177387 1_77387
BY u £ +
In the matter
1 � 61s
gseh (300) feet Of
%. tat .
Park doditio. d' g
_OWN�ecepist* �a rt ed
19ovbter�et park Addi
0'Block tion,
rjd9�d ion Air�tus, : 6•.
C ved.11 18. 1 .
t Part,of Lot 4.equth of Jefferson qyd a
U A (as OP ber 6, 19x9), 6 , approved FB cale iistilR ;
and o Lots 6.k16f 9 and 10,
l ark Addition.
I e eta ,a,3.4,s and tt,at pert 1 Of
�[a w*000% ,
t ¢, north of Jefferson -Avenue
ed November 6, 1999). Block of ,
17, Park Addition.
T t ot-<Lot 6 5) "vision of d upon the above improvement upon i IT
he a ( ��aI so commendations relative thereto, and 1 , ' i on.`; ;
ad�scent to use soutiterr yl A�ao-. ,
th Bite of the erica; ai mind
Paul and Pacific Railroad
la the NW -A of the NW 3% .
n . owstalli North.
west, and °7 Q p'(f`r m' f the City of Saint Paul that the prec twttn
P_ of Lexington the alW City I
i+atk I,oAd8ltfo and. Block Y �,' > M an
1, ood �, i
Also ndmgning�d ;or aloDes, Pt a l ndr�d (309} foet o �r
id the land hecess*Y ,
Icats and fills the grading and paving $1tr¢k Ridgewood Hark Additiod
Short Line Road be- e eW+n Avenue (00 o
A w n;Parkway + and
NoVtlliliair 6,1afY) sad' flu A Pam
the west Lne of Baldwin Court ex= ai Block lA'Ridgewoodj uyOn
tended �rtlywatd to the grade as ly o!fire said Jlfl 'Av eons. due .,"illd.
tpe profile 4n flla m the heard radii 4 a� #
Qi .Ppblic'11Pe rka. uan�gdemry der r�eacvo=t?4nte a at ntr r lathe �,
1 putt of 1#4d o de th�reiOslelitt
(es•. N bar 0, ),
oPe ResolVed✓Bs. the Couxiod of iM 4 '
and the Council hereby orders said imp r ' LOS`�' 6iP�� on. . of St. Paul.that the prec#se natall�rt:"
nt and kb�l of�n rovement��E
ot; a•Ave�pwe made 40.� r
MWLVED FURTHER that the f r" )•
hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated a ,o ' ", f.
� ,sash.
411:th! AWOL
ar„uii a` a! ul: "
one. X sett The west tits boosted (300) o
B 00 of, a td l5. Rtddewood Park �►
id rbV SWAY. J n Avenue ;
Paul, bVembef 6, } and.
a Rock IAL .
as t i?and'5 'Nob"
_ Park A
an ease-
and gr anti AII at Low:'.9„3 4 :
RESOLVED FURTHER, That theof, the be- edt
(ft n P .Sorr�`y�d as 'a
directed to prepare plans and specificati 17, „ of gam Court ¢x• 7 Park
northward to grass 'as of last 9:. of!
authorized and directed to proceed with
the >e ; t�j 06" �
nt_oi W ly sotrth�rly snit -ad7acorst-
Adopted by the Council t' - g' of1° nso ' abuu1er �' lilts
nkRa, 9L Pad-wrd.Paeift ad' IChicaHOI suloael !r'at11
in.tilt NW . NW la Ptaciflt 61 the
North," M the ;f,.
Rsage 93 i1V t,',sad front N .Ran"a 9a �d
1 the east licit of l lncington arkwey from the east Tiae.of P ]t
f �® 19c1 South to the;�.Lo 8= e " ya �l an 19 y
Approved— 1 , Park Addt 1 , P Addition
-ilea condematng'"d- ain"ae Also co and ems.;.
menu the laud nett �1t ..
cats and fills in the,Rrad4ng �t a#1(1.�,ltt sad
pwiRsray _ -ate• tureen, �skrv,��tyy
the weft 'NM of ex tits .West 4f l� tdwln
Councilmen: the as tended aojthd�arQ''`!o fiht n.
tepded nortlswArd
Gibbons n of pplebllc 9eorgy in the shown abA.; 1t1e
o�t 1
Anders x a
Halvorson meats to be
Holland land,,llends or ear t_the farad�ri�
the be
Marzitelli and the same are h ordered to be'.
'' taken, appropriatedarid +sd
Mortinson !
for the v�u00.ft a# a s '
insprovementa; Viz.:
Peterson _ Tiae wesh thmee 6mdmd,(900) sett of
t Block 15, 'Ridgewood Park Addition,
Mr. President, Dillon except Jeiee ) vevedue (e`, erd}'
of Block 15, Ridgewood Park on;-
160 7-55 OUP-® northerly of the aald Jefferepu Avenue.'
condemned under Prali wry �Orr�der
C. F. 175180, aplxmved y12�eR
That pwt.of Ldt 4 south t
Avenue (as I opened � ,6.
