10-612Council File # �� — � � Z Green Sheet # 3113696 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 � BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative hearing record and testimony heard at public hearing on May 19, 2010 hereby memorializes its decision to certify and approve the May 4, 2010 decision of the Legislative Heazing Officer for the following address: ADDRESS 862 Marion Street APELLANT Jerome Devine Decision: Appeal denied and extensions granted as noted on the photographs of the violations. Carter Bostrom Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counc' Secretaty By: —.—= L1l r Approved b r: ate �l ��/7iCJ/O By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � ti' � �� �v-��2 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ,, DepartmentlO�celCouncil: Date InRiated: ; �o-�°°°°�� OtJUN2010 Green Sheet NO: 3113696 j Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person InitiaUDate i Marcia Moermond y o 000�a 0 6-8570 1 ouncil De artment Director AsS�gn Z ' Clerk G� Clerk i Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Num6er 3 � For � Routing 4 0 i Doa Type: RESOLUTfON Order 5 � � i E-Document Required: Y DocumentConWct: MaiVang Contact Phone: 6-8563 Totat # of Signature Pages _(qip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution memorializing City Cou�cil action taken May 19, 2010 denying the appeal and extensions granted for property at 862 Marion Street. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contracl for ihis departmenf? CIB Committee Yes No Crvil Service Commission 2 Has this persoNfirm ever 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on Separate sheet and attach to green sheet. tnitiating Problem, Issues, OppoAunity (Who, What, When, Whete, Why): Ativantages If Approved: I Disadvantages If Approved: I I Disadvan[ages If Not Approved: I Total Amounf ot 7ransaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financia l Information: (EXPfain) June 1, 2010 8:43 AM Page 1 � � G TTY �F Y F¢ `AJ k � � � ��_��� ����q � d €e�� � �� i� > ?�� � ``�6 1$$�4 APPLICATION FOI� ��,� :s : :�`' APR 2 y 2010 \-11iiLaiiW The Citv Clerk needs the followin$ to orocess your appeal: Date and Time of Hearing: � ' o ain u Tuesday, �`�ct,.., 4 aCl�; �/Copy of the City-issued orders or letter which � � are being appealed Tirne_ _�a�•�� ,P%�. � Attachments you may wish to inclnde �his appeal form completed Appellant(Applicant: Location of HearinQ: Room 330 City HaII/Courthouse � �� � � Address: �(�� V�.C�-� � o �'� �City: .5 � State: �L� Zip:�7 Phone Numbers: Business _ Residence Cellular � 5 1 �7�a�7-� Date: C " � � - �� c�ry: Phone Numbers: Business � G5 Residence State specifically what is being appealed and why (use an attachment if necessary): �J '�w5 � � �� L /it � ^{�' r �� � � r � P �, /� c,�/I » Gl � Saint Paul Ciiy Clerk 310 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: (651) 266-8560 State: Cellular �' J ll- N TE: Any person unsat�ed by the final decision of the City �e� Council rnay obtain judicial review by timely filing an action as provided by law in District Court or Court of Appeals r�� IncSp�`�A� '�`(` IU -� - Gc ( 5 /t �e � h `�sske5 , Fee Received: Zip: �� �� � t K� � � �� � � ���� r� �'�� � Receipt Number: Kevued 4(21CLO l0 Name of Owner (if other than Appellant): SG �-`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DBPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 Saint Paul, NIN 55101-1806 SUMMARY ASATEMENT ORDER �v���Z April 23, 2010 10 - 128081 Yog l�ais tias koj hais lus Hmoob thiab koj tsis to taub tsab ntavrv no, hu rau tus ixhais lus niawm (651) 266-8989. Nws yog pab dawb zwb.Si necessita un traductor, por favor llamanos al (651)266-8989. No costo. Jerome E Devine 862 Marion St St Paul MN 55117-5339 ��- ��,f��' J � 6�P�� 1� �! As owner or person(s) responsible for: 862 MARION ST you are hereby ordered to eliminate all I ntisance conditions wluch are in violation of Chapter 45 of Saint Paul Legislative Code. � Remove innproperly stored or accumulated refuse including: garbage, rubbish, discarded furniture, appliances, velticle parts, scrap wood and metal, recycling materials, household items, building materials or rubble, tires, brush, etc., from yard areas, INCLUDING: ALL REFUSE IJNDER AND ON PORCHES, (FREEZER ON PRC� AND STORAGE