177184 Original to City Clerk 177184 1.84 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '.° _ 00 CO NCIL V ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � / ,�. 4111::4,-,,,,-,-.: L,,,„:,. COMMISSIONS ! _ i L1 "A DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Tilsenbilt Homes, Inc. from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, there is hereby established a 25 foot building line on Hazelwood Street and a 12 foot side yard line on Ross Street and Fauquier Street for a distance of 80 feet east of the east line of Hazelwood Street, being Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 6, and Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Denslow's Rearrangement of Cruickshankts Garden Lots. zoxats mowAL I Notice is hr a public Ch= > the �y at 1011.9L on March 10. 1868, in the ty Council Chamber in the City He and Court House in the master of the appeal of TIL ENBILT HOMES. INC.. under Sec. 20 of Ord. t.Nho 6840 tshhe Zoning Ordinance), for line on the east side f Haazzelwoodfrom PFeuq der Ave. to approxdmatef1ty, 122. . from Ross St•-$romaHaze Hazelwood Ave. to 80 ft. east of the east line of 9�01111&&12,B E.andLLots11amend 12, Block.8. Be»siow'. I�meinungement, Cruickshank•: Csarden Lafs. Dated Vebtuary NI, 18N. H. CRy Clerk (Match 3, ISM MAR 21 1956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays MAR 2 1 1966 G Halvo son Approved 195_ olland \ ._ 1 j1 Vrzitelli Favor Ire , n Mayor eterson '�/ Against ili ,/ /l� PUBLISHED. 7-ca/ President, Dillon BM 6.55 2 41ti � yri iii.•'.: RD OF ZONIN• G, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1?` 1 '""':":%':I7Y!'A1 lEi.Ok2l1-212 21$ 1311 CITY NAIL AND COUNT NOYI/ SAINT PADL 2.MINNISOTA March 16, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Tilsenbilt Homes to establish a new building line on Hazelwood between Fauquier, Ross and east Seventh street. This property is described as lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 1102, 13 and 14 - block 6 - Denslow's re-arrangement of Cruickshank's Garden Lots and lots 11 through 14 - block 5 - Denslow's re-arrangement of Cruickshank' s Garden Lots. The present zoning is "A" residence except for the southwest corner of Seventh and Hazelwood. The applicant proposes to develop this property for single-family homes which will front on Hazelwood. Applicant owns a frontage of 376' on Hazelwood and 160' easterly on Ross and 160' easterly on Fauquier. The present building line is 25' along Ross and 4' on Hazelwood. The applicant proposes to reverse the frontage on this property and set a building line of 25' onlHazelwood and a side-yard line of 12' on Ross for a distance of 80' east of the east line of Hazelwood. This proposal is documented in the applicant's letter dated November 11, 1955 with the site plan attached. There is a scattering of single-family homes to, the north, east, west and south: there are 13 homes across Hazelwood to the west and three homes under construction by the applicant on the east side of Hazelwood between Fauquier and Seventh. There is a large area of vacant land to the east including a ravine which extends from approximately Ross to Minnehaha. Reaney street has been filled in and opened: Germain which is one block to the east has been developed into approximately six to eight homes which face east. Thus the development pattern of east-west orientation of the houses in the area has been essentially set. The zoning Board finds nothing in this proposal that would hamper or delay the development of the vacant land to the east and in consideration of the difficulty in developing an east-west street system in this area, the Zoning Board finds that the reversal of this frontage so that the property can be developed along Hazelwood is in accordance with the logical future development of the district. In consideration of these factors the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal be granted in accordance with the applicant' s plan received in the Zoning Board office November 11, 1955. Sincer Sly, rry D: I,/oeks Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning CDL:FS (//,f1161,0 OF ZONING, CITY O F SAINT PAUL '••••••••• ••�S�xAN'Xi.4i�:fn•fff.:a lfif CITY HALL AND COURT NOUN! SAINT PAUL!,QIMNIMOTA March 15, 1956 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the appeal of Tilsenbilt Homes to establish a new building line on the east'side of Hazelwood between Fauquier, i 1$s and east Seventh street. This property is described as lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13 and 14 - block 6 - Denslow's re-arrangement of Cruickshank's Garden lots and