176578 1/(`578 Original to City Clerk "' CITY OF ST. ° CI` NO. OFFICE OF THE NCL RZOLLITION , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER iefat 'r n iR�s'-rY bj.' WHEREAS, the Council Advisory Committee on the Second United Improvement Bond Issue, after study and consultation with the City Technical Committee, has made reports to the Council recommending additional allocations for School Improvement Projects for the year 1956 under the 1953 United Improvement Bond Issue Program and has recommended the amount of funds that should be allocated to each such project; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has considered such recommendations and is in agreement with the Advisory Com- mittee in the matter, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the additional allocations be approved for the year 1956, together with the sums of bond moneys appropriated for each such project and the bond funds from which such appropriations are made are hereby designated as follows: School Acguisiti6n - Bond Fund 300 Sites, Construction. and Equipping Project Number Project Amount EA-6 Como Jr. High $910,000.00 Como Jr. High Site 150,000.00 EA-9 Sheridan Elementary 100,000.00 EA-11 Highland Park Jr. High 700,000.00 EA-12 Equipment - New Schools 340,000.00 Total Fund 300 $2,200,000.00 BE IT FURTHEI RESOLVED, That the -proper city officers and bureaus proceed immediately to prepare the necessary resolutions therefor and to institute, conduct, and complete all requisite proceedings for the sale of School Improvement Bonds in the amount of $2,200,000.00 par value to finance the above projects, all as provided in Ordinance No. 10135, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on September 9, 1953, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul on November 3, 1953. p 2 61956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CoJ N 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons JAN 2 61956 Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson 0 yor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED 5M 635 2 Duplicate to Printer 176578 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the Council. Advisory Committee on the Second United Improvement Bond Issue, after study and consultation with the City Technical Committee, has made reports to the Council recommending additional allocations for School Improvement Projects for the year 1956 under the 1953 United Improvement Bond Issue Program and has recommended the amount of funds that should be allocated to each such project; and WHFR EAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has considered such recommendations and is in agreement with the Advisory Com- mittee in the matter, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the additional allocations be approved for the year 1956, together with the sums of bond moneys appropriated for each such project and the bond funds from which such appropriations are made are hereby designated as follows: Scho l 6gQuisitiOn Bond Fund 300 Sites, Constructio n,, and Eauiming Project number Project 6mount EA-6 Como Jr. High $910,000.00 Como Jr. High Site 1500000.00 EA-9 Sheridan Elementary 1000000.00 EA-11 Highland Park Jr. High 700,000.00 EA�-12 Equipment • New Schools 340.000.00 Total Fund 300 $2,200,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers and bureaus proceed immediately to prepare the necessary resolutions therefor and to institute, conduct, and complete all requisite proceedings for the sale of School Improvement Bonds in the amount of $2,200,000.00 par value to finance the above projects, all as provided in Ordinance No. 10135, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on September 9, 1953, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul on November 3, 1953. ®® 2 61956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounbY� 195_ Yeas Nays Gibbons` ;i'„; % P) I Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli In Favor _ Mortinson i� Mayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 2 -COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE PIERCE BUTLER, JR. CHAIRMAN BOND FUND EXPENDITURES ARCHIE GINGOLD 379 City Hall and Court House MRS. ALFRED W. PARTRIDGE CApital 4-4612—Ext. 277 January 269 1956 RICHARD C. BADMAN, JR. LAWRENCE RYLANDER PAUL A. SCHILLING FRANK WIDERSKI Honorable Mayor and FRANK L. MADDEN Members of the City ouncil ! � y � EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Saint Paul, Minnesota, Gentlemen; Your Advisory Committee, in cooperation with the Technical Committee, studied the request of the School Department for authorization of bond funds to finance the School building and rehabilitation program for the year 1956. The breakdown of bond funds requested by the School Department in 1956 is as follows; Project No. Pro3eQt