176607 Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 176607 COUNCIL FILE NO. ;.� PRESENTED BY E .. i 107 x0 An ordinance relating to and regulating the possession, sale, distribution, prescribing, administration, dis- pensation and use of cocaine and opium and their deriva- tives, cannibal indices, marijuana, cannibas sativa and their derivatives, and the possession and use of hypo- dermic syringes and needles and other implements used or adapted for the use of drugs by subcutaneous injec- tions, and the possession of pipes, stems, bowls, lamps or other opium smoking paraphernalia, in the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN,* Section 1. No person or persons shall, in the City of Saint Paul, possess, sell, distribute, administer, dispense or prescribe any cocaine or opium or any of their derivatives, or any cannibas indica or cannibas sativa or marijuana, or any of their deriva- tives, except as in this ordinance hereinafter provided, permitted and allowed. Section 2. Any manufacturer, wholesaler, apothecary, physi- cian, dentist, veterinarian, public or private hospital, sani- torium, or institution maintained or conducted in whole or in part for the treatment of disability or disease or inebriety or drug addiction, may purchase, receive, possess, sell, distribute, prescribe, administer or dispense cocaine or opium or their derivatives, or cannibas indica or cannibas sativa or marijuana or any of their derivatives, provided he shall have complied with all the provisions and requirements of the act of Congress of December 17, 1914, known as the Harrison Narcotic Law, as the same exists and may be amended. Section 3. No person or persons; , except dealers. i.n surgical instruments, apothecaries, physicians, dentists, veterinarians, nurses, attendants and internes of hospitals_, sanitoriums or any institution in which persons are treated for disability- or' disease, shall at any time have or possess any hypodermic syringe or needle or any instrument or implement adapted for the use of cocaine or narcotic drugs by subcutaneous injections, and which is possessed for that purpose, unless such possession be authorized by the certificate of a physician issued within the period of one" year prior to any time of such possession. No person shall use, possess or have under his control for use any stem, bowl, lamp, yen hock or other opium-smoking paraphernalia or accessories used for the smoking or inhalation of opium. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance restricting the possession of cocaine or opium or their derivatives, and cannibas indica, cannibas sativa, marijuana or their derivatives; and the provisions thereof restricting and prohibiting the possession of any hypodermic syringe or needle, or any instrument or im lement adapted for the use of cocaine or narcotic dru s C v pubcNaneous Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by e o ncil Gibbons -Holver1m / Holland In Favor V Marzitelli Mortinson d Aroainst Peterson Attest Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: City Clerk Mayor 1000 12-54 S f Orlsinsl to City Clark ' ORDINANCE 17660 ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 10'7 (2— infections; and the provisions thereof restricting the possession of any pipe, stem, bowl, lamp, yen hock or other opium-smoking paraphernalia or accessories used for the smoking or inhalation of opium, shall not apply to common carriers or warehousemen, or their employes, engaged in lawful distribution or storage of such drugs or materials, or any thereof, or to public officers or employes while engaged in the performance of their official duties, or to' the temporary incidental possession of such drugs or imple- ments, or any thereof, by employes or agents of persons lawfully entitled to possession thereof. Section 5. Any possession, sale, distribution, prescribing, administration, dispensation or use of cocaine or opium, or any of their derivatives, or cannibas indica or marijuana or cannibas sativa, or any of their derivatives, or of any hypodermic syringe or needle, or any instrument or implement adapted for the use of cocaine or narcotic drugs by subcutaneous injections, or any stem, bowl, lamp, yen hock or other opium-smoking paraphernalia or accessories used for the smoking or inhalation of opium contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, is hereby declared to be dangerous to the public health and a menace to the public welfare. Any fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, subterfuge, or con- cealment of a material fact or the use of a false name or the giving of a false address in obtaining treatment in the course of which opium or coca leaves or their derivatives or preparations shall be prescribed or dispensed in obtaining any supply of such drugs, shall constitute a violation of the provisions of this ordinance and any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Municipal court of the City of Saint_:Pahl _ , be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety (90) days. