10-682Council �le # ��°��� Green Sheet #3114356 Presented by RESOLUTION �fNT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 1 RESOLUED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached agreement vrith Independent 2 School District #625 to provide the School Resource Officer Program to schools in the City of Saint Paul from July 1, 2010 3 through June 30, 2011. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom ,/ Carter Hazris 1 / Helgen Lantry Stark Thune ` � � Adop[ed by Council: Date �����/J Ap� Adoption Certified by Co 7 Secretary By: By: ' Approve b yo � Date ��! ��/ o By: ���r� ��O�O�'�2.� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She Green Sheet - -- ----- '� DepartmenUOM'roelCouncil: � Date I�itiated: �� PD Police DepaRment I 04 JUN 2010 , ConWCt Person 8 Phone: I � � Chief John Harrinpton � 266-5588 j -- ��-- -- - — �- Assign I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): l Number For � - - -� Routing I � Doc. Type: RESOLUTION i Order `___ _ _ .______ _ __ ____I �I E-Doeument Required: Y l i Document Contact: Evette Scarver I Green Sheet NO: 31'14356 ---- - ---� - - - -- -- � Departmenl SentToPerson Initial/DaM ity CI¢rk "- -- - - - -� __� �oliceDepar[ment ___.__� 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ConWct Phone: 266-554'I __ _ _- _ _ _ ____ . ___._. �.. __ _ -_. __ _.. �, ToWI # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) _ _-- ______ . - __ -__-___-.___- . _-__ ___ _ _ - _ _ ___... ._-___ �� Adion ReQuested: '�, Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing ffie CiTy of Saint Paul, Police Departrnent to into the attached agreement i with Independent School District #625 (ISD #625). I Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): � � Pewonal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission � 1, Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? ' CIB Committee � Yes No � CivilSErviCe COmmission [. nas ims personninn eve� oeeu a c��y c�i� i Yes No �� 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. _- __- __ —__ L.____'_ _._.____-- -- —__.__.___ __ --___. � IniSiafing Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ! Authorization is needed to enter an agreement with ISD #625 to provide services for the School Resoutce Officet Pxogam (SRQ) ' from July 2, 1010 through June 30, 2011. '�''� I - ------ - - - - - - -- ------- -- -- I Advantages If Approved: � Corninuation of the SRO program in Saint Paul Schools from July I, 2010 through June 30, 201 l. Disadvantages If Approved: None. i , Disadvantages If Not Approved: Inability to continue the SRO program in the Saint Paul Schools. - � - -� - �--- - -- Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: �SD #625 Financial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. 436-34107 r , _, JU� 1 J ��); ____________. - - - _ __ -_ __ °"' d� 6 8 ��� June 4, 2010 12:57 PM Page 1 m Appendix C School Resource Officer Fee Estimate Julv 1, 2010 through June 30. 2011 Police Officers Salarv 2010-2011 Diaz, Ruby Kraus, William Rost, Cindy Shanley, Shawn Simmons, Vernon Thazalson, Michael Thomas, John Total Salary 7 Police Officer FTEs +3.5% neg. increase Police Officer Fringe Senefits 37.93% Total Salaries, Fringe Benefits NOT TO EXCEED: City of Saint Paul Share ISD 625 Share Z89 73,785 75,072 68,243 73,785 78,871 75,072 78,871 523,699 198,639 722,338 104,000 $622,338 Page 8 of 8 10-682 ., School Resource Officers Operating Frocedures: 1. School Resource Officers will work from 0700 to 1500 hours, Monday through Friday on days when school is in session as per the District calendar. On days when school is not in session, School Resource Officers will report to their SRO superoisor for assignment location. 2. School Resource Officers wIll provide monthly ac6vity reports, which summarize their daily activities and include report numbers (CNs), for the SRO supervisor and the DistricYs Security and Emergency Management Manager in a form approved by the City and the District. 3. School Resource Officers report directly to their primary schooL The officers aze to contact the Juvenile Unit office by phone to check in for the day and to check for messages and mail. School Resource Officers will also sign in with the principal or their desigriee, of their primary schools when reporting to duty. 4. School Resource Officers will check out with their primary school when they leave the school for an extended period of time. Officers shall check out with the lead clerk either verbally or using a sign out form that the school will deve3op. It is an e.rpectarion that Schoot Resource Officers will remain within a reasonable distance of thetr assigned schoo!/s when carrying out their "post orders". 5. School Resource Officers shall make all requests for time off (holiday, sick leave and compensatory pme) through the 3uvenile Unit School Resource Officer Sergeant. 6. 