Big* is,W
1ldt-of ate •
Office of the Commissioner of Public Works
Report to Commissioner of Finance
February 20 19St
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary •order of the
_ Council. known as_Ct_ ff File-. 1767M A - February 1S ig 36 g
_ n k o unc �p, . p�v sa � � .. � v
Ago. SUN out ex� In ' U-IMN' �IAM flied �" IiOI
anMt toles dssaatbed 1010 and pmt of hods sal In go GIV at
rAM *a* Owe* budtvd()W) to" at XLO* 350 21tswo" Pak Adamant
Bpi ,jorersenc AVM*aM Iftwombe r 6 IM) and � P�ur�t ot` SLAak 3$a
� tit 1lddi sus of 1w sr1d JWSMD Avomat rte; 106W
y ? i rook of L4 4 soft of "ffwwa A r 4W Wood MVV*M +64M)s amd i
of J16* 34 MAIWMd!*W*MM4ft*
AU AID' La" 1 � � t A at,.�� A'o'+i
(of q�d � 6!
t ! Part of t" l di Of AyAls YOU IrIft IdUft a $SAP Of UW
me hWI& 6 �) fo" "I w, the "�Sf of end 1• a* fir 1�` f
r of QW M 34% of 9"U" Us I A Or*# RMV 13 * ft t 40606dift 9M
t *M 130 *t:tAKUWkft 4faftgr ;$. # US.VMft_ ?'fir of ft&,4UW4, U'U*-
"Id W 8 am l LO* 17# mad ire Ad"%14 t.
WUM stn SrA 1 kIft an imaement in VW Ubd NNONOryr fW &UP*%
y; a UU4 14 the a of 1bAe wo pa e" Mw ft Lim 1
°u: l�w►+M�r sad �t b!' b4� C�au�4���d l�do� 1s ilrs
g"W* as *bow In 1M pvf"L`i* C* rUA Is Wr A at Pa to Wags.
widening and alrmndi ft the VNposed I�'t �>b�ed ir Bs�n
and taking the fold daseribed lnrU and I�� of lands Al i>N► the 011 ► at
7.tlt.lravt of g ood ft* b"iti�y
!M west ihr.a �drad(3�) � t�'taett 1S" r
t $effersou A"=*(&* jovebor 6„ ) ad 40111110% t1st Part of Ste* )Sit
R Palau AMitiM,r Awthwly of the saJA Arens t 400011101111104 1011111W
Preli,d Aa>t7 Hader C. T. 17 My 320 1955
rmt part of Lot h se oth of Jeftwwo A'e ►e(are ftweebor 6#1M)## and
all of Lots 5,6,7„8,p9 and 10# lI<tO* lair, gidCOWM A put Addition.
All of Lots 1,2;3#4#5 end that Part of Last 610 nortb of jofforson Aveme
(as Wevember 6, WV)j I 61k 19 lid tic Ad"tioss.
"Wt part'o f Let 69 9"viaien of Aides brs a tai witM A a etsip of land
+r sod(,1AC) , in width,# so~2,y of and adjoewt to ju se+►t wrly rid 'Of'41111111?'
Lim of line al Yils�Mr . l and Feelfie Railroad CompoW in the * 1A s
o#,-; a � ow 23 plat, and extending f y
east 1 li► of oath to the vast line of tha alley lying be 4
the seid Lot a and 170 t Addition. r
Sq Womare and taking an ssmsemot in the laid nemwo$ 7 for t
MU avert fills in the emdif Paavind of the Wow Short. Line Road between
Lexington may 9"Sh and the Meat i ins of BL
l�riA � extended wortbserd to the r:
grade as show. In 'ysrefile on file in the Dgp&>rtamt of A#blie Woorlts,
Lots 1 and _ 12 17 Flo 1 175.
Lots 3 and It 17 4 do { 175.
15 117 ' do 125.
Except Jefferson Ave.; 6 17 do �
'Subdivision of Ayd's Fares 100
f �Acs. N� � of S. 11, ?.25, S.a3 +j
Rz. Lexington Ave.; part lying S I ! J
of $/A of CY & St. P4 & N. of
Jefferson Ave. of 8 ( ! do 700.
A strip of land 150 ft. wide being 5 f 1. on
either side of CL of 9d Ity as locald alranaltuts I and 8
The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and
hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in
reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.
Dated YAW& 13 19 56
Commissioner of Finance
Form B.S.A.8-5 D