176650 Original to City Clerk 17 .fi
CITY OF ST. PAUL F LE"C'L NO. 1 f P 6 l t_l n
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ba>e No.'17Bt59-33g
�--'` 7:7 C NCIL RESOL T10N—GEN L FORM � ,� , , ;.,,y lit
fit Urns .Si
wmRwo 'Bee City Clerk has reported., in acsordance with Section 53 of
the City Charter, the ezisteace of an emergency daring the period. from January
li to Jaauary as, 19562 which rendered necessary the employment of certain
employees of the City Clerk's Office for more than eight hours per day or
forty hours per week in doing the following work:
Registration of voters in the braacb libraries and certain schools, end
VMRWI This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and
The program of registration of voters at places outside the City Ball
required the supervision of volunteer workers by regular staff members at the
registration places which were open daily until B P. I.
TEP�NOR% BE IT RIMOLVID That the proper city officers are hereby
authorized to pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with
the provisions of the Council's salary ordinance, Ordinance lo.,6446.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FES 1 195095_
Yeas /� Nays
Gl ibbons
H�alvorson ApprovedFIF 8 1956 195-
arzitelli In Favor 4tuevxle
/� Mayor
�rtinson / J
1.�?fterson Against PUBLISHED
"--W.President, Dillon
6M 6-64 2