176537 Orlsinal to City Clerk 171)537 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y January 24, 1956 t:oMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller to issue Purchase Order to TWIN CITY TESTING b ENGIMRING LABORATORY for approximately ten soil test borings for the hater Department at a coat of $415.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charges dater Department Bond Issue 23-B C d F 97 No. 17 -By S'l a Resolved That 4he.pure Agent ,I be aad he la,hereby, au rirlth the.consent of the Consptmlter to Purchase O to,T IN p{►IIri Cry 7� . IIi'n do F�TCi Ci �30$A � for appr test soil'test•borl for,th $413.00®without g coma oOf Zt ve bddsed�ad uld be gabu�` ter Depart #At Boast Iss Ado d by'the Cotinctisiy !!:: INS. APAaMlveld ?situy. + — — —I (JSattary JAN 25V% COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays JAN 2 51956 oorsn Approved 195- �lland arzitelli n Favor /�ortinson Mayor Peterson Against Xr.President, Dillon 5M 6.55 �2