IN FENCED IN AREA. - - I�� u Cut and remove tall grass, weeds and rank plant growth. Remove and properly dispose of all animal feces from yard areas. IMMEDIATELY sewre all buildings which are open to unauthorized entry, including: Abo��Z fy�a:.m� Other: REMOVE STAGNANT WATGR FROM POOL. If you do not cozrect the nuisance or file an appeal before April 30, 2010, the City will correct the nuisance and chazge all costs, including boarding costs, against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. Chazaes: If the City conects the nuisance, the chuges will include the cost of correcflon, inspecuon, havel fime, equipment, etc. The rate will be approximately $260.00 per hour plus expenses for abatement. You must maintain the premises in a clean condirion and provide proper and adequate refuse storage at all times FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN A CRIMINAL CITATION Issued by: Joel Essline Badge Number 322 Phone Number 651-266-1904 If you have any questions about this order, the requirements or the deadline, you should I contact the Inspector listed above, Monday through Friday. A cals: You may appeal ihis order and obraiu a heaxmg 6efore the City Coimcil by deadline noted above or seven (7) dsys after fhe date mailed, wluchever comes fix�t. Coirection Order with vour a�real aoolicazion. appeal application with the City Clerk befote tlie *WARNING Code insQection and enforcement h cost the taxpayers money. If the violadons aze not coaected wi[Uin the lime period required in this notice, Yhe CiTy's costs in conducting a reinspecUOn after the due daze for compliance will be collected from the owner mtha than being paid by the tacpayers of ihe ciTy. I{addrtional new vio]ations aze discavexed within the neat following 12 months, ffie ciTy's cosfs Sn condvcting additional iospections at th�s same ]xalioa within such 12 months will be coll�ted from the ovmer raTher than being paid by [he taepayers of the ciTy. Any such future costs will be collected by assessment agawst thz real property and are in addiTion to any other Snes or assessments wluch may be levied against you and your propaty. sa60158 03/10 DEPARTMEN70F SAFETY AND INS�C7,iQjVS Steve Magner. Mamoger of Code Enforce r611 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Christopfies B. Co[eman, Mayor March 26, 2010 375JacksonStreet.,Suite110 Telephone.bil-166-8989 SainlPaul.MN55/01-1806 Focsimile:651d66-1919 Web' wwwsmaul.eov/dsi Yog hais vas koj hais 1us Hmoob thiab koj tsis to taub tsab ntawv no, hu nu ms tchais lus ntawm (651) 266-8989. Nws yog pab d&wb zwb.Si necessira w traductor, por favor Ilamanos aI (651)266- 8989 No costo Jerome E Devine 862 Marion St St Paul MN 55117-5339 CORRECTION NOTICE RE: 862 MARION ST File #: 10-128081 Dear Sir or Madam: The City of Saint Paul, Deparknent of Safety and Inspections has inspected the above referenced property on March 25, 2010 and has determined that the following deficiencies exist in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode' l. PARKING: There is an RV (RVA6103) obstructing the public right of way (alley) and access to neighboring driveways and garages. Immediately remove the RV from the a11ey. 2. SANITATION: Immediately remove improperly stored or accumulated refuse including; garbage, rubbish, junk, vehicle parts, wood, metal, recycling materials, household items, buildmg materials, rubble, rires, eta, from yard. The Saint Paul Legisiative Code requires all exterior property areas to be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Usable materials must be stored in an approved manner, so as not to constitute a nuisance. INCLUDING: REMOVING ALL DOG FECES AND REFUSE FROM VACANT LOT. DO NOT PARK THE RV ON THE VACANT LOT OR ANY OTHER UNAPPROVED SURFACE. VEHICLES: All vehicles must be correctly licensed, operable, secure from unauthorized entry, and parked on an improved surface. Correct violations; store in a garage or remove. OLDSMOBILE (TCR-759) PARKED ON UNAPPROVED SURFACE AND APPEARS INOPERABLE. REMOVE AND DO NOT PARK ON VACANT LOT OR ANY OTHER UNAPPROVED SURFACE... FORD (LRV-761) EXPIRED TABS, APPEAS INOPERABLE AND PARKED ON UNAPPROVED SURFACE. REMOVE AND DO NOT PARK ON VACANT LOT OR ANY OTHER UNAPPROVED SURFACE. March 26, 2010 862 MARION ST Page 2 10-612 4. SHIPPING CONTAINER: Shipping containers are not approved for use on property zoned for residential use. REMOVE THE SHIPING CONTINAINER. IT CANNOT BE STORED ON ANY PROPERTY ZONED RESIDENTIAL. 