177326 . .
Jo M7�t
In the Matter of
partially opening, widening and extending Reserve Boulevard, as proposed to be speetkr,
by condemning and taking the following described property, all in the City of St. Paul:
Those parts of Government Lot 4 of Section 21, Township 28 North, Range 23 West;
Lots 1 and 2, Snelling Outlots, bounded by the following described lines: Commencing
for the purpose of establishing the point of beginning, at the intersection of the
southerly line of Youngman Avenue and the east section line of Section 21, Township 28
North, Range 23 West; thence south on said east section line a distance of 18.19 ft.
t�r(a laol,41at wh:ahr as the point of beginning; then ce,lseuth oe said.east ,section line a
distance of ,200.7A5, ft to a. point; thence southwesterly on a straight 14, e that mikes
an angle to the iglu of 51315.2`t 9. di stdnttr off l lb`. g f to a ,point`on the eas-I line
Dtoierti Avenue`;'`t hence naYtl on' the safii° east Tine of`1 vern Avenue a distance of
214',02 11; cto a;i!oU tbk:thebceceast On IL:atralirgirO' ldnrs:itiaitAeakesGaa .anigle Fitt the',Tight
o#`:(9A4' �dt iianIse tot 214119 a'G:. to a point; thence northeasterly on a straight line
that mimes an angle to ,the left of 3290:7! a distance of 141.33 ft. to the point of•
beenning`on'•th`2 f i'of'e§'aid peat sedtiorr ` line of t`ectiati ''' l ' 'ninship 28 North, Range
23 West,
a. .."7 a ..r.. s ,. ..... ..... ..-�s. t:,O1 I ..� .L f.Cy4; {.`.
Those parts of Government Lot 4 of Section 21, Township 28 North, Range 23 West;
Lots 1 and 2, Snelling Outlots, bounded by the following described lines: Commencing
for the purpose of establishing the point of beginning, at the intersection of the
southerly line of Youngman Avenue and the east section line of Section 21, Township 28
North, Range 23 West; thence south on said east section line a distance of 18.19 ft.
w`te petemtatalieeh<1* 11M6 klitglatetiet *_On said east section line a
distance of 200.75 ft. to a point; thence southwesterly on a straight line that makes
anf ri 444c,r r :.: "# ir4,.? ip. 5.;.Q a ., A pair on the .0As> line
of rn Avenue; thence north on the said east line of Davern Avenue a distance of
214j/it-ft, to a►-p.iat;'# emeeheetlit"dtm d Stittlikt Yin4' tikat psi rte €' lr aright
T'ttof O#;i. iet,21.19. ft.Lrte.apeint -th+ tti Mithetiineliif= '-ie$*itriiti t'tine
7iiel�s9 �e fl,reiffaintO'the, tl ,1>312 v„j ,a eMit, 33f ft tP4th*-- i t 'Of
:,-beigicardagrisibilthc ateretead.veklett seeticn /the Oft Diettl‘ft2elz;,Ifettlighip/the 28 North, Range
23 West,
Approved 19 '. ity Clerk
I.T'LTST-HEI) 4, L��'�-
File 13274
Councilman GIBBONS
Councilman HALVORSON
Councilman HOLLAND
Councilman MORTINSON
Councilman PETERSON
Mr. President DILLON