177261 Council File No.177261 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I772e1 and -j,u .:�oelie"rv' �e Fw aRbo. end et.2 PRELIMINARY ORDER. a4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: - _. __. 'e uT opening, widening and extending ]grad, a* to be opened, by condemning and taking the following described proep rty, all in the City of 8t, Paul, Lot 29, Upper Loves Addition e=eept the fol;l.agt d�endng at a pelt ion the lirutlirnestsrly.lime � atriif�,� 38,70 .�. cable ssterly corner thereof; thence at an angle of 76eto the right, 34 Usti then* eorthilietoriy 5480 ft, to is point on the northwesterly Xias of said lot, ihish ire the northwesterly corner thereof; thence to said corner; themes along south- westerly a line of said cot, 52.50 ft. to point of beginning Partially opening, widening and extending Shepard Road, sa proposed..: to be opened, by condemning and taking the following described property, all in the City of St. Paul: Lot 29, upper Levee Addition, except the followings Commencing at a point oa the southwesterly line of said lot 38,70 ft. from the southwesterly corner thereof; thence at an angle of 76°to the right, 14 feet; thence northwesterly 51,60 ft, to a point on the northwesterly line of said lot which is 22,27 ft, from the xorthweeterlyccormer thereof; thence to said corner; thence along the south•» westerly line of said lot, 52..50 ft.5 to point of beginning* Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS MAR 2 6 1nG�* Councilman GIBBONS 7idFJ HALVORSON' Approved HOLLAND MARZITELLI U MORTIN$ON t�, .:c PETERSON Mu. PRESIDENT DILLON Mayor. 3000 7-54 PUBLISHED