lots 11 through 14 - block 5 - Denslow's re-arrangement of Cruickshank's Garden lots. The present zoning is "heavy" and "light" industry. The pro- perty is vacant. The applicant proposes to develop this property for single-family homes which will front on Hazelwood.. Applicant owns a frontage of 376' on Hazelwood and 160' easterly on Ross and 160' easterly on Fauquier. The present building line is 25' along Ross and 4' on Hazelwood. The applicant proposes to reverse the frontage on this property and set a building line of 25' on Hazelwood and a side-yard line of 12' on Ross for a distance of 80' east of the east line. of Hazelwood. This proposal is documented in the applicant's letter dated • November 11, 1955 with the site plan attached. There is a scattering of single-family homes to the north, east, west and south: there are 13 homes across Hazelwood to the west and three homes under construction by the applicant on the east side of Hazelwood between Fauquier and Seventh. There is a large area of vacant land to the east including a ravine which extends from approximately Ross to Minnehaha. Reaney street has been filled in and opened: Germain which is one block to the east has been developed into approximately six to eight homes which face east. Thus the development pattern of east-west orientation of the houses in the area has been essentially set. The Zoning Board finds nothing in this proposal that would hamper or delay the development of the facant land to the east and in consideration of the difficulty in developing an east-west street system in this area, the Zoning Board finds that the reversal of this frontage so that the property can be developed along Hazelwood is in accordance with the logical future development of the district. In consideration of these factors the Zoning Board recommends that this appeal be granted in accordance with the applicant's plan received in the Zoning Board office November 11, 1955. Si�ce , C. D. L eks CDL:FS Planning Director Executive Secretary Board of Zoning a,2 d tG - The only real sec f�//'�/ I is a home of your', r ..... re r N. emumuft..0""ftft""-- g____ ..., . ... 4 ii r MO AIL iii OM .r I'' .1.:41144egaiimufr' ,,, , i , + EDWARD N. TILSEN, President ' II 'TilsenBilt means quality built" 625 SOUTH SNELLING AVENUE • SAINT PAUL 5, MI • E: DE SOTO 5503 November 11, 1955 14 City Council City of Saint Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are herewith petitioning under Section 20, Paragraph J of Ordinance No. 5840 -Zoning - for a re-alignment of building set- back lines on the following lots: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Block 6 Denslows Rearrangement Cruickshanks Garden Lots Lots 11, 12, 13, 111, Block 5 Denslows Rearrangement, Cruickshank's Garden Lots as shown on the attached plats and referred to, for convenience, as Lots AA, B, C, D, E, and F. I have discussed this matter with Mr. Connolly of Land Planning and he has suggested this procedure. You will notice that the lots are now re-arranged with the homes facing Hazelwood. According to the platting of record, this would require from a 26' to a 30' set-back on these lots from Ross to Fauquier Streets and only a ' set back from Hazelwood. $"d 14 We are herewith requesting and petitioning for a set back on Ross Street and Fauquier Street on Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 6, and Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Denslows Rearrangement, Cruickshanks Garden Lots of a twelve foot (12') minimum and a set-back of twenty-five feet (25') from Hazelwood. In this manner there would still be a set back on the rear eighty feet (80') of these newly re-arranged lots of 26' to 30' from both Ross and Fauquier for garages. In the event the adjacent lots were ever utilized, facing north and south, this would not affect the property value. st Y �i li. al ; 'j r r s CI f i i 3i, .......f........ ,,,,,„,,, , , ,,‘,, ! 1 (5 • • ".. t--) A I } > ?> > r r r_ 1_'" r r s o i— I -,:lo 7c) • t"t f �:, f 5 4. 9 5 N > _ c1t N r- D p NOD N U r uri _..._., i J\ ii N „ _ I N # _ k 0 o -.I - ij - 0 ,J 1 N N 0 J1 N N N N v7 . N V' 0 >J . N I O sN i N i . C7Uo { '" � ; N N NI T _ Vii. .. ., .D N N e ■ i11 ui- 15 _ N — vy I 1430 i r■ I . N Ji 4,S'\, "i lJ , i N ,,J 0 6` ut _ tit, A O: irl . 1 _ ,., - .. vi N , _ _ 1_ ,, 1 , �"1 ; fJl1 (5\to � • rip - 1 -=----.---,--:"--.- . N)''' .L L. --- ., - - 1 A is N ;e 1 I GSA _.. � tit . N ia N ..0. • .. ,: --:-,L -:-.. :'_.-:1 ''.-.'• i..:...-;•. •--' "-: ,L. -,-,'- •— -.. -,-:=-,,—.-- ..: o • - ; ., -- - .. . . ■ ,•I')- •:•,',..' 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