5. ROLL OFF: Remove the roll off from the vacant lot. You are hereby notified to correct these deficiencies in accordance with the appropriate codes. The Enforcement Officer will reinspect these premises on or after April Ol, 2010, For item 1-3 Apri115, 2010 For item 4 Apri119, 2010 For item 5 by which date the violations noted must be corrected. Failure to correct these deficiencies may result in the issuance of criminal charges and/or a civil lawsuit, and possible abatemenUassessment by the City. All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits may be obtained by calling 651-266-9090. You may file an appeal to this notice by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 651-266-8688. Any appeal must be made in writing within 10 days of this notice. (You must submit a copy of this Notice when you appeal, and pay a filing fee.) If you have any questions or request additional information, please contact me. To arrange an appointment or request an extension of time to complete repairs, you will need to speak direcfly to me at 651-266-1904. Sincerely, Joel Essling Badge # 322 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Footnotes: I To see the Legislative Code go to www.stpaul.�ov on the intemet, click on "Deparhnents", then click on "Department of Safety and Inspections", scroll down the page for the "Codes". Most Correction Notices derive from Chapter 34. 2 Criminal charges can be brought on the day the violation is observed, but generally we allow time to correct unless this is a repeat violation. �e H'ARNING Code inspechon and enforcement Mps cost ihe taxpayers money. If the violahons are not coirected within the lime period required in this nodce, the cit}�s costs iu conducting a reinspection after the due date for compliance will be collected from Ihe owner raffier than being paid by the tacpayers of the city. If additional new violations aze d�scovued within the next following l2 mon[hs, Fhe ciTy's costs in conducting addrtional mspections at this same locat�on within such 12 months will be collected from the owner ra[her than bemg pa�d by the tacpayers of the city. My such future costs will be collected by assessment against [he real property and aze in addition to any other fines or assessments which may be le��ed againK you and your property. cn60100 2/! 0 I3ate: Apri123, 2010 �il� #: 10 - 128081 Folder Name: 862 MARION ST PIN: 252923410202 � �� � ��� '� � _ � p ,, �� �!� :. _- � � ; �>: �_ � � � � ��, �� �, _, . �. :��'-r`.'-�= `. �: ; .�,�°� _ in;Y,;,` "'':' � _'; :: •,.,,,f.�:�,: " _ . HP Disfrict: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-612 -° � � .;._ # ;• , ��� s,� l:�:S�-k' ,C� � ^ _" ,���_ � .��. . . , � � � , �:^^�^., {.- s`: �-, �` ° �'e � �_ : � �ti .: �;���� � . � _ - w�� �,: , � � ��, � ,�` �. � �� ' �� � � , ,� a� � `� `°� e� ; ' � �- z , S` �� �u � ., �� . . �,^ � ��� ��� �. Y -;� a� F: = ����i� � _ ' ` ` _ _ -' — m. .. 1 b �. `. , - -- - <�--_ : " � _ �—�-�J IDate: Apsi4 23, 2Q10 �IE' Distriet: 10-612 F'ue #: 10 - 128081 Property- Name: �older Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: PffiV: 252923410202 , . E�ate: Apri123, 2010 ` F�P BDistrict: rile #: 10 - 128081 1�r'operTy Name: Folder 1Vame: 862 1V�ARION S'F Survey dnfo: PLN: 252923410202 �. - 10-612 �`- ---- .--- - . - - �g `- ' , - _- , _ — _ _ ' . s . � . - 'i .-� S __ _ ✓ _'_ _ ' .t"' . A �* `" ,..... . _ �^"-S, t �.' Tr"' � __ � �y � ._ y �'. _ �' �# / � h ' � � � E�I,i . . . .. �.. ; . ' u+W _ � t „ _ _ _ ` � . r- �^ �" l - . , . . . ... R',. � � % y J J , � _.—_ �.t:�f 1.� _ -- k����_ . ��rr ',,._ � tX" ` � ^ ^ H ` � ` -.."."'�.: �, ,_ � � a ���.,cv�*+*Y?� �:� ) c�, .a � x s�-a' . } s R..; �'� ;k?sl ..a� S�rt" �''� y n , � zt�.'.. I _ `+� G .a4°.; _ �, w," ��--`...-,.!" ir . _ r -._,.,� i , x � . � �� . _. _ ;; - � - . � �. _ �, y3.�� t � ,.'� . T � _ 5 "� �' / 1 � r� �tt ti � ! � ' -� �r t; : r , �; � �� r � ,/ � �'`�� � ���`�� '� "�' '�� � 'v,. � �; �' � f r d '� .;<' +�.::�: c � ",� J. r� x.'� �g'f i�_ = r T k 4 F �y y � ' Y :. 'iv . ' �y�. � � � ,1 . 5 ` ' 9 .r; '� .� �b/ f `''n' 8fi '� R � �.., �,y°` ;..` �: � � � . «' ;�. �� � r � � 4 � '9� 3 y, � "".