177300 , ' . 1.773( 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. 4 . .v. , .. By • FINAL ORDER 1<airne Is . .- • ..,,,,,..a. Jai: -1, - * n,.v 91.Rap.stki:',-,, -90„41100.4goet itel.,11 r I It the Matter of ' . ....,..,._ „. ... ;., ...en-,:i .:- _ - ... • .• ,..4 .*1 ,1.41.... -;.!, ,- ...--1.1.- ----7.-aptorrek ---1, -N.—,vo,---4...4,--A4..... ,...... * .- - -------- if. _---.,.. ... .. a , ; .4. it .1"7 ' " , . ' - -. . _-. - 4. "et .*. - ' - -' -I -;--- - _ - .' ._,_ .. a straight-line to a , -.g.' du' ---r- 1 ' - ' • sin illaat 4, Rise *treat Vi.11as, said point bolas rj1.9-tort north of Idaho Avenue; in the alley in Sleek 4, Rice Street Villas, from aplveziamtely 161.75 feet north of Idaho Avenue to appnediately 193 feet . 00,,pt,t•Mettcutkl4is of APOStiOn Sie,_ Towolaip,294knoth, Reage-S3 Illtist,vjts a 30 toot vide eamseent (tO be 'obtained) tram the alley' iiz kook 4• Siee Street Valle to 50 test eaot of, Sellitier Street, the center line a Cask'. easement (to be obtained) being describ*4 as fatIslawat 31004aa1ati,sti,arsotat ,es. Vaisya* Us* st'SimvolUarthinciski41, Ries, „Stye, st01414.7413,3q9,-tesosiStbret i*Oss,aarth,ltas et Sisitlact44 Tossabikp tallssia, Raise 23 waatit,t , • rtitarly en a straight line to a point on a line that is 50 toot Asiit,sgiasit, alsnaaisli la fialtUar..foreets asAttoxiat ballot 44844,teetumaitilt,st the north line of Section 24, Township 29 North, Roast 23 Wet, in Lad (to be obtained for vont purposea)atremi$0,4feetlesiet °Matter Street to Awl Street, said leg (to be obtained) being the vest 50 test of Lots 28 and 29, Block 4, Rise 10101X ‘1113mi in .: t-t. t t Irma, .froie 2e1tier attest,to _2_,. ' , -. ,;•,... _ r. , ' A ., ', -,- e , 7444010411: - , 7.1 -.... -...-. .- -7 .! . - .r........-',lbw, 13.41,■*,,,i.e. - !....;..% -*.......,......o. ,. . - , - .,,..--- , -,,,,,,,,, m-t-Tile., , ,... „... 4o , . , 4,, ■ ."' e - ,,, . , - :-. '....':. .2.N 7:1 1...h: 4 1-4-=4:::- ;;Zx.,4...•'4,,',..., ,... c.f. ,:+1;. 4. e.i-4. ',X.:,,,'.... =,-,. . 1.."-1.1'2Itti ',..: . •.'.,,'-1/.ri, 4.. ...-:, : - - -,,,:, . -,. l'...'......1;is, ■.,' ")...`. ,:'.'. . ' t ,— . ' .'",., ..,I.7! .• t;...„. z.,...,-.‘..._ ? , ,„,, ,...e:'''',.`.... .,: .41'.., a -- a --;,-k'-.. ..s,---14"- ''' - _t, =;'*-- ''" ' " ' --t • --.='' - - 4, Rico-Street Villas, . -504K - -- - - said point being -. • • - of Idaho' , : r.",...0 . in Block 4, Rice Street Valastreii iapprmahlateloctlitMletet aorthi . -- to appeceimately 193 feet ecuille'bit ithOladirth'iliiii.te,Seetiterliki=ltermsbip'.. SNOW *sage li'SJikeeek.ia, a le Ihstit, gide astiumpenta(doi tor obteAssoll.Itives tam-alley liavilleelt is,.'