176595 Orhlnal to City Clerk .176595 O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �—� CO 9L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ti s ±r S COMMISSIONER DATE N rte+ � Ofd S, by Ordinance No. 10135, adopted by the Council acid approved by the Mayor September 9, 19539 and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul at an election held November 39 1953, the Council of the City of Saint Paul was authorized to issue and sell the negotiable bonds of the City of Saint Paul of the par value of Thirty—eight Million, Nine Hundred Fifty—six Thousand Dollars ($38,956,000), of which specified amounts were to be issued for specified purposes therein set forth; WHEREAS, heretofore the aggregate of Eleven Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($11,700,000) par value of such authorized bonds have been issued and sold by the City of Saint Paul for the pnrvose of its acquisitions of funds necessary to its accomplishment of the first, second and third parts of several of the improvement purposes for which such bonds as aforesaid were authorized to be issued and sold; WHEREAS, it is necessary at this time that additional Two Dillon, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,200,000) par value of such authorized bonds be issued and sold by said City for the purpose of its acquisition of funds necessary to its accomplishment of the fourth part of several of the improve- ' ment purposes for which such bonds as aforesaid were authorized to be issued and sold, to—wit; For the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds and constructing and equipping near school buildings and additions to existing school buildings, Two Million,Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2*200,000), to be entitled n School Improvement Bonds, Series 16.4n; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council Of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, at this time, such additional $2,200,000 par value School Improve- ment Bonds, Series No. 40 authorized by said Ordinance No. 10135; that such bonds be sold in the manner provided by law; that such bonds be in denominations of $1,000900 each, that such bonds be dated March 1, 1956, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per annum, payable semi—annually on March 1 and September 1 according to coupons to be attached to said bonds; that said bonds be serial in form and a portion thereof shall be payable each year commencing March 1, 1959; that none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195— Holland -1Ta_r_z1' eM--" Tn Favor Mortinson Mayor Against )M&r. Vice Preddant (Peterson) 6M 6-64 2 a 17659 5 Original to City Clark � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOLENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 30 years; that none of said bonds shall be sold for less than par 'value and accrued interest; that said Council shall, by its subsequent resolution, fix the denomination, form and dates of maturity of said bonds and other essential characteristics of the same, as required by applicable provisions of the Home Rule Charter of City of Saint Paul, and of the Statutes of the State of Minne- dota in such cases made and provided therein; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the issuance and sale of said bonds for the aforesaid purposes and the provisions therefor hereunder are authorized by the governing and applicable provisions of Section 217 of said Home Rule Charter and by the governing and applicable provisions of Chapter 1+75 of the Minnesota Statutes 1953, as amended, and that the Sinking Fund Committee and proper officials of said City of Saint Paul be and hereby are authorised and directed to provide therefor, and cause to be taken all requisite proceedings under the aforesaid applicable provisions of law, for the issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of the aforesaid additional bonds of said City of Saint Paul, authorized by said Ordinance No. 10135, with all convenient speed. .,r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council AN 3 119 195— Yeas Nays JAN 31 1956 Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195— Holland rz> e i Tn Favor Mortinson Mayor e gainst r." ice rest ent Peterson) PUBLISHED � — ,.S' 5M 6.55 �02 Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Ww"S, by Ordinance No. 10133. adopted by the Council and approved by the error September 9, 195312; and ratified by the electors of the City of :paint Paul at an election held November 39 1933a► the Council of the City of Saint Paul was alltborized to issue and sell the negotiable bonds of the City of Saint Paul of the par value of Thirty.-eight, )(111 ,on , ftn4red Fifty-s z Thousand Dollars 03$.956,m), of whuh,spectfled. anounte were to be issued for specified purposes therein set forth; WHIUASO heretofore the aggregaate of Eleven Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars (410 00000) par value of such autborized bonda ave been issued and sold by the City of Saint Paul for than purpose of $to acquisitions of funds necessary to its accomplishment of the first, eaoord and thirA parts of several of the Improvement purposes for which such "ends as aforesaid were authorized to be Jammed sA44 sold; WiMRW, it 1s necessary at this time that additional Two Millosno Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2.200#000) par value of such authorized: bonds be issued and sold by sad-dClt r for the purposes of its acquisition of ft ads necessary to its a accoraplioktment of the fourth part of several of the Ul Trove sent► purposes for which such bonds as aforesaid were authorized. to be issued and sold, to-wit; For the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds and constructing and equipplog 'new school buildings and adAit oas to existing school buildings, Two M llionsTwo Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2j200#000)* to be entitlaed. a School Improve nt Bouds, Series so.4"; therefore, be it F3SOLVED, that the 0ouncail of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, at this time, ;each a".tionaa $20200.000 paar gala'* ftbool Improve- men; Sondst Serials No. 4* authorized. by said Ordinance No. 1013$1 that such bonds be cold in the aaxInaer provided by law* that such bounds be in donominations of $1.000.00 each, that such bonds be daaW. *r rch 10 19$6, "beaming interest. at a rate not exceeding 6% per ann , payable seat-annually on March 1 and September I according to coupons to be atttachot to sapid. bonds; that said bonds be serial In fora aannd, ;a partioxn thereof shall be payable each. year com encixn, larch 1, 1959; taaAt none of id brands shall run for a longesr period tI COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195— Holland In Favor Mortinson Mayor ,. Against W 6-64qr• 2Pl:eStdent (reteraion) Duplicate to Printer CO (� z } CITY OF ST. PAUL ILENCIL li NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 3o years; that none of said bonds shed be sold for less than par Val UG ±anal, accraed interest; that said Council shall, by its subsequent resolution, fix the denominations, form and dates of matuxity of said bonds an4 other essential characteristics of the same, as required by applicable provisions of the Some Rule Charter of City of Saint Pauly and of the Statutes of the Mate of Minne- data in Bch cases wade and provided therein; REWLFFD FURTHERi ;that the issuance and sale of said bonds for the aforesaid purposes and the provisions therefor hereunder are authorized by the governing and applicable provisions of Section 217 of said Some Rule Charter and by the governing and applicable provisions of Chapter 475 of the Minnesota Statutes 1931, as amend:esds and that the Sinking; Fsntd: Committee and proper officials of said City of Saint Paint be and hereby are authorized and directed to provide therefor, and dose to be taken all requisite proceedings under the aforesaid applicable provisions of lava, for the issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of the aforesaid additional bonds of said City of Saint Paul, authorized by said ordinance No. 10135, with all ,convenient speed, jAr4 3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays JAN 11 Gibbons Halvorson Approved 195- Holland 3har�itelli In Favor Mayor Mortinson Against ' n I' Mr. Vice Pre* ,t W,ewrpQa) 5M 6-55 2