176613 OrislaA to City Clerk 176613 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. =CEW Col TTJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .a:,r Cil rag M6. COUNCIL RESOLUTION— L RM ..j 'qy" i COPRESENTED M IONE WRRWMS Red Cab Co., Inc. dba Capitol City Checker Cab Co, has made Application b 7715 for license to operate three automobiles as tattcabs upon the streets of the City of Saint Paul, described as follows Cab jig's Aake Steal Insurance 35 plmwuth 13482754 Public National. Insurance Company Pblicy No. 76344, Bapiring 12:01 Aole 37 Plymouth 13680192 ST, August 229 1956. 94 Plymouth 13677718 WHMMs Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy idth the City of Saint Paul and said policy has been approved as to forty and execution by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it MESOL4NDs That license to operate said automobiles as taxicabs upon the-streets of the City of Saint Paul be and the same are hereby granted to the Red Cab Co., Inc.dba Capitol City Checker Cab Co. BBID+TAL JAN 311956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays -**"Halrnd n Appr oved JAN 311958 195— A Favor ortinson 40tini Mayor "" � gainst PUBLISHED_ a- sl-s� 5 M,.i•Sf.Y&q"wMc (P""804)