176689 original to City Clerk COUNCIL 176689 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK bile No. 1706MQ ]Sy rorria O. NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ! proper a kl COMMISSIONER DATE employes oY the�Depart e t of Finaance for extra employment as described in the resolution. 1966. Adopted by the Council February 7, Approved February 7, 1966., (February 11, 1968) WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Finance has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an energency during the period fron February 1, 19560 to February 15, 1956, which rendered necessary the employment of certain ea-. ployees of the Department of Finance for acre than eight hears per day or forty hours per week in doing the following described works exaiining lauds aid buildings proposed to be acquired for school sites, street openings, sewer easements, Capitol Approach, etc., and preparing estimates of damages to individual properties; checking assessments for local imprmvemeuts and miscellaneous work; and WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: increased departmental activity caused by Bond Issue Prograi on top of a previously crowded progran; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVM That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Covncilts salary ordinance, Ordinance yo. 6446. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FEB 7 1956195— Yeas Nays Glb s FEB r 1956 alvorson Approved 1195— Holland --56 zitelli Favor ;014 Orr,'Rson nn - Mayor terson —C Against .President, Dillon 6M 6.55 -4jW2