`M�„"" j + ' !� ` p �� Y ` `bf' . � � y, � �,� Y� �.,� e�t "j'� �, f � . �., ! ����� . s � �y�. ^'- . —°� s � ` r k°' r fi, x x. �'. s j'+ �' -ur''^w` Fj�� � ��� t�`„ .� _�`� _ �T , d.� . . � "9�. � .'�c- A . W . 4�, . J o�-'� �a Ibate: Aprii 23, 2010 File #: ]0 - 128081 Fotder Name: 862 M�iRION ST �,—. �. �f� �� �zstr;c�: ia6i2 Property Name: 5urvev Info: PIN: 2524234IO202 ➢ate: Aprit 23, 2010 H� District: �ile #: 10 - P280SI Property Name: .. Foddes Aiame: 862 MARION ST Survey infa: 10-b12 c_ � _�`� PI1V: 252923410202 I?ate: F'i�e #: Folder Name: PIli: Aprit 23, 2010 10 - 2280�1 8621VIAILION ST 25292341Q202 �Y I3ista Property R'ame: Survev Info: 10-612 � _ ��-° "F �c e� '��' a� 6��GS� ��� �t.� � �' � ,r � �- - �� ',✓ � i U dil �b C r� �c3 � � s"� � , ° � - ��`s F � ^ ,_^,,�P.��a��,�" e '� — �" .�s �` �' : i t. �°' ��c" f�C� .r �, f 1 l �� � �G!���� � � .f`�1. (� �' �F � ` � �` P f f r " " F i: � � �.f ..�r` "T � � F .rf � �„�y:.r � �. � _. _ '.< — ... . � W�� ��� Date: Apri102, 2010 HP District: 10-612 File #: 10 - 128081 I'roperty Name: �older Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: �IN: 252923410202 : �° _� � � � �� -, ...s�"' C:�,S,A � ... � l � o.,p.. rJh.�:, . i" �.: . 10-612 �� � ^ �—�� FSate: ,4pri[ 02, 2Q10 �IP IDistrict: Efiie #: 10 - 1280R1 Property Idame: Folder Name: 862 MELRION ST Survey Info: PdN: 252923410202 ��rf � �. �� , �� � �-'^` Y fr; �? i, f � � ; �� , �4�% '° ' ���,G� � , � �+° �, �-^`` i<�`�-�` ': � � �, r ' . , � f� � � s^,�� �.r� � ' -� i'�, r`"r"`: `; ; , � .�=�: C , E �„ , Date: Etpril 02, 2010 dIP PDistriet: 10-612 �0e #: 20 - 128081 Property Name: Folder Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: PIN: 252923410202 Date: Apri102, 2010 File #: 10 - 128081 Fo3der Name: 862 NIARIOli' ST �IPd: 253923410202 �-il� I9istrict: 'roperty Na�e: Survey Ynfo: 4 `- F �``�"� r` � r p 10-612 �-.. �^ r,�� ,.�"s '�o� �' . % F ��; .� .�� � �. � � _. i � k '+�..�' �� ....tw> # aF� � ``'F.. y:.;. i �_ � ���� �� Date: March 29, 2010 YdP District: 10-612 File #: 10 - 128081 h'roperty Name: Folder Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: PIl�' : 252923410202 May 4, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes 10-612 Page 9 Appeal of Jerome Devine to a Summary Abatement Order for property at 862 Marion Street. Jerome Devine, appellant, appeared. Joel Essling, DSI — Code Enforcement, appeared on behalf of the department. Mr. Essling stated that he inspected the property on Mazch 25, 2010 and issued a correction notice to remove an illegally pazked RV, improperly stored vetucles, and remedy sanitation issues at the property with a compliance date of April 1. He granted Mr. Devine an extension of time and found that the vehicles had been removed on April 9 and granted until April 15 to clean up the yard. Upon re-inspection, the exterior issues still remained and he issued a summary abatement order on April 23 noting the following: remove all refuse under and on the porches, remove storage in fenced area, and remove stagnant water from a pool. He also issued two excessive consumption chazges and told Mr. Devine that if he got the work done, he would be willing to waive one of the charges. The work was still not done. He presented photographs of the property. Mr. Devine stated that he had been in the hospital at the time the correction notice had been issued and talked to Inspector Essling on April 1 explaining his situation. He was given an extension to do the work; however, the medication he was taking caused him to need to rest and he was not able to diligently work on cleaning up the property. He explained that there was a fire on the back porch in January and he had difficulty negotiating with the insurance company. As for the pool, he had removed most of the water and what was left, were leaves on the bottom. He did not completely drain the pool as it would collapse and he also needed to purchase a pool broom to clean the bottom which was out of season at discount stores. He requested an extension of time to be able to get the work done. Ms. Moermond reviewed the photographs and explained to Mr. Devine that what she saw was a backyard and porch full of stuff and that exterior storage was not legal. In looking at the photo of the above-ground pool, she told him that he needed to collapse the pool and store it for winter rather than leaving water in it to become stagnant and stinky. She said she was looking for a work plan on when he could complete all of the items and offered Mr. Devine the photos for his review. Mr. Essling stated that there was a ro11 off Mr. Devine was using that was located on the neighbor's property which would need to be moved onto his property. Mr. Devine responded that he had his neighbor's permission to have the roll off on their property. Ms. Moermond stated that she would need to see something in writing from the neighbor granting permission for the roll off to be on their property. Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal and granting extensions as noted on the photographs of the violations. Council File # �� — � � Z Green Sheet # 3113696 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 � BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative hearing record and testimony heard at public hearing on May 19, 2010 hereby memorializes its decision to certify and approve the May 4, 2010 decision of the Legislative Heazing Officer for the following address: ADDRESS 862 Marion Street APELLANT Jerome Devine Decision: Appeal denied and extensions granted as noted on the photographs of the violations. Carter Bostrom Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counc' Secretaty By: —.—= L1l r Approved b r: ate �l ��/7iCJ/O By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � ti' � �� �v-��2 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ,, DepartmentlO�celCouncil: Date InRiated: ; �o-�°°°°�� OtJUN2010 Green Sheet NO: 3113696 j Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person InitiaUDate i Marcia Moermond y o 000�a 0 6-8570 1 ouncil De artment Director AsS�gn Z ' Clerk G� Clerk i Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Num6er 3 � For � Routing 4 0 i Doa Type: RESOLUTfON Order 5 � � i E-Document Required: Y DocumentConWct: MaiVang Contact Phone: 6-8563 Totat # of Signature Pages _(qip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution memorializing City Cou�cil action taken May 19, 2010 denying the appeal and extensions granted for property at 862 Marion Street. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re�ect (R): personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contracl for ihis departmenf? CIB Committee Yes No Crvil Service Commission 2 Has this persoNfirm ever 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on Separate sheet and attach to green sheet. tnitiating Problem, Issues, OppoAunity (Who, What, When, Whete, Why): Ativantages If Approved: I Disadvantages If Approved: I I Disadvan[ages If Not Approved: I Total Amounf ot 7ransaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financia l Information: (EXPfain) June 1, 2010 8:43 AM Page 1 � � G TTY �F Y F¢ `AJ k � � � ��_��� ����q � d €e�� � �� i� > ?�� � ``�6 1$$�4 APPLICATION FOI� ��,� :s : :�`' APR 2 y 2010 \-11iiLaiiW The Citv Clerk needs the followin$ to orocess your appeal: Date and Time of Hearing: � ' o ain u Tuesday, �`�ct,.., 4 aCl�; �/Copy of the City-issued orders or letter which � � are being appealed Tirne_ _�a�•�� ,P%�. � Attachments you may wish to inclnde �his appeal form completed Appellant(Applicant: Location of HearinQ: Room 330 City HaII/Courthouse � �� � � Address: �(�� V�.C�-� � o �'� �City: .5 � State: �L� Zip:�7 Phone Numbers: Business _ Residence Cellular � 5 1 �7�a�7-� Date: C " � � - �� c�ry: Phone Numbers: Business � G5 Residence State specifically what is being appealed and why (use an attachment if necessary): �J '�w5 � � �� L /it � ^{�' r �� � � r � P �, /� c,�/I » Gl � Saint Paul Ciiy Clerk 310 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: (651) 266-8560 State: Cellular �' J ll- N TE: Any person unsat�ed by the final decision of the City �e� Council rnay obtain judicial review by timely filing an action as provided by law in District Court or Court of Appeals r�� IncSp�`�A� '�`(` IU -� - Gc ( 5 /t �e � h `�sske5 , Fee Received: Zip: �� �� � t K� � � �� � � ���� r� �'�� � Receipt Number: Kevued 4(21CLO l0 Name of Owner (if other than Appellant): SG �-`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DBPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220 Saint Paul, NIN 55101-1806 SUMMARY ASATEMENT ORDER �v���Z April 23, 2010 10 - 128081 Yog l�ais tias koj hais lus Hmoob thiab koj tsis to taub tsab ntavrv no, hu rau tus ixhais lus niawm (651) 266-8989. Nws yog pab dawb zwb.Si necessita un traductor, por favor llamanos al (651)266-8989. No costo. Jerome E Devine 862 Marion St St Paul MN 55117-5339 ��- ��,f��' J � 6�P�� 1� �! As owner or person(s) responsible for: 862 MARION ST you are hereby ordered to eliminate all I ntisance conditions wluch are in violation of Chapter 45 of Saint Paul Legislative Code. � Remove innproperly stored or accumulated refuse including: garbage, rubbish, discarded furniture, appliances, velticle parts, scrap wood and metal, recycling materials, household items, building materials or rubble, tires, brush, etc., from yard areas, INCLUDING: ALL REFUSE IJNDER AND ON PORCHES, (FREEZER ON PRC� AND STORAGE IN FENCED IN AREA. - - I�� u Cut and remove tall grass, weeds and rank plant growth. Remove and properly dispose of all animal feces from yard areas. IMMEDIATELY sewre all buildings which are open to unauthorized entry, including: Abo��Z fy�a:.m� Other: REMOVE STAGNANT WATGR FROM POOL. If you do not cozrect the nuisance or file an appeal before April 30, 2010, the City will correct the nuisance and chazge all costs, including boarding costs, against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. Chazaes: If the City conects the nuisance, the chuges will include the cost of correcflon, inspecuon, havel fime, equipment, etc. The rate will be approximately $260.00 per hour plus expenses for abatement. You must maintain the premises in a clean condirion and provide proper and adequate refuse storage at all times FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN A CRIMINAL CITATION Issued by: Joel Essline Badge Number 322 Phone Number 651-266-1904 If you have any questions about this order, the requirements or the deadline, you should I contact the Inspector listed above, Monday through Friday. A cals: You may appeal ihis order and obraiu a heaxmg 6efore the City Coimcil by deadline noted above or seven (7) dsys after fhe date mailed, wluchever comes fix�t. Coirection Order with vour a�real aoolicazion. appeal application with the City Clerk befote tlie *WARNING Code insQection and enforcement h cost the taxpayers money. If the violadons aze not coaected wi[Uin the lime period required in this notice, Yhe CiTy's costs in conducting a reinspecUOn after the due daze for compliance will be collected from the owner mtha than being paid by the tacpayers of ihe ciTy. I{addrtional new vio]ations aze discavexed within the neat following 12 months, ffie ciTy's cosfs Sn condvcting additional iospections at th�s same ]xalioa within such 12 months will be coll�ted from the ovmer raTher than being paid by [he taepayers of the ciTy. Any such future costs will be collected by assessment agawst thz real property and are in addiTion to any other Snes or assessments wluch may be levied against you and your propaty. sa60158 03/10 DEPARTMEN70F SAFETY AND INS�C7,iQjVS Steve Magner. Mamoger of Code Enforce r611 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Christopfies B. Co[eman, Mayor March 26, 2010 375JacksonStreet.,Suite110 Telephone.bil-166-8989 SainlPaul.MN55/01-1806 Focsimile:651d66-1919 Web' wwwsmaul.eov/dsi Yog hais vas koj hais 1us Hmoob thiab koj tsis to taub tsab ntawv no, hu nu ms tchais lus ntawm (651) 266-8989. Nws yog pab d&wb zwb.Si necessira w traductor, por favor Ilamanos aI (651)266- 8989 No costo Jerome E Devine 862 Marion St St Paul MN 55117-5339 CORRECTION NOTICE RE: 862 MARION ST File #: 10-128081 Dear Sir or Madam: The City of Saint Paul, Deparknent of Safety and Inspections has inspected the above referenced property on March 25, 2010 and has determined that the following deficiencies exist in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode' l. PARKING: There is an RV (RVA6103) obstructing the public right of way (alley) and access to neighboring driveways and garages. Immediately remove the RV from the a11ey. 2. SANITATION: Immediately remove improperly stored or accumulated refuse including; garbage, rubbish, junk, vehicle parts, wood, metal, recycling materials, household items, buildmg materials, rubble, rires, eta, from yard. The Saint Paul Legisiative Code requires all exterior property areas