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. MAR 116 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Gibbons Hsl� Holland 1n Favor / Marzitelli Mortinson A ainst Peterson MAR 1 X95 Mr.President (Dillon) t Approv Attes ew(vlt_J6� - s City Clerk Mayor 1000 -b4 8 PUBLISHED_', -3—s� � k 4 r w..wwrosrrw,4 ^x�rRve .t.. r T �u n.•w :if: n�'::�.t ee s ) ' w" .,,v q.i a .4m'r r'�A.+h „i• :.Y.n d. M,#:....r. ..•:-,. ,r;x'n do ,:. ., vs-a.4 „i,-. 't. ,•..wW i:. 'x4q i C:h,'�. -:. :r, i. - '�l Y� .i';y 2. 'd:" P," '.'- �' :•.h. ey..:, „� i:. e4_ fl, - �' y di-> ,r ,..... f'is •tl ! �::, .:u ar.. ':�• Lea.n. '.tl ...y;. ., x .; m• ..:. ^„,; .y Px :N 3 6' 4 P >.'It:. t^ ..:6. u1r ••4 nXd 4� Fc -kaR S �Jk M1� IM JS_ jr1'f aA.. -Yrctl:. �..., r r., xs •-.'.1 > ;.'h { gip. r ,....,- : 'rr�...� ...•.6 .. .4 �... F7�1 T7 V't rtllr�P'k'.�. t N,t-:. 'k�• _ V.�'1 V�''�� * ;4 n i ,'p.':: cs Kn .T T 1'.:'.r z :.f A �. all Arl , ,«:a n-- •f.- w r,.n/ 9.r, M x fax.' ,v; .. K7 ,vM. F mow. � u.� .:, :. •.. :,. .z '.;,n. 1,.�i lk Y.: ..e. � va.sj:.� v ':--µ •X mw.�Nn.� al eta¢ 8 tk_ IL JEL , �c t .fie n ♦: ..F.; _ a+ .. AL IZA 4 ° ,ix :r rep >• .:.., v t.-.- t :.. y :-' Y.. rs jY '.:.. .. , .'v'. i 'fir iM tr;:'_t''.• 1 77 np � xa, r'.&. u' ,�.c. h;. .� — s's - r�". {�' r�r.. r•. v-:nk 'a'k �.as:: •,dx :�4x .,:;fix. ries:r- s:ti'.rM P✓ f h-._ t"u<. r-� ,��;+ 41.ki: ,ri�,. -ry� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE � N CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6 / INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION .01W® January 26, 1956 Mr. Robert F, Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Commissioners The attached information is self-explanatory and concerns the possibility of proposing a new ordinance making it an offense to possess such tools as are used by the narcotics addict and also the pusher. 1 am submitting this to you for your consideration with the possible hope that we can have such an ordinance enacted or an addition to ordinances now in effect which will better help law enforcement and the pollee officer who is attempting to carry out his every-day duties. Respectfully submitted, �,�'.IJLC.GA.irr�J ��✓�� Chief of Police is o e l' 3 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION -01W2 January 18, 1956 Chief Wm. F. Proetzs In times past and also recently the Morals Division has been confronted with Narcotic addicts who had in their possession impliments commonly used foe* the suboutamus injection of Narcotic Drugs, such as Heroin or Morphine. These implements may consist of Hypodermic needle, eye dropper used with Hypodermic needle, cooking spoon or other small containers for the preperation of the Narcotics for injection and small wads of cotton through which the fluid is strained into the needle and eye dropper. Also empty gelatine capsules to which a White powder adhered to the inner side. Chemical test of these items have shown traces of Narcotics# On Dec. 9th* 1955, in a search of the room occupied by William Hines, a known Narcotic Addict, articles as described above were found* On Jan. 12, 1956, Jos. H. Tanksiey, a suspected user and peddler of Narcotics* was arrested. In his room were found a large quantity of unused gelatine capsules, also 13 simiftr capsules, which had contained a White Pwwder. These items were turned over to the U.S. Alcohol Labe A report submitted by M.G.D. Williams, Chief Chemist, on Jan* 17, 1956, indicates that Heroin was identified in the Metal Sifter and in all but 3 of the 13 capsules. The Tanksley case was referred to Ass*t. County Attorney, Wm* Desmond, who stated that the evidence was insufficient for prosecution e City Ordinance # 33W does not relate to the possession of the aforementioned Item* It relates only to the possession of Narcotic Drugs for the purpose of Sale. This report is submitted with the thought that it is advisable to enact an Ordinance which would make it a Violation to have In possession such items as mentioned here. Attached is a copy of a Mpis. Ordinance which has worked out very well there* Respectfully submitted, JS/f ap to Joe Schmitz 1 is 2nd_52' Laid over to 3rd and app dopte Yeas Nays Yeas Nays bons Gibbons Ha orson H lland Hand M M1I I itehi ar 'telli tinsoninson Z Peterson eterson Mr. President Dill] President Dillon 8 17607