.RiecittrestlVILLID be 150r toot Aiithaotiesi.tilitiatrerti,i Ili* Isimitar Ylina i of saidfeeesemet (tere'-awkikilileined)ttbeivig ,..lisieenebeiteastlfbiloestilollegieniage;t•a point-on libirveet line of the alley in Block 4, Rice Street Villas, 183.9 i'met south of:...the north line of Sectiel 24, Township 29 Borth, RangitifeWelitintkieemb northwesterly en a stroight line to e, point tin a line that is 50 feet east of and parallel. to ltier Street, laid point beleglli3.3Seat south of .— . . the north line of Section 24, Township 29.Nmetli; flenge 21 WOK, in lama (to be,obtained for sever purposes) from 50 feet east of0altier Street to (hatter Street, laiilleal (to , laktolined) being the lease 50 feet of Lots 28-mtul 29, 2.1.oedcrk, 2tfeet Villas; in -*Inoue/from'Oaltier Street to Antudel Street; Jai from . , . . .. . LzTontigurltmenitr tor IASI* Avenue; in Idaho Avenue fx=i1414414:rtk_ Street -- iiil'of-litich is to be known as TROUT BMX? (X - RI= liACROS2RiS111121 .,,,- councilman ' RZITELLI Councilman INSON COUnCilnla ETERSON Mayor LLON 4tRT -.... -- • 2•55 2M i OOP. _..* , I': •,-.4-44,' . Ir. o A .,0,-,;,---,,.,.. Ar . 64'At 0 .'",,..,,,• :;,- ,' ' ,,,4, , . '! *Z„'-'A,'A'‘• ; s' ILL. , N- ' ' ,„.. i?•.,. i --z,,, ,t, ' '-'*"...,, ;-:",.A. :1'-,,,, ,, ',V.,o44, 4600, --kir,„ -'-' , ..... '',,,,. ' ' .,.. .i'% .-'., •' ,40.-r"",-'-,s,i, 'r.7,*:',-r, r: -it ‘ ,,,,, ,,; , ,;',.• ,,,, .4,,,,'-..i..-',,';',-,::*.e', ..-, .44f :t= ' ''' *,''''' ?''''- Ap.,•' ' ''. ,* - ',:*'-i.ttf.,.)",. .• 4043 .41%, N , 'te,.,-0.1.- .,,' , .,'' ,,,. ;-44.'„4, -,- , -1- ,:•:,,,,Its mi • • `,. •-. , ''R+ . *".' '* ' ,,, ';' 44"'4,,... 4'' „''.4.*,,4 1 ..st'',,X,.4:r"r: "*:,',A1* , "4 ll ,., ,it. .. .,,...r , loi 111.1:0 ' ' . 4 ' , '''.. ' ?' ''' ' •V..4,1"`4174P't,,,4/' ' or , I, ... ■tar lip 44,-*- v fit IL-4F Nit • ,, -,'.4.4,'..t, ., - . '/ te441*11 . tit' '400‘40464:09,0*V 4' '''''PA.• (A) .; ' .. ., , 10 Trt: 49, 1411 • . lit, , , 0 ip vp evitoy-4litroottutto, ..* , , , . ,. 1,- ki■ r.., , s'alfrl'r ,ii. ,,,,..; — , T a Pei ,.A,NI° 14 6, 0,4.4011,0 ‘7 AI ' 1), I r•ja 0 • 0; • .- A,A01 e • ., ..11 7 $ 141) 6 ,.. ,- i totr" .0 .,,,, _Apo , * ■•, 041 1040 Votf, „Ir . a I mail ' Ø (k # ecedot , . .. -, 4441:400 _401:11fir _ 4 _h.. „0,..,„ 16 or qp-sole lle 4,6, . . ,IP ##4747A4sIt, ::01: . 6'3'431 NP1/ 4);04 #4,:piriffriteo' under Preliminary Order app Vlsi,46447-' To the Council of the City oi 1.' The Commissioner of Fina, AS: The total estimated amount oi or the above improvement is - - - $388,691.60 The estimated cost per foot for th. ...; improvement is - - - - - - - $ 5.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 DESCRIPTION 1 LOT joLOCK ADDITION I ASSESSED _.1 VALUATION I I .