177154 . 17 154 • COUNCIL FILE NO. By : — , 71' Y FINAL ORDER 'x re' `z:` and . Old fi.t .1"41'... In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in �x Block 9, Overbrook, from Larpenteur Avenue to Idah© Avenue under Preliminary Order 171 approved December 28, 1955 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 9, Overbrook, from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improve improvelsont i acfgance therewith. Adopted by the Council Ht( 11�� r 2 Q 1Q ` City Clerk. Approved L./ File 13220 - Councilman Mayor. GIBBONS Councilman MAMMON Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI • Councilman MORTINSON "7(D Councilman PETERSON Mayor DILLON 2-55 2M 2 • • CITY OF ST. PAUL • w DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . • ONER OF• REPORT ON OM MISSI Y ORDER FINANCE 171)86►�J ' 171114 In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 9, "Overbrook" from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue • under Preliminary Order approved December 28, 1955 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $_3,036.37 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 2.56 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 1 LOT 'BLOCK] ADDITION ASSESSED yALUq�TIQIV ol "Overbrook" N. 10 ft. of Lot 2 & all of 1 ; 9 , do 700. N. 19 f t. of lot 3 & ex. N. 10 f t.;' 2 ; 9 do N. 28 ft. of Lot It & ex. N. 19 ft.;, 3 i 9 do N. 37 ft. of Lot 5 & ex. N. 28 MI; b ; 9 do ` 50• ff II Ex. N. 37 ft.; Lot 5 & N. 6 ft. of i' Lot 7 & all of 6 ; 9 do 50. lx. S. 24 ft.; Lot 8 & ex. N. 6 ft.; 7 9 ; do 75. N. 26 ft. of Lot 9 & S, 24 ft. of 8 ' 9 ' do 50. I� N. 36 ft. of Lot 10 & ex. N. 26 Mil 9 9 do i! 75. i i _ I TOTAL, 11 II iii Form B.B. 10 i CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i j DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK j ADDITION I'; ASSESSED "Overbrook" i N. 6 ft. of Lot 12; all of Lot 11 & ex. N. 36 ft.; 10 9 do 75.' it EX. N. 6ft.f Lot 12 & N. 16 ft. of 13 ; 9 : do 100. tic. N. 16 ft.; Lot 13 & ex. 3. l4 ft. 11t 9 do S. 14 ft. of Lot 14 & all of 15 9 do 75. 3. 17 ft. of Lot/7 & all of 16 9 do 125. 3. 27rt. of Lot l8 & ex. 8. 17ft. 17 9 : do . 150. S. 38 ft. of Lot 19 & N. 13 ft. of la + f . de i If S. 9 ft. of Lot 21 & N. 2 ft. of l Lot 19 & all of 20 9 do .' 3. 19 ft. of Lot 22 & N. 31 ft. of 21 9 do 100. S. 30 ft. of Lot 23 & N. 21 ft. of 22 9 , do 100. All of Lot 24 & N. 10 ft. of 23 9 do 100. Pert 3. of S. line of Lot 10, Lake Residences of 25 9 I do ! 100. That part N. of 3. line of Lot 10, Lake Residences Addition of 25 9 do 100. i 26 9 do is 27 ' 9 do 575. 4550. ff ,I E. i of Lots 28, 29 and 30 9 do . l The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated February 21 19 56 /262u,:ai Commissioner of Fi�. Form B. B. 12 • • St. Paul, Minn. lune___15. To The Honorable,The Council, City of St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading and Surfacing of alley_ jn__O1QQkc 9+__Overbzook__Add.ition • • St. Ave. from E. Idaho St:Ave. to Larpenteur St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION The Cardinal o. 1-24 Incl. 9 Overbrook Addition By Morton Berland • RECE birE • - - JUL 29 1955 K$ 5M 11-62 41.0.2 Date • ADDITION ADDITION ._ • DELINQUENT TAXES DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP • -■■. �.■■■ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 6). 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance e3 January 5 , 1956 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 176221 approved December 28 1955, relative to grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 9, Overbrook, from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Engineering $296.90 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Inspection 53.72 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,038.3_7_, and the total cost thereof is $ Cost per front foot $2.56 Frontage 1,187.6 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert subject to assessment for said imp t. C����' ■ immissioner of Pubh tivEiy 2M 7-49 . 6.8 J'q,V DlJ �y5b F / rz,v74 Oft Ale F1 f � • • •ASSISTANT CFaIEF ENGINEER ACCOUNTING DIVISION ARTHUR W.TEWS CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS. PAVLICEK Prin. Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota HERBERT S. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , . BUREAU OF SANITATION BRIDGE ENGINEER JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. MAURICE W. HEWETT FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner TRAFFIC ENGINEER CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer ARTHUR H. KOCH 4008 STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. January 4, 1956 Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the3alley in Block 9, Overbrook, from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 176221 approved December 28, 1955. " i Mote/VC Pt/pr, Estimated Cost $ 3,036.37 Engineering 296.90 Inspection 53.72 Cost per front foot 2.56 7� Frontage 1,187.6 ft. ///zrie-r, Yovery truly, in" orge M hepard Chief afgineer / CPO Approved for transmission to the kCommissioner of Finance V' Fran P. arz e i Cammissi•n err of Public Works • I I . . ig H-9--/-7-9N-3- • ,, ,• • i I %:42a1 1 — ct Nk azakiatr Al . /./A/V71V (1\r, kti 'cz 0 N I. N al .1 s H i 0 7/7 a >, tr)lki 14: ... 0 K 1 * ti 1 (1 k III(:) C -.7n 6-----7- - --------. .7 k i I ----- -:-------------/-/-9 -1773_,____7,..,'-------- _ .. _ • • N - - - - — -.7.....z- ... _ . .% - 1q.".1*.bn '44qs - ,_/_./. .1•4 .3 1 1/1-0 -3 P V7 -'—::-------------<-- I -- ------- - . .