10-628Council File #��� Green Sheet # 3113216 RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �J Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Wf�REAS, Chapter 2.02 of the Saint Paul Adminisuative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus property and sets forth the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department has received a request (Attachment A) from Hands Across the World, a non-profit organizarion askina that the property mentioned below be donated to the organizarion to help it carry out its mission, and WHEREAS, the defibrillaior may be transferred to such organization for no consideration, and WHEREAS, the defibrillator has a toial estimated value of $500.00; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the defibrillator is no longer needed to carry out department functions and is obsolete; and WAEREAS, the City CounciPs transfer of the defibrillator would provide Hands Across the World, a non-profit organization that provides specialized surgery for congenital defects and other ailments in underserved areas in the world with means to supplement theu emergency medical services capabilities, and WI-IEREAS, the donation of such property to Hands Across the World would be a City function, serve a public purpose and benefit the community as a whole by enhancing and strengthening the City's relationship with this organization, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Gity Council hereby authorizes the donation of the above described obsolete property to Hands Across the World, and be it FURTIIER RESOLVED, that said organizafion shall take responsibility for removing the obsolete property from City premises in a manner and in accordance with the tune line mutually agreed upon with the Saint Paul Fire Department and shall bear all costs associated with the removal and hansportation of the designated obsolete property and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donarion, the Ciry shall have no further responsibiliry for said property and shall not provide any warranty, maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be related to the ongoing use of the property by Hands Across the World. Bostrom Carter Harris Yeas I Navs I Absent ✓ Requested by Department of: Fire � _ Approved By: aZ U oC By: Adopted by Council: Date � f o2.�/!� Approved Adoption Certified by Cound Secretary By: � BY� /Lif /Ii�L30/� Approv y ayo•: Date �ZZ—��j��� By: Submission to Council C�/O -�O� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � FR -Fire � Co�act Person 8 Phone: Fire Chief Tim Butler , zzz-oan Must 8e on Council A�nda by (Date): '', p S� RESOLUTION W($ ��; TRANSACTION ! E-DocumeM Required: Y ', DocumeMConWCt �iliLaCasse I CoMact Phone: 228�257 26MAY2010 ; G re e n Sheet NO: 31'f3216 y Assign Number For Routing Order 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 Deuartment D'uector o�ce �ao� ser.;� n - City Attornev '' `� i MavodAssistant ' � CitY Conncil ' ' CStv Clerk ToWI # of SignaWre Pages _(qip NI Loeations for Signature) Approval of the attached Council Itesolurion authorizing the Saint Paul Fire Deparnnent to donate one defibrillator to Hands Across the World. RecommendaGons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service CoMracts Must Answer the Following Questions: t. Has this person/firm ever worked onder a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a cily employee? Yes No 3. Dces fhis person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city emp�oyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet. Initlating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Whyj: Hands Across the World is a non-profit organizarion that provides specialized surgery for congenital defects and other ailments in underserved azeas in the world. They have requested a danation of one defibrillatoT tUat is no longer in use. Advantages If Approved: The donation of the defibrillatoc tA Hands Across the Wocld would strengthen the City's relationship with this organization. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvanpges If Not Approved: Hands Across the World would not be able to receive the defibrillator that would help them provide emergency medicai services. Total Amount of $500.00 Transaction: Funding Source: Financiallnformation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. ��� €� { ���U May 26, 2010 825 AM Page 1 � ' �--� � f ;�71"lu� � � � �3CI C7y� ` * d'f'� � ��'�`��'�� Board of Stenhen A. Pap, N:.D. Pcuader and President tiatick, Masaachuset�s Hollv Schwarztrauber Vice-Piesident for Operations Osterville, Massachusetts Richzrd Sllverman, M.D. Mission Di�eCtor Boston, Massachusetts Alan Habigian, M.D. M.ission DireCtor Hartford, Connectrcut Florian Hackl, M.D. £ounding Member Graz, Austria Rodtigo Martinez� D.M.D. Pounding Member Mendoza, Argentina Phi11Sp D'Amato Treasurer Peabody, Massachusetts Frederick P. Rooper Compt soll er Azlington, Masszchueetts Jeffrey Winer� CPA Financial Advisor Framiaham� Massachusetts � �o-�� May 14, 2010 RE: De£ibrillators and Monitors To: Saint Paul ENLS Chie£ Matt Simpson On behalf o£ Hands Across the World and the University o£ Massachusetts Medical Center, Division of Plastic Surqery, I would like to submit a request £or a de£ibrillator or monitor, which would be used during our surgical missions to Ecuador. I understand that these are devices, which have been taken out o£ service, but are still functioning and would be effective for use in missions like ours. We have been sending surgical groups to Ecuador since 1991, and cuxrently provide care in two locations with two separate groups annually. Our group works in Quito and the surroundinq area, and each year, we treat between sixty and eighty patients su££ering £rom congenital deformities o£ the head and neck (predominantly cleft lip and palate, as well as microtia), conqenital and traumatic defornuties of the hand, and burn scar de£ormities, along with some other plastic surgical conditions. Because we are sometimes working in hospitals that are not well-equipped, it is especially help£ul for us to have reliable equipment of our own to use during the missions. With your donation, we would be better able to meet the needs of our patients at our host hospital, so we are truly grate£ul for your consideration of our request. If you have any questions regarding our trip, please £eel free to contact me. Thank you agein for your assistance. Sincerely yours, �... Richard T. Silverman, M.D. Mission Director Cc: Peter Bilek, R_N. Stephen Pap, M.D.