[ 1 II I . i 1 Rice Street Villas I 24 ; 9 , do 1. 125. l, 1 ,I 1 If 25 , 9 , do i; 150. 1 1 1 11 15 1 le do 150. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 : 10 , do i' 150. 11 150. ll 15 1/ do , • 16 , 11 1 do ,1 150. 11 I i 17 1 3.3. do ; 125. 11 1 . ,I 1 18 13. do il 125. 1 1 , II ilil ; 1 ; I ■ i I I TOTAL, Ii Form B.B. 10 . . • • • CITY OF ST. PAUL * •• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Page 2 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) L.1 AfIllitSSED i . DESCRIPTION LOT]BLOC ADDITION LandVALUS ---1 -= - --- -- _ _ Rice Street Villas il 11 , . 11 20 111 do .125. It 1: 11 2L 11 do 11 11 . ,1 125. i il 22, 11 , do ,; 125. ll li 23, 11 , do !I 125. 11 24: 11 , _ do il 125* .1 ii 'I 25: 11 . do 125. 1 , ! 26 11 : do ,' 125. 27. 11 . do 1' 125. . . 28: 11 do l' 125. 11 1, ., 4 29, 11 : do ' 125. il 11 30. 11 ' do 150. 1■1 1, : 400. 3650. fill 1 . 12 do ,, II 2 12 do '1 .1 ., do 12 3 . 1; 1 i t , i. i, 14 i 12 do 125. i, 125. 5 " 12 do , ill .1 6 , 12 do 125. 11 , 1! , . do , 125. il ii 8 . 12 do i. 125. 1 tt 1' ill , 9 , 12 . do :, 125. li 10, 12 , do 4 125. 11 ll 31 12 ; do 125. 11 I, 11 1! : 12; 12 , do :i 125. il til 13, 12 ! do : 125. 1, 1. 12 14; , do 125. 1 1 15, 12 do ;' 150. 11 - f 11 FORM..ILO TOTAL 11 • • CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 3 - •- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ---- - - -- --------1_.4 :.,----___ II DESCRIPTION ' LOT ;BLOCK ADDITION ,I ASSESSED VAL 0 ! - ----- --- ---- _______ 1 114 Rice Street Villas i' 150. ,I 11 .11 • !forth 19.20 ft. of the block indicated Iron Works on 1.. ectorded plat of Rice Street Villas in Sectiop 24, II Township 29, Range 23 ', 150. 4 II, > cept West 140 ft. of South 120 ft. hn d eXcept. East I 0 ft. of South 120 ft. and except Nprth 19.2 feet jand except past 60 ft. of West 100 ft. of South 1127 feet; Block indicated Iron Works on recorded . , I: 'I I " fil 11 11 .1 h 11 1 1 plat of Rice Street Villas in Section 21tp; Township 29, 4 Range 23. '! 2650. 2100. 1 i ;Rice Street Villas 11 ,. • ; 15 1 , do 4 150. 0 ;I 1 1 16: do ,1 150. • , 39. 16, do ,,, 150. 200 do 3 16,16 , .'; li • , 17, 3 . do ..„, 175. 11 .; . his ,. do i,. 175. 1 - ii ti. . do 11 175. 1; 11 6 , 4 , do 4 175. 11:! I:: : ' „ li ij 7 , It . do I li 1 4 4 8 : 4 : do il !! ' 1 , 9 . 14 . do 175. il !! 1 , 10, 4 . do 175. il 4 : lli It do i 175. i III, • ./ 12. 4 , do f; 1759 '' II „ 11 13, 14 . do ii 175. tI 114: 14 . • do .; 175. !! t , 15: 4 do ', 200. tl 1 , . ., .. do 50. 19 1,4 ' Ii 1 i 20: 4 : do ,; 50. 1111 I 1 1 , , 0. i 1 FOM OA.t I -II - I TOTAL - - t - I 1 - - _ ■ ■ . ____ •• • ' • CITY OF ST. PAUL • • • Page 14 • .. ..• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ DESCRIPTION : LOT :M ASSESSED ADDITION , ii_LandVAL k 4 . 22 . it :Rice Street Villas 50. Ii . 23 i 4 do I, II 50. !I .• ' 214 . 4 i do 1, 14 50. il fi , 11 25 14 , do \ •50. 1 1 . 26 , 14 do , il 50. . 1 f 2714 do i So' !I 11 I 28 ; 14 do • li 50. :1 II 1 l! 11 4 ! 29 , 4 do '! 50. II ii 1 do 1i 100.1 1 : 2 . 5 do ,, 150. H!! 1 ii 3 5 do :: 200. . t'I! Except Parkway 4 . 5 do ;i . 200. II do 8 I 5 do !! 200. II I; I do 9 i 5 do I; 250. . do 5 10 ' . II il !I 1400. 1200. li :1 I Il I! ]..). 5 do I! 1 0 125 do . 200. II I t; 13 5 do ! 200. l' 0 i! 11 : 1! - , 1h5 do Ii 200. 0 , . , 15 . 5 . do !! 225. ! . 16 o I, 175. 6 , do ii I.I 17 6 do 150, li ! , i; ft ii ft , 18 , 6 , do .1 150. „ ii I, ; 19 6 . do ii 150. II II 11 150. II 20 , 6 , do II 21 6 : do !! 150. It of do 14 150• II _ .........,!__ TOTAL -- 1---1-- --_____ 1 . • . , . . CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 5 • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - OB) . ,i ASSESSED !! DESCRIPTION LOT ;BLOCK ADDITION - il . VALU . , 1.0 • ,. . ii ' . , . . Rice Street Villas 4 23 6 ! do 150. !t : 4 4 • 4 4 : 24 ;6 I do 175, • 1; Except Pkwy.; : 25 ;6 ! do 1 350. I, do • 26 6 ! ! do , . • I do : 29 .6 ; do ! !! 11 , ' 30 ,6 do • 1135°• !II ,. Sarah' Oat Lots 4 , if 11 LEx. Ave.; N. i of Lots 15 and li. : do - 141 2100. 2550. d . Edwin N. Ware's Cumberland 1! 11 1! , i Addition Plat 2 il 4 iEx. High and Avenue. 1 ,1 do rd 2en 11, ,,,. I!' 1 if do 2 .1 do i! 275. 225. do 3 11 do do 1 12 do ! 11 150. do 2 2 do 125. do . 3 2 do 11 100. Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland !! i Except Avenue 1 il Addition Plat 1 11 75. 4 iltic Ave.; part of Lot 1 southerly . !of following line; beginning on 11west line of and 67 ft. from NW , . 1 11 corner; thence to southeast corner . of said lot and all of 2 12 do ;1 250. j! 0 225. 3 12 do ' 11 !! • 4 4 ;2 do , 1!i 225. 11 4 , 5 :2 do 0 75. 3350. 9 • Ex. Ave.; that part of lot 1 lying , ti Slly of foil described line; coma— , 11 , 1 encing at a point on east line of • 4 h said lot and 76 ft.; from NE cor; 1I th 111y on a curve to left radius 4 11 I 1372.69 ft. to point on ir line of . !, • I ad lot & 147 ft. from NW cor of ad 1 3 do I 100. 1 FORM 11.111.11 TOTAL _._ ____1— — ■I • CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 6 ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED f,. VAL A — Edwin N. Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 1 • 2 3 , do 200. j 3 l 3 do 200. i (Ex. N. 40 ft. of W. 123.50 ft. and 1 ;I ex. 8. ho ft. of N. 80 ft. of 11. 1 123.66 f t.) !� 3 do 250. 1800. 5 3 do 250. i 5 'l � do i � ■ 1 1 5 do 150. 600. I 1 16 R do 150. 