176566 oricinal to city Clerk t76566 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ISCENSE 00*Crf1SE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY D JeJanuary 26 26, COMMISSIONE MSOLVED; That Tavern and Dance Aall License No. 1179, erring duly 21, 1956, issued to Eelvin L. Lipschultz at 1209 west Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Carl Birnberg at the same address C..neu fine iio. LT5b66--BV F T,. 1otland-8eve ► A. Mortinrdt�:, per# F, Peter9+n- Resolved, That Tavern and Dap CB Hay ytoe;6 No.1 17%expdrinlp 1686, issud to Aje�vih L. LIPS $t no West Seventh $araet=J► 4e same is hereby tranderrWd Birnberg at the,same address. _ Adopted by the Counell'`January 46. Approved Janua�! Sb. �• � 'i (January 28, ilitf8) TRANSFER (On Sale Ligwr Establishment) Informally approved by Council January 19, 1956 Old Location QpN 2 61956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couz�cir 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons JAN 2 6190 Halvorson Approved 195— Holland Marzitelli n Favor — Mortinson Mayor Peterson �alnst Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-55 -OW-2