10-670Council File # ��—� � Q Green Sheet # 3 I l3 5�( RESOLUTION Presented by PAUL, MINNESOTA � � , 1 Be it resolved that upon proper execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the proper City ofFicials are 2 hereby authorized and directed to pay from the City of Saint Paul Public Works Department Tort Liability Fund, GL225-42310- 3 0511, to Farmers Insurancz Company as subrogee of Cindy M. Jandro and Timothy Linder, the sum of eight thousand two 4 hundred ten dotlars and eighty four ceuts ($8,21Q.84) in fu1l and final settlement of alt ctaims relating to a Property Damage 5 claim as a result of a vehicle accident on or about tl�e 24`� day of December, 2009, at or neaz the intersecrion of Randolph and 6 Shepherd Roads in Saint Paul, MN. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom ;/ Carter �/ Harris � Helgen � Lanhy �/ Stark Thune ,/ Adopted by Council: Date ���f�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ' Approved pe Date � ,,� �v By: Requeste b Dep itm t of By: /�-��o ,�� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � DepartmentlOffce/Cauncil: � Date Initiatetl: j ; HU-HumanResources ', ZgMAY2010 ; Green Sheet NO: 3113576 Contact Person & Phone: Sandra Bodensteiner 6512668887 Must Be on Council 1\qenda by (Date): Doc.Type:RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Sandra Bodenstein ContactPhone: 6512668887 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages 1(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: � Approval of settlement of property damage claim against the City of Saint Paul's Public Works Department by Farmers Insurance Company. �� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): � Planning Commission CIB Committee Civii Service Commission Personal5ervice Contracts Must Answer;he Foilowing 4uestions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this personlflcm possess a skilt not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No 6cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Inil tiating problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � A City of Saint Paul Public Works snow plows entered a intecsection on a red light and was involved in a collision with another ! vehicle. This resolution authorizes settlement of the outstanding property damage claim to the vehicle being presented by Fanners ', Insurance on behalf of their insured. AdvantageslfApproved: An outstanding claim against the City will be resolved. i Disadvantages If Approved: I None. GosUKevenue Sudgeted: Y �isadvanWges lf Not Approved: An outstanding claim against the City would need to be litigated in order to be resolved and additional costs would be incucred. ToWI Amount of $$ 210.54 Transaction: Funding Source: GL225 Activity Number. I I • n �. Financial Information: public Works Tort Liabi]iTy account (Explain) .�Vi� � c , � •: < May 28, 2010 1124 AM Page 1 ID°�o� � �Y 1 � 2010 Property Damage Release Fiie Number C-010109 � - �r� For the sole consideration of eight thousand two hundred ten do4tars and eighty four cents ($8,210.84), the receipt and su�ciency whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby releases and forever discharges the City of Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Public Works Department, Street Division, their heirs, executors, administrators, agents, and assigns, and ali other persons, firms or corporations liable, or who might be liabis, none of whom admit any liability, from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind ar nature whatsoever, to property which has resuNed, ar may develop in the future from an incident which occurred on or about the 24 day of Decernber, 20Q9, at or near, the intersection of Randotph and Shepard Roads, Saint Paul, MN. The undersigned hereby declares that the terms of this settlement are fully understood and voluntarily accepted for the purpose of making a full and final compromise adjustment and settlement of any and all claims, disputed or otherv✓ise, on account of the property damage mentioned above. f hereby s#ate that I have read this release, know the cantents thereof, and have signed the same, relying on my own judgment and on no representations of others, and of my own free wil! ar�d accord this .��, day of �_�_ ._, 24 !0 . /1 � the �/' _ .