Amoyat. EA-6 Como Junior High 09109000000 Como Junior High Site 1509000,00 EA-9 Sheridan Elementary School 1009000.00 EA-11 Highland park Junior High 7009000000 EA-12 Equipment, New schools, 3400000.00 9292009088.00 The above allocations are charged against School Aequisition Bond Fund No- 300 - covering Sites, Construction and Equipping. Your Advisory Committee recommends, and Technical Committee concurs, that allocations shown above, totalling $2,200,000.009 be approved by your body; and the proper city officers be instructed to proceed immediately with the sale of said School bonds* Attached herewith are letters from John J. Faricy, Chief Accountant of City Comptroller's office and a member of the Technical Committee, directed to that committee and to use We draw attention to the need for and manner of certain adjustments in accounts mentioned in the first of those letters. 8 ectful ubmitted, Chairman, Council Advisory Committee, CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA . P i �Vanuary 19. 1956 v� Mr. Pierce Butler, Jr., Chairman Council Advisory Committee, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs The attached letter dated January 17th, 1956 was sent to members of the City Technical Committee and they have approved the proposed change in the allocation of School funds for 1956. They also have approved the issu- ance of $2,2000000 School bonds for this year 1956. Very truly yours, John J. F'aricy Chief Accountant City Comptroller's Office JJF/cs enclosure Copy to Fir. Frank Madden OFFICE OF TI-If w COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL (2) f ,c y MINNESOTA IA L JOSEPH J. MITCHELL ,.a JOSEPH P. LA NASA CITY COMPTROLLER e xi" IF"" DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER January 17, 1956 Members of City of St. Paul Technical Committee Gentlemen: The Council Advisory Committee has been studying the 1956 allocation of bond funds and has informed us that it has tentatively approved $2,200,000 for school purposes subject to confirmation of the Technical Committee. Inasmuch as the City will be offering Water Bonds for sale in the very near future, it was suggested by the City Comptroller that the School Bonds and Water Bonds be offered at the same time, leaving the allocation of other bond funds to be determined later in the year. The breakdown of the school re- quests for 1956 bond funds is as follows: School Acquisition Bond Fund Y300 Sites, Construction and Equipping Proiect No. Poet Amount EA-6 Como Junior High $ 910,000.00 Como Junior High Site 150,000.00 EA-9 Sheridan Elementary 100,000.00 EA-11 Highland Park Junior High 700,000.00 EA-12 Equipment - New Schools 215,000.00 Total Fund #300 $2,075,000.00, School Rehabilitation Bond Fund ;'310 Proiect No., Pro eet Amount ER-1 Rehabilitation Existing Schools $ 125,000.00 Total Bond Allocation School Purposes $2,200,000.00 At a meeting where members of the School Board, Council Advisory Committee, and the City Comptroller's office were present, it was pointed out that there was some misunderstanding in regard to the equipment allocation of .- 1 - $200,000.00 from Bond Fund #310 and designated as project No. 310 ER-2. Although the $200,000, as set up by Council action, was charged against the School Rehabilitation Bond Fund #310, it apparently was the intention of the School Board that this allocation come from the School Acquisition Bond Fund 1,300 and that it be expended for equipping new school buildings. As a result, our records show that of the $2,500,000 rehabilitation bonds author- ized, we have issued $1,095,000, whereas the School Board shows on its statements that only $895,000 has been requested. In like manner, our records show that of the $8,500,000 acquisition bonds authorized, we have issued only $3,305,000, whereas the School Board shows on its statements that $3,505,000 has been requested. In order to carry out the intentions of the School Board we suggest that the 1956 bond allocations be as follows: School Acquisition Bond Fund LOO Sites, Construction and Equipping Proiect No. Pr 'ect Am, ount EA-6 Como Jr. High $ 910,000.00 Como Jr. High Site 150,000.00 EA-9 Sheridan Elementary 100,000.00 EA-11 Highland Park Jr. High 700,000.00 EA-12 Equipment - New Schools 340,000.00 $2,200,000.00 You will note that instead of setting up $125,000 in the rehabilitation fund, we have added it to project EA-12 under the School Acquisition fund, thereby partially correcting the $200,000 difference. In later bond allocations, we can provide for the additional $75,000. In the event the Technical Committee approves the School allocation of $2,200,000 for 1956, the Advisory Committee will tak3 immediate action by submitting a resolution to the Council for their approval. /John J. Parity, Chief Accountant City Comptroll::r's Office 30c 1/17/56 - 2 -