to be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Usable materials must be stored in an approved manner, so as not to constitute a nuisance. INCLUDING: REMOVING ALL DOG FECES AND REFUSE FROM VACANT LOT. DO NOT PARK THE RV ON THE VACANT LOT OR ANY OTHER UNAPPROVED SURFACE. VEHICLES: All vehicles must be correctly licensed, operable, secure from unauthorized entry, and parked on an improved surface. Correct violations; store in a garage or remove. OLDSMOBILE (TCR-759) PARKED ON UNAPPROVED SURFACE AND APPEARS INOPERABLE. REMOVE AND DO NOT PARK ON VACANT LOT OR ANY OTHER UNAPPROVED SURFACE... FORD (LRV-761) EXPIRED TABS, APPEAS INOPERABLE AND PARKED ON UNAPPROVED SURFACE. REMOVE AND DO NOT PARK ON VACANT LOT OR ANY OTHER UNAPPROVED SURFACE. March 26, 2010 862 MARION ST Page 2 10-612 4. SHIPPING CONTAINER: Shipping containers are not approved for use on property zoned for residential use. REMOVE THE SHIPING CONTINAINER. IT CANNOT BE STORED ON ANY PROPERTY ZONED RESIDENTIAL. 5. ROLL OFF: Remove the roll off from the vacant lot. You are hereby notified to correct these deficiencies in accordance with the appropriate codes. The Enforcement Officer will reinspect these premises on or after April Ol, 2010, For item 1-3 Apri115, 2010 For item 4 Apri119, 2010 For item 5 by which date the violations noted must be corrected. Failure to correct these deficiencies may result in the issuance of criminal charges and/or a civil lawsuit, and possible abatemenUassessment by the City. All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits may be obtained by calling 651-266-9090. You may file an appeal to this notice by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 651-266-8688. Any appeal must be made in writing within 10 days of this notice. (You must submit a copy of this Notice when you appeal, and pay a filing fee.) If you have any questions or request additional information, please contact me. To arrange an appointment or request an extension of time to complete repairs, you will need to speak direcfly to me at 651-266-1904. Sincerely, Joel Essling Badge # 322 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Footnotes: I To see the Legislative Code go to www.stpaul.�ov on the intemet, click on "Deparhnents", then click on "Department of Safety and Inspections", scroll down the page for the "Codes". Most Correction Notices derive from Chapter 34. 2 Criminal charges can be brought on the day the violation is observed, but generally we allow time to correct unless this is a repeat violation. �e H'ARNING Code inspechon and enforcement Mps cost ihe taxpayers money. If the violahons are not coirected within the lime period required in this nodce, the cit}�s costs iu conducting a reinspection after the due date for compliance will be collected from Ihe owner raffier than being paid by the tacpayers of the city. If additional new violations aze d�scovued within the next following l2 mon[hs, Fhe ciTy's costs in conducting addrtional mspections at this same locat�on within such 12 months will be collected from the owner ra[her than bemg pa�d by the tacpayers of the city. My such future costs will be collected by assessment against [he real property and aze in addition to any other fines or assessments which may be le��ed againK you and your property. cn60100 2/! 0 I3ate: Apri123, 2010 �il� #: 10 - 128081 Folder Name: 862 MARION ST PIN: 252923410202 � �� � ��� '� � _ � p ,, �� �!� :. _- � � ; �>: �_ � � � � ��, �� �, _, . �. :��'-r`.'-�= `. �: ; .�,�°� _ in;Y,;,` "'':' � _'; :: •,.,,,f.�:�,: " _ . HP Disfrict: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-612 -° � � .;._ # ;• , ��� s,� l:�:S�-k' ,C� � ^ _" ,���_ � .��. . . , � � � , �:^^�^., {.- s`: �-, �` ° �'e � �_ : � �ti .: �;���� � . � _ - w�� �,: , � � ��, � ,�` �. � �� ' �� � � , ,� a� � `� `°� e� ; ' � �- z , S` �� �u � ., �� . . �,^ � ��� ��� �. Y -;� a� F: = ����i� � _ ' ` ` _ _ -' — m. .. 1 b �. `. , - -- - <�--_ : " � _ �—�-�J IDate: Apsi4 23, 2Q10 �IE' Distriet: 10-612 F'ue #: 10 - 128081 Property- Name: �older Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: PffiV: 252923410202 , . E�ate: Apri123, 2010 ` F�P BDistrict: rile #: 10 - 128081 1�r'operTy Name: Folder 1Vame: 862 1V�ARION S'F Survey dnfo: PLN: 252923410202 �. - 10-612 �`- ---- .--- - . - - �g `- ' , - _- , _ — _ _ ' . s . � . - 'i .