177349 4 Original to City Clerk 1 7 7 34 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE a NcNO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - M. }fix U IL ESOL ION—GENERAL FORM ?rat a $04W T. Any PRESENTED BY tbR !ae COMMISSIONER DATE > � 4,on the mouth C �V3>,efloclt Parkway'betty � aad Ce4tae avent amid sp A bnd byA�tr C Apr)l 4.CDR.` (t�pa 47, i908) RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to John T. and Amy Lackner the $20.00 filing fee paid by them on their appeal for the establishment of a 25 foot buil *ng line on Lot 4, Cottage Homes, situated on the south side of Wheelock Parkway between Western and Cottage avenues, said appeal having been withdrawn. APR 4 s5,6 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas/ Nays APR 4 1956 Gibbons alvorson Approved 196- lland ,o,1q_arzitelli Tin Favor ::;GIor inson Mayor eterson Against President, Dillon sM 5.55 2 X77349 larch 28th, 1956 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul,Mimesota Gentlemen: I hereby request permission to withdraw an appeal of Jobn T. and Any Lackner for the establishment of a 25-foot building line on Lot 4, Cottage Homes, sitwated on the south side of Wheelock Parkway between Western and Cottage Ares. I also request a refund of the $20.00 filing fee. Very truly yours, 349 Duplicate to Printer COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISS'ONER RESOLVED, that the proper City,-,.officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to John T. and Amy Lackner the $20.00 filing fee paid by them on their appeal for the establishment of a 25 foot•, building line on Lot 4, Cottage Homes, situated on the south, side of INhealock Parkway between Western and Cottage avenues, swirl appeal ha.vi719 been withdrawn. 4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays Gibbons Halvorson Approved _195— Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mayor Mortinson Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 2 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • St. Paul 2, Minn. .. . ... . . . . .Karch. 16,.. . . . .195.. .6 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of John H. Adams for permit to establish and operate a used car lot at 690 East 7th St. Property described as follows: Except St., except south- westerly 50 ft. and except northeasterly 40 f t.,b Lot 1, Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 19, St. Paul, Minn. and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on March 29 121 -6 in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Norris 0. Halvorson ® File: 13268 Commissioner of Finance. ORIGINAIrTO°AYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK M 1810 ROOM 380 • • CITY HAW ceive of 'A ' , R E C E I P T - NAM w•v/"� .lye $ o DOLLARS 100 FOR . G� BY lf00 CfTY CLERK This is to certify that I, Rev. A. S. Gu I-af son, 426 A. Ah�pl ark Pkwy. , offer no obj. - -ection patition for a 25- foot building line f-or the ----.---1,ocat,ion of him house on the-property _—_ 1 ocated ad-acentto mine. — --,- Rev. A. V. GusWfson FEB 1955 CITY CLFIK HU CJTY fjLANi-A1Nu,,' bJAXI) 340 -AlwPLFCAJqr--Z.F.NO. This is to certify that I, S. Carlson,_ 1619-Margaret St. , no objection to 14r, Lackner' s Petition for a 25-ft. building--line for the location of his house in the block in which I own property. Roy Carlson— CITY CLERK F11 --------------------------—-------- APPLICANT Z,F,N- This is to certify that I, Earl S. --B1 ewe t,t,-,-- 3441 -Trem on t. A ve-S,--o-f f Pr no objection to Mr. John Lackner' s petition for a 25—foot building line for the location of his house on the -------property located adjacent to mine. Earl S. R ewett In "A q FLEL- CITY CLERkk1U APPUCANT z. This is4 certify that I .--John--,------- Lucken, 423 Pelham Blvd. . offer no objection to Mr, John Lackner' s for theloc-a-tion of his housg-- In the block in which I own property. -f-',T'ohn Lucken [IF L IT LJ ILE Z,F,N )aul, i,iii-m-,sota ppPLi h N M Ilk• n 6 nh M J i� i � F fl, € y F ,} i �' 12 FFF i f�lri�i