5chool Resource Officers will notify the school principals of any sick leave and additiona] planned time off. 7. School Resource Officers are not permitted to take any extended vacations while school is in session. Officers aze expected to take the majority of their fime off on days that school is closed including winter and spring break. Officers aze expected to take the balance of their vacation time durutg the summer break Page � of 8 10-682 Z89 L � a-saz Appendix B School Resource Officer Program 1. School Resource Officers (SROs) shall wark with students to facilitate positive police contacts, to promote posirive choices and activities, and to establish rapport and encourage open communications. 2. School Resource Officers shall contribute to maintaining a safe and secure educational environment for all students, staff and visitors in Saint Paul Public Schools. 3. School Resource Officers will conduct foot and squad patrol of the school and grounds checking for individuals loitering or acting in an inappropriate and disruptive manner, maintaining high visibility including being present in the cafeteria, halls and grounds during cafeteria hours, school arrival and dismissal times. 4. 5chool Resource Officers will take appropriate action with regard to criminal acdvity, acrively intervene when she/he observes criminal behavior. 5. 5chool Resource Officers are assigned to the seven uaditional senior high schools. 6. School Resource Officers are all Saint Paul police officers, assigned by the Chief of Police, in collaboration with the District. Candidates should ideally have at least 3 years of genesal police experience. Candidates aze asked to submit a letter of interest and resume outlining past professional history including activities involving youth and any speciatized youth training candidates may have completed. Duties af the School Resource Officers: 1. The School Resource Officer will meet as needed with the administrator, teachers and staff of their assigned school, including the principal, asst. principals, counselors, social workers and nurses. 2. School Resource Officers will take part in the PPC (Problem Pupil Committee) process acting as a vital member of this team and as an information conduit. The PPC meeting should commence within the course of the regular school day. 3. The School Resource Officer will take initial offense reports including information reports requested by the school district. 4. The School Resource Officer will also assist with investigations on cases that they initiate or other cases where the suspect or victims aze in schools and otherwise unavaalable, in an attempt to reduce lost class time. S. The School Resource Officer will also assist with incidents that take place on school buses, and in other instances that statute deems to be an extension of Distr,ct property. 6. The School Resource Officer will conduct infoanational classes for staff on subjects which they have expertise in, including gangs, drugs and the criminal justice system. 7. The School Resource Officer will confer with parents, neighbors and other members of the community and provide materials and expertise as necessary. All after school speeches must be requested through the Community Service UniYs Speaker's Bureau. 8. The School Resource Officer will assist with truancy and other status offenses and recotnmend actions to reduce delinquency. 9. The School Resource O�cer will as they move from school to school also remain coguizant of matters requn police attention in the neighborhoods and business area near the schools. 10. The School Resource Officer may assist other officers on calls for service in and neaz the schooLs and will assist the Dish-ict with juvenile problems related to the safe and successful operation of school programs by assisting in identifying the locations where students congregate and cause disturbances on and off District property. Page 6 of 8 7S' � 10-682 Appendix A School Resource Officer Program 1. The District shall provide School Resource Officers with office space, telephone, portable radios, and computers. The office space is located inside the senior high schools and shall be suitable for conducting private interviews. 2. The Dishict provide annual in-service training with regard to school policies, practices, procedures, school security plans, emergency operation plans, and expectations of School Resouzce Officers tluough insttuction and written guidelioes. 3. The Dastrict shall provide access to student informauon through "Campus° that includes d'uectory information: parenUguardian, address and phone number, and class schedule. The District will also provide pertinent information to officers working jointly with the District on school related issues. 4. The District shall work with the City to develop a mutually agreeable interview and appointment process for SRO selection. 