176794 orI.inal to city clerk �'7i x'794 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK $ UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE Febraary 19, 1l56 J 4 - i in the matter of opening, widening and eztendiA$ Us proposed Short Line Road by condemning and taking the follemixg described lets and parcels of land, all in the City of St.Pail — The zest 300 ft, of Bleak 15p Ridgwood Park Addition, etc.ete. under Preliminary order C. F. 1 76112 approved Dedember 15, 1955, MOLTBB, That all orders in the above matter be and the some are hereby cancelled, anaalled and rescinded and all proceedings in sash matter discontimod• 1 FEB 15 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195.— Yeas / Nays Gib ns FEB 15 1955 e alvorson pprove 195- ,-KIland -- V rrzitelli Tn Favor �aertimsvrt- 40ting, Mayor Against PUBLISHED . Mr.President, ' 5M 6.55 �02 Duplicate to Printer COUNCIL 7 794 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �! 19 PRESENTED BY DATE 'February 1a- 9 56 COMMISSIONER In the matter of opening., widening and extending the proposed Short sine Road by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land' all in the City of St.PAul - The -pest 300 ft. of Block 15;t Ridgewood- Park Addition$ etc.etc. under Preliminary tinder C. F. 176112 approved Dedember l5, 1955. RESOLIT ' That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled.y annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FEB J 195195- Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195— Holland �- Marzitelli — —In Favor Mayor llge�n pin _ Against Mr. President, D Hon 5M 6-55 2 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1954 763 hereby instructed and directed to pre- C. F. No. 169500--Ordinance No. 10346— pare plans and specifications for said By Frank D. Marzitelli- improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and An ordinance amending Ordinance directed to proceed with making of No. 7881, entitled: said improvement in accordance there- "An ordinance regulating and con- with. trolling traffic, riding, driving and Adopted by the Council August 10, travel in the streets of the City of St. 1954. Paul and providing punishment for Approved August 10, 1954. the violation thereof, and repealing all (August 14, 1954) ordinances and parts of ordinances in- consistent herewith. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS peace, health and safety", OF THE COUNCIL approved December 30, 1937, as amend- ed. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul C. F. No. 169497—Ordinance No 10345— Does Ordain: By Frank D. Marzitelli— SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 7881 approved An ordinance amending Ordinance December 30, 1937, as amended, be No. 7881, entitled: and the same is hereby further amend- "An ordinance regulating and con- ed by adding to Section 85, Subsection trolling traffic, riding, driving and (a) (1), the following: travel in the streets of the City of St. "Between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and Paul and providing punishment for 9:00 A.M. no vehicle shall be left the violation thereof, and repealing all standing on the south side of Summit ordinances and parts of ordinances in- Avenue from Kellogg Boulevard to consistent herewith. This is an emer- Sixth Street." gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public SECTION 2 peace, health and safety", This ordinance is hereby declared approved December 30, 1937,as amend- to be an emergency ordinance ren- ed. This is an emergency ordinance dered necessary for the preservation rendered necessary for the preserva- of the public peace, health and safety. tion of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 The Council of the City of Saint Paul This ordinance shall take effect and Does Ordain: be in force upon its passage and publication, SECTION 1 Passed by the Council August 12, That Ordinance No. 7881 approved 1954. December 30, 1937, as amended,be and yeas — Councilmen Gibbons, Hal- the same is hereby further amended by vorson, Holland Marzitelli, Mortenson, adding to Section 85, Subsection (a) Mr. Vice President (Peterson)-6. (5) the following: Nays-0. "Both sides of Reaney Avenue from Arcade Street to Walsh 'Street." Approved August 12, 1954. JOSEPH E. DILLON, SECTION 2 Mayor. This ordinance is hereby declared Attest: to be an emergency ordinance ren- JOSEPH R. OKONESKI, dered necessary for the preservation City Clerk, of the public peace, health and safety. (August 21, 1954) SECTION 3 C.F. No. 169503—Ordinance No. 10347— This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and By Frank D. Marzitelli- publication. An ordinance amending Ordinance Passed by the Council August 12, No. 7881, entitled: 1954. "An ordinance regulating and con- Yeas — Councilmen Gibbons, Hal- trolling traffic, riding, driving and son, Holland Marzitelli, Mortenson, travel in the streets of the City of St. vor vor Paul and providing punishment for Vice President (Peterson)—6. Nays-0. ordinances and violation d and repealing all parts of ordinances in- Approved August 12, 1954. consistent herewith. