176757 Original to city clerk J 71�7 5 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE"c"NO. t LICENSE CON== OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �' ,rj t COMMISSIONEDT ;`" WMFdW 3 Payment was stopped on check presented for license fee for a Mechanical Aelnsement Device Location license for Clara Proulz at 792 East Seventh street. and WHEREASs The proper receipt, applicat►ton and license were written, therefore, be it RESOLVEDS That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to cancel said records and credit the Com-ssioner of Finance with $ 60:009 CANCELLATION Roe, N 9'776 Appn. D 6891 License No. 4664 FEB 141956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons FEB 11 1956 Halvorson Approved 195— Holland ' Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson n Mayor Petepiwm.� ( l roalIlat Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED�.2 SM 6.55 2