5. The Disuict will provide a method, agreed upon by the District and the City, for officers to check in and out of their assigned building(s). The District will maintain these records for the purposes of billing and(oc officer effectiveness for a period of one year. The District will designate an employee at each site assigned responsible for maintaining these records. Page 5 of 8 z89"�� IN WPINESS WHEREOP, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, the day and yeaz first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� Director, Financial Services Director, Human Ri,ghts and Equal Economic Opporiunity Police Chief ;625 Page 4 of 8 10-682 Z89 4 7 0-682 Termination. a. In the event that the SRQ program is eliminated for any reason, this ageement will automatically terminate. At that point, services will be billed and paid for using the formula as stated in Secdon 9. A new agreement must be executed prior to the resumption of the SRO program b. If either party wishes to terminate this agreement, it may do so by providing 30-day written notice to the other party, unless otherwise provided herein. Termination may occur according to a schedule mutually agreed upon in writing by both parties. Miscellaneous. a. Any failure of a party to assert any right under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or a termination of that right, this Agreement, or any provislons of this Agreement. b. If a court or govermnent agency with proper jurisdiction deternvnes that any provision of this Agreement is unlawful and rules such provision void, the balance of this Agreement shall remain intact and in full force and effect. c. This Agreement shall be interpreted and conshved according to the laws of the State of Minnesota. All litigation related to this Ageement shall be the venue of the District Court of the County of Ramsey, Second Judicial District, State of Minnesota. to. 11 d. The assignment of School Resource Officers to the DisYrict does not relieve the City of iYs obligation to provide standazd police seroices to the Distdct nor shall the assignment of SROs to the District be used as a valid reason for Patrol units to refuse to take calls and provide services for the District. Notices. Written notices required by this ageement are to be addressed to the following representatives of each party: 12. City: City of Saint Paul Police Department Commander, Youth Services Section 367 Grove Street Saint Paul, MN. 55101 Page 3 of 8 District: Saint Paul Public Schools Chief Operations Officer 360 Colborne Street Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Z89-Ob 10-682 other party or that party's employees, officials, agents or representatives and the results thereo£ The liability of the parties shall be limited and governed by provision of the Minnesota Torts Claim Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, et esq., and other applicable law. 6. Performance. Both parties accept full responsibility for performance of the duties outlined herein but neither the City nor the District shall be held responsible for non-performance of its duties or responsibili6es under this Agreement if the pazty's performance was prevented by acts or events beyond the party's reasonable control, including but not limited to: severe weather and storms, earthquake or other natural occurrences, strikes and other labor unrest, power failures, electdcal power surges or current fluctuations, nucleaz or other civil or military emergencies, or acts of legisla6ve, judicial, execuUve, or administrative authorifies. Additionally, each SRO will remain under the City's direction and control, and will be subject to police emergency recalls for seroice, activation of any Tactical Alert throughout the City, and/or as officer necessities arise elsewHere in the City. Emergency recalUtactical alerUofficer necessity decisions are within the City's discretion and are not subject to question or liability under this Agreement. Data Privacy. The City and Dishict agree to abide by Minnesota Statutes (Minnesota Government Data Practices Act) as well as any other applicable federal, state, and ]ocal laws and ordinances. SROs who provide services to the District pursuant to a contract with the Ciry within the definition of school employee promote the states articulated policy of making schools a safe place for leuning. As such the SROs and their immediate supervisor shall have access to the following Campus information: see Appendix A. 8. Changes. a. The City or District may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the 5cope of Services. Such changes and methods must be agreed to and authorized in writing in advance by the District and City. Any alterations, amendments, deletions or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when reduced to writing and duly executed by the parties. b. It is understood and agreed that this entire Agreement supersedes any and all oral agreements and negociations between the parties relating to the subject matter herein. c. If t6e School District wishes to increase the number of officers, the City may honor such a request at iu sole discredon. The School District will fund the total program cosu of the additional officers, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. 