176638 17 638 COUNCIL FILE NO By J ; INTERMEDIARY ORDER ` K In the Matter of WK IV � � ► nerete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing, where it is necessary t© remove existing track paving including rails and ties; by surfacing the track area, where existing track pavement is left in place, with asphaltic concrete; by removing the wood block, brick and asphalt surfacing on the present paved roadway and resurfacing the present concrete base with asphaltic concrete; by building up the present concrete base with concrete where necessary to bring { <a4e. #c4 „the pre�e�*'pase to the proper x she at :mow_*spk Bur- ., k i facing or fiy constructing new concrete base where necessary;, by resetting—,old 7 . Qerb' o � asti et n1� cuirb' ss adev*Dw th .ke::i ecessairy; 'pit' d1Ye i ab& d 1V*wW.-%'4wet z#,where nfftsvkry by 1s tt+cti '' d `end appsrtesance s ford' snd- A ,, r ,`me! RsiFj; $lE; ± � ! i } r� �tt4 ,a .,r NI tray street mains t0 the property lines IF,where necessary; 1y reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on inter- "eting s#a^eeits whierf -In essforrdty with 4aid 3 ovesent; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement, aa _e bs�wi •ihd sspiisltie°��oQCi'st�t sm'�tit�3,ng, �� s�'Y 1. to remo l5dsting track paving including rails and ties; by s cin$ the track ve area, where existing track pavement is left in place, with asphaltic concrete; by removing the wood block, brick and asphalt surfacing on the present paved madWay and resurfacing the present concrete base with asphaltic Concrete; by '., building up the present concrete base with concrete where necessary to bring svr- the r r awe new asphalt- Vie•'ef� e`�►r 'amat�0uss�!to�,tha �• �tb . . - b resetting old facing or by constructing new concrete base where necessary; y ?b '' $ � b z sidewalks whet® necessary; by pe, alley pnd driveway returns �re necessary; by ccstih ';ebbd 'ts sag" c±�ds fi'rt;!ff.— li�ti� ilid ;treit�!' e'.CS+st�*ol .*yet rl �l� �, St:RA h �► bet#tf,, wa*r irsMsvia osmoiecleins'€ t.etlxt�Mi4� ►i:Aa to tapxQX" _. �tith�.►r ri�c�rehiry�>`lay�'!1'eoan 'u+o�r� �ha ipt►�'�6�;,��'�#�1 °+�� �. �" ' slbc'Fi$� #i#'ee�ta:hae .tuot'in- confottmiigr:a31� # 'P !�l1IR . and by doing all other work which is necessary aod'tncidental to said improvement, Approved 19 /rj Clerk PUBLISH L, - (� Acting Mayor File 13193 Councilman GIBBONS Councilman 14ALVORSON Councilman HOLLAND Councilmam°h� � � -, Councilman MORTINSON Councilman --+&Z"$0M­ Mr. Preside. . Ndr. Vice President (Peterson) s