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary JOSEPH E. DILLON, for the preservation of the public Mayor. peace, health and safety." Attest: Aproved December 30, 1937, as amend- JOSEPH R. OKONESKI, ed. This is an emergency ordinance Cit Clerk rendered necessary for the preserva- Y tion of the public peace, health and (August 21, 1954) safety. 7 764 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL The Council of the City of Saint Paul 1. Said permittee shall grade said Does Ordain: streets entirely at its own expense,and to the satisfaction and under the su- SECTION 1 pervision of the Commissioner of Pub- That Ordinance No. 7881, approved lic Works, and in accordance with December 30, 1937, as amended, be and plans and specifications approved by the same is hereby further amended by said Commissioner. deleting from Section 10, subsection 2• Said permittee shall pay the cost (c) (2) thereof the following: of engineering and inspection, and "No Pedestrian facing such signal also the cost of the publication of this shall enter the roadway unless he ordinance. can do so safely and without inter- 3.Before entering upon m doing any o fering with any vehicular traffic." f said work, said owners shall procure from the abutting ing owners such and inserting in lieu thereof the fol- easements in and to the abutting prop- lowing: erty as may be necessary for slopes, "No Pedestrian facing such signal cuts and fills, and shall obtain a writ- shall enter the roadway unless spe- ten release, releasing and discharging cifically directed to do so by signs, the City from any and all damages by walk lights, other official marking, reason of the grading of said streets. or by signal or direction of a police 4. Said permittee, after the inception officer of the City." of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously with diligence and com- SECTION 2 plete said work on or before September This ordinance is hereby declared to 1, 1955. If said permittee shall fail to be an emergency ordinance rendered complete the work within said time, the Commissioner of Public Works is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. authorized, and permittee expressly agrees, that he shall have power and SECTION 3 authority to complete said work, and the permittee shall pay to said Com- This ordinance shall take effect and missioner the reasonable cost incurred be in force upon its passage and publi- or expended thereby, and such cost cation. shall be a liability upon and a condi- tion said to bond. Passed by the Council August 17, 5. Said permittee s hall furnish a 1954. bond of $5000.00 to the City of Saint Yeas—Councilmen Gibbons, Halvor- Paul, conditioned to comply with all son, Holland, Marzitelli, Peterson, Mr. the terms of this ordinance, and to President (Dillon)-6. indemnify and save the City harmless Nays-0. from any and all loss, liability, judg- Approved August 17, 1954. ments, suits, costs, charges, damages or expense that may accrue to person JOSEPH E. DILLON, or property occasioned by the grading Mayor. of said streets. Attest: 6. Said permittee shall, within ten JOSEPH R. OKONESKI. days after the publication of this City Clerk. ordinance, file a written acceptance (August 21, 1954) thereof with the City Clerk. SECTION 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to C. F. No. 169535—Ordinance No. 10348— be an emergency ordinance rendered By Bernard T. Holland— necessary for the preservation of the An ordinance granting permission public peace, health and safety. to the Parkview Development Compa- SECTION 3 ny, a corporation, to rough-grade This ordinance shall take effect and Weide Street from Hoyt Avenue to be in force from and after its passage, California Avenue, Idaho Avenue from approval and publication. Arcade Street to Parkway Drive, and Iowa Avenue from Arcade Street to Passed by the Council August 17, Parkway Drive. This is an emergency 1954. ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,health Yeas—Councilmen Gibbons, Halvor- and safety. son, Holland, Marzitelli, Peterson, Mr. President (Dillon)-6. The Council of the City fo Saint Paul Nays. Does Ordain: Approved August 17, 1954. SECTION 1 JOSEPH E. DILLON. That permission and authority are Mayor. I hereby given to the Parkview Develop- Attest: ment Company to rough-grade Weide JOSEPH R. OKiONESKI, Street from Hoyt Avenue to California City Clerk. Avenue, Idaho Avenue from Arcade (August 21, 1954) Street to Parkway Drive, and Iowa Avenue from Arcade Street to Park- way Drive.The Commissioner of Public C.F. No. 169537—Ordinance No. 10349— Works is hereby authorized to issue By Bernard T. Holland— a permit therefor to said Parkview Development Company upon its com- An ordinance granting permission to pliance with the following conditions. TilsenBilt Homes, Inc. to rough-grade viz: Maywood Place from the intersection