9. Payments and Billings. a. The District shall make payment to the City in two installmenu representing 50% of the total amount due. The first payment, for the fsst half of the fiscal year, wil] be made on or before December 31, upon receipt of an invoice submitted by the City's police department. The second payment, for the second half of the fiscal yeaz, will be made on or before June 30 of each school year, upon receipt of an invoice submitted by the City's police department. b. The estimated costs for 2010-2011 have been identified in attached Appendix C with the District share not to exceed $622,338. In all cases, actual costs and not a budget estimate will form the basis for reunbursement billings to the School District. If at any time during the period of ttus contract, the City estimates, or has reason to believe, that the fmal contract billing will exceed $622,338, they shall promptly notify tYAe District in writing. The Dishict or City shall have the option of suspending this program for the balance of the 2010-2011 school yeaz. Page 2 of 8 Z89-04 School Resource Officer (SRO) Program 10-682 THIS AGREEMENT, made this Mazch, day of twenty three, 2010, by and between INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625, hereinafter referred to as "DistricP', and CITY OF SAIN'I' PALJL POLICE DEPARTMENT, hereinafrer referred to as "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Boazd of Education of Independent School District No. 625 has by virtue of Board File No. , and the City Council, City of Saint Paul has by virtue of Council Resolution No. , authorized an agreement providing School Resource Officer (SRO) services to the District; Now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the parties, as follows: l. GeneraL The District agrees to pay City as specified herein to permit the assignment of School Resource Officers and Superoisor(s), a11 swom police officers, for law enforcement and educational duties and services to be performed on behalf of the District during khe period of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 201 L The Scope of Services for this Ageement is as listed below. 2. Scope of Services. The SRO Prograzn has two componenu: a. Assignment of O�cers: The City will provide seven (7) School Resource Officers. These personnel will be dedicated to the duties of the'u school assignments. These personnel will not be removed from the schools, except pursuant to section 6. The City retains the discretion to assign or remove its personnel as SROs and to train, supervise, evaluate, discipline and direct the work of the officers with input from the District SEM Director and the SRO Sergeant. The District shall be included in the interview, selection and assignmen[ process as stated in Appendix A. b. Basic Services: The duties performed by School Resource Officers are described in attached Appendix B. SROs are responsible for perFormance of the duties in accordance with "post orders" as stated in Appendix B. The City will provide each School Resource Officer with a police vehicle, gasoline, and vehicle maintenance. The City will provide a Sergeant that is responsible for the supervision of School Resource Officers and maintaining a working relationship betv✓een the City and the School DistricYs Security staff. 3. Term of Agreement. This Agreement will cover the period of July 1, 2010 tluough June 30, 20ll inclusive. 4. Condition af Employment. All services and duties performed by the assigned Officers wi11 be within the course of employment by the City. Officers, as City employees assigned under the Agreement, will remain employees of the City and, therefore, aze cwered by the CiTy's Workers Compensation Program, will be paid by the City, and are entitled to all benefits pmvided by their employer. Officers assigned under the Agreement will be expected to abide by and aze govemed by the rules and regula[ions of the City. Work Schedule: The City shall establish the hours of work and the days of work for the SRO. However, the City shall schedule officers to work on days and hours on which classes aze in session as per the Disaict school calendar. The City agrees to limit vacations to no morz than five consecutive school days during each school year. The City will make every attempt to schedule mandatory Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) certification training during school breaks and/or release days. 5. Indemnification and Hold Haimless. Each party will indemnify and hold harmless the other party for actions and representations made by its own employees, officials, agenu and representarives, wMch occur in the performance of the terms of ihis Aa eement or their employment duties and the resulis thereof to the extent authonzed by law and shall not be responsible for the acu and/or omissions of the Page 1 of 8 Z89'06