-� S __ _ ✓ _'_ _ ' .t"' . A �* `" ,..... . _ �^"-S, t �.' Tr"' � __ � �y � ._ y �'. _ �' �# / � h ' � � � E�I,i . . . .. �.. ; . ' u+W _ � t „ _ _ _ ` � . r- �^ �" l - . , . . . ... R',. � � % y J J , � _.—_ �.t:�f 1.� _ -- k����_ . ��rr ',,._ � tX" ` � ^ ^ H ` � ` -.."."'�.: �, ,_ � � a ���.,cv�*+*Y?� �:� ) c�, .a � x s�-a' . } s R..; �'� ;k?sl ..a� S�rt" �''� y n , � zt�.'.. I _ `+� G .a4°.; _ �, w," ��--`...-,.!" ir . _ r -._,.,� i , x � . � �� . _. _ ;; - � - . � �. _ �, y3.�� t � ,.'� . T � _ 5 "� �' / 1 � r� �tt ti � ! � ' -� �r t; : r , �; � �� r � ,/ � �'`�� � ���`�� '� "�' '�� � 'v,. � �; �' � f r d '� .;<' +�.::�: c � ",� J. r� x.'� �g'f i�_ = r T k 4 F �y y � ' Y :. 'iv . ' �y�. � � � ,1 . 5 ` ' 9 .r; '� .� �b/ f `''n' 8fi '� R � �.., �,y°` ;..` �: � � � . «' ;�. �� � r � � 4 � '9� 3 y, � "".`M�„"" j + ' !� ` p �� Y ` `bf' . � � y, � �,� Y� �.,� e�t "j'� �, f � . �., ! ����� . s � �y�. ^'- . —°� s � ` r k°' r fi, x x. �'. s j'+ �' -ur''^w` Fj�� � ��� t�`„ .� _�`� _ �T , d.� . . � "9�. � .'�c- A . W . 4�, . J o�-'� �a Ibate: Aprii 23, 2010 File #: ]0 - 128081 Fotder Name: 862 M�iRION ST �,—. �. �f� �� �zstr;c�: ia6i2 Property Name: 5urvev Info: PIN: 2524234IO202 ➢ate: Aprit 23, 2010 H� District: �ile #: 10 - P280SI Property Name: .. Foddes Aiame: 862 MARION ST Survey infa: 10-b12 c_ � _�`� PI1V: 252923410202 I?ate: F'i�e #: Folder Name: PIli: Aprit 23, 2010 10 - 2280�1 8621VIAILION ST 25292341Q202 �Y I3ista Property R'ame: Survev Info: 10-612 � _ ��-° "F �c e� '��' a� 6��GS� ��� �t.� � �' � ,r � �- - �� ',✓ � i U dil �b C r� �c3 � � s"� � , ° � - ��`s F � ^ ,_^,,�P.��a��,�" e '� — �" .�s �` �' : i t. �°' ��c" f�C� .r �, f 1 l �� � �G!���� � � .f`�1. (� �' �F � ` � �` P f f r " " F i: � � �.f ..�r` "T � � F .rf � �„�y:.r � �. � _. _ '.< — ... . � W�� ��� Date: Apri102, 2010 HP District: 10-612 File #: 10 - 128081 I'roperty Name: �older Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: �IN: 252923410202 : �° _� � � � �� -, ...s�"' C:�,S,A � ... � l � o.,p.. rJh.�:, . i" �.: . 10-612 �� � ^ �—�� FSate: ,4pri[ 02, 2Q10 �IP IDistrict: Efiie #: 10 - 1280R1 Property Idame: Folder Name: 862 MELRION ST Survey Info: PdN: 252923410202 ��rf � �. �� , �� � �-'^` Y fr; �? i, f � � ; �� , �4�% '° ' ���,G� � , � �+° �, �-^`` i<�`�-�` ': � � �, r ' . , � f� � � s^,�� �.r� � ' -� i'�, r`"r"`: `; ; , � .�=�: C , E �„ , Date: Etpril 02, 2010 dIP PDistriet: 10-612 �0e #: 20 - 128081 Property Name: Folder Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: PIN: 252923410202 Date: Apri102, 2010 File #: 10 - 128081 Fo3der Name: 862 NIARIOli' ST �IPd: 253923410202 �-il� I9istrict: 'roperty Na�e: Survey Ynfo: 4 `- F �``�"� r` � r p 10-612 �-.. �^ r,�� ,.�"s '�o� �' . % F ��; .� .�� � �. � � _. i � k '+�..�' �� ....tw> # aF� � ``'F.. y:.;. i �_ � ���� �� Date: March 29, 2010 YdP District: 10-612 File #: 10 - 128081 h'roperty Name: Folder Name: 862 MARION ST Survey Info: PIl�' : 252923410202 May 4, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes 10-612 Page 9 Appeal of Jerome Devine to a Summary Abatement Order for property at 862 Marion Street. Jerome Devine, appellant, appeared. Joel Essling, DSI — Code Enforcement, appeared on behalf of the department. Mr. Essling stated that he inspected the property on Mazch 25, 2010 and issued a correction notice to remove an illegally pazked RV, improperly stored vetucles, and remedy sanitation issues at the property with a compliance date of April 1. He granted Mr. Devine an extension of time and found that the vehicles had been removed on April 9 and granted until April 15 to clean up the yard. Upon re-inspection, the exterior issues still remained and he issued a summary abatement order on April 23 noting the following: remove all refuse under and on the porches, remove storage in fenced area, and remove stagnant water from a pool. He also issued two excessive consumption chazges and told Mr. Devine that if he got the work done, he would be willing to waive one of the charges. The work was still not done. He presented photographs of the property. Mr. Devine stated that he had been in the hospital at the time the correction notice had been issued and talked to Inspector Essling on April 1 explaining his situation. He was given an extension to do the work; however, the medication he