» 10-688