2150. I I I i , I j If 1 1 I j I II i 1 M I I ■ . I 1 1 I I f 1 1 1 1 ■ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 720.144.L /'� Dated March 6 19 56 c2? Commissioner of Fin c Form B. B. 12 , . . . . . /3 ..? 37 ...,-_, . . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance . 4 January 31, 1958, 19 III To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No, 175843 Ap t_,,,V .,.....___I__ relattlf4tp, if oest for 001111111111111101#* ' W =I; ,„„,„„,,, * ,hisimilW 0, 000ilkebierr eetilitit., , *Lee Stott Iliagiet Si*. ' ' ,..w., . -,-• is iii . 410101 40100.1setelir • ft. "Pit it - --- 440.0***Att. a ' IS ft, north et lisalo Aves, is Ili 111 , fps folinietio 0,01/40, ti mom tit tie the 4114, is Sly* itop ale. SUN* ,,.: ' - Os imdb646-•.....,..... ,,-,,.,,,, ,,,,,,t,,,,: the ble,elathialefit- St. ' •''.. ',; * * • lite he said eehtielit (to ba obtalsolO Wine deseribed sr tollein „„• • • . . . ..,,,,iit4 Usoilit 11444* St 0 II tte 'Wei it Ishiis lees, theta ee eeireeen , titil Ile* ' * silor is *leek hp *LAP Steeit 'Valli*. .AO/ ' • 0000 *lea 'oat lb, .1 tits • Itookoi boo. ?me; is th• allfir in anks 4, 140. Stew* Tillagis ha ,, , ' '• ,.' • ' ' '.at zoos 1,04/ to aperaidoismar 1101.116.,..101110, $1.0,voio, its. Acji,L ,ftik ,,,, ; ill al *WO itliMiiiitl4*btI ' "WWII 1.1-V ,IP"." • • $410. 10_. 4 _it INPI.a....„_SS W040.1,141,iiaLa 81,, --'- AtAilididigual.— - ' ,„,''' ,*fili', *4 . ,'"' it 1%* *f., (yi is Sgt. 4 ilitimit lr1"siAw,_ , ,t* 61' ft. is l'''........'" .--T I r,a.,..',•.„,sialistifsiti No filliil 'illy ,.,j,„,'. soot owl* otaitiodi ipiag impommuminui as , ,, ,iiiiiiiiiiliiiosit; . fr 0, AN alli = 000'*3,ky,lia. *aka Apnea'IOW* It, , ...4.1„.,-,w'.4, - iliAltism".4000Ciii s - '-* Ibissji*$1 Raw $1114#0000,100* ilk * 00111040WAIIIR',.., , 'AO' ' • 0 Ito *ion at sot iletritiloi to`, ...,____Iltl',r,... ,400 1004„, , , , 4004014 tor, ' , '' Losio . . .' ' ' U 1 Lwow we, woiiir , ', • • „; . , eilia,:.. t , 4140 .1 Postiet ago avit ',„,ak, „..witiitzstit r4,,,„ ihi., of 001044, St. to 41011410011r Pig 'ww"" IP'," '''''' " iiipso)ftwo Se ft. ' ..„,„, ,sokosibmotapplA la*' :' l'aset so ft. it wt. ts 42014!Op *Its 4tatiot "low" " As. " Ifiligsiv ; 'La $ Aiiii• fira ,.. et to tsi000tol *tot is 401410101101 St. has Ivillir ,Iwr.‘/0" Ansi eto to Ilea tteoll it 11441111:41,A*lit*Mt as • ' italltiligaallaMfo *saw P401011004111 Oad.r C. ?. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propertimii ... subject to assessment for said improvement. FRANK 0. vie. < i i -mi.. • 4 .., 4( -.ow-.- _„,,,, .... ....ii. ..4---, . / Commissioner of Pu ort.1‘ 2M 7-49 41111009 i 1 tCti lien . (V) -06117.! 196e C ,) lk*- TA Pikit 1 OP % Att alki4