�., Signature of Auth ' zed Representative of Farmers Insurance Company as subrogee of Cindy M. Jandro and Timothy Linder under claim number US9-SUB-1015242418-1 � ^ B fiQn V�CSlC;S✓12 Witness Printed Name af Per n Signing Above 36- d66/sis Tax Idsntification Number t�� "OfFICIAL SEAI° Noiary Pe i cNSiate of f I��nois hRy Commission Expires Nov. 25, pp�� F�, YY'9 I Request for Taxpayer I Give form to the �'°"O°°�r � ldentification Number and Gertiftcation { reQ�ester. Do not �i,�m.r�em.y � send to ihe IRS. N 0 � � c 0 m G F� � ` o c � LE a� a �U O N m N rn yrnu name. U dMferafrt hom above Chaek eppopriate Ewc Q IndeAtluaVCaoIB proprieta Q Cayor�op ❑ Partnership ❑ limkatl fiabiliry comPaM. Enter the tax ctssvfrcabm li1_tl's�aBmdetl artUry. Cxorporation. F=6�4reF+hiP1 �.""" Q p� ❑ OMmprohcWttMrs�► Atltlresa �wmber, atreat, enE ept, w sWCa no.) Raquestafs name arid etld�¢ss toptiorial) �ty. 5I8tq List axount numba(s� hare Enter your llN in the epproprtate bax. The TiN providetl must match the name given on llna 5 to avo�d Socsat n°°"'�' rn"^b°' backup wlthholtAng. Fw Indlvitluels, thfs is your social security number (SSN�. However, for a resldeM ellen, sote proprietor, or Nsregerded entlty, sea tlie Pert I Instructlons on page 3. For other entMes, It is your employer ldendflce8an number (EINj. I[ you tlo not have e num6er, see How to get a 71N on pege 3. a� Note. If the aCCOUnt is fn more then me name, see the chert on page 4 for gulddl�es on whose Employnr ldentlfimtlon wmbar numbertoe�rter. ' ��, ; 0266!$"/�" Undar peneftles of per�ury, I ceN�y that 7. The rwmber shown on this fortn !s my correct texpayar ldentification number (m I sm wa1Wg for a number ta 6e fssved to me), and 2. I em not subJ�t to beckup wRhhold"tng beceuse: (� I em exampt hnm backup withhaltling, or (bJ I have not heen noWied by tha Intemel Revenue Service QRS) thet I em SubJeci ta backup wlthholding es a result oi a 1811Ure to report atl iMerest or diddentls, or (c) the IRS hfls noUfled me Mat I am no longer subject to �acluip wtthholding, and 3. I em e U.S. dthen or other U.S. person [definad balow). CertNicatSon irtsWCtions You must cross o�t Itesn 2 above EE you have been'wtified by the IRS that you aze cu�renM/ sub]at to 4aclap wRhh�ltling because you have fslletl to report all Interest and dNfdentls on your tex reNm. For refll estate transacNons, Item 2 does not ¢pply. For mortgege Interest paitl, ecqulsttion or ahanConment o( secured properry, ranceliatian of tlebt, contribu[ions to en intllvitlual�retlrement artangemen( QRy, end germrally, peym ts other than interest entl tlrvldends, you ere not requiretl [a sign ihe Car[iflcatlon, Gut yau must provide your correct T1N. See the insm�'rons an page 4. °�y�� I Sigrunaeaf �/� , Here � ❑s. oersoo ►% General Instructions Section references are to the Intemal Reven�e Code unless othenvise noted. Purpose of Form A pefson who is raqu�red to file an infortnation retum wcth the IRS must obteln your correct ta�ayer ldentiflcation number (TIM to report, ior erample, tncome paid to yov, real escate transactlons, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition w abantlonment W sawred property, cancella[ion of debt, or cantributions you mede to an IRA Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (ncluding a resident aiienJ, tv provide yaur correct 71N to ihe person . requesting It (the requeste� and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the 11N you are giving is correc[ (or you are waEting for a nurttber to be IssueUJ, 2. CeNfy that }rou are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Clalm ezemptlon from hackup withholding_"rf you are a U.S. ezemPt payee. N applicable, you are atso certttying that 25 a U.S. person, your elfocabla share ot any parviership income from a U.S. trade or 6uslness is rrot subject to tt+e wi[hhoiding tax on Eoreign partners' share of efiectivelyconnected income. - Nota. 1f a requester gives you z tortn other than Fortn W-9 to request your TIN, you must use the requestets form jf It is suSstanUaily sirnllar to [hls Fottn W�3Y .. ��Ij Definition ot a U.S. pe�son. For federal tax purposes, you ara wnsidered e U.S. person tt yau aze: • M Indivldual who is a U.S. cltlzen or U.S. resldent alien, • A partnership, wrporation, comparty, or associatlo� created or organ¢ed in the Untted States or urWer the laws of the United States, • An estats (other than a toretgn e5tece), or • A domesUc tivst (as da4tred in Regulati�ns section 301.7701-7J. Spec3al rules for parfiershlps. Partnerships thet conduc[ a trada or business in the UnRed Siaces are geneia7ry required to pay a withholding tax on arry torelgn partners' share of income {rom such tsuslness. EuRher, in ceRain cases where a Form W-9 has not been received, a partnership is required to presurtre that a partner is a foreign person, and pay Ne wiihholding tax. Therefore, if you are a U.S. person that is a partner in a partnership contlucting.a hade or busirw..ss in the United States, provide Fortn W-9 to the partn�ship to c.ta5llsh your US. status aM avold withhol�ng on your share of partnership income. The person who gives Form WA to ihe partnership for purposes of estsb(�sFting its U.S. siatus and avoiding w+thhoiding on Rs allop6la share of net income fiom the partnership mntluctl� a trade or busl�ss In khe llnded States 5 in the following cases: _ • The U.S. owner of a disregarded entity and not ths entity, Cat No. 10237X ' -.r-. r-«�, w-a �a�. io-zoon