176591 Ori Yi t to ne City lerk 17 591 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RES4 UT , —GENERAL FORM + ► �a r1l. . } -- >rrank � PRESENTED BY ' 7 COMMISSIONER DATEt'•tut ' 717 RESOLVED, That Adeline L. Zientek, widow df Ralph Zientek, Sanitation Laborer, who died January 16, 1956, be paid $217.80 for ninety-nine (99) hours vacation time due Ralph Zientek, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Sanitation and with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works. RCV x'61 955 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoJAI N 2 7 1&%-195— Yeas � Nays JAN 2 71966 Gibbons alvorson Approved 195- __Jh1land ,Ma-'rzitelli n Favor _t-,Bortinson / Mayor erson Against .President, Dillon PUBLISHED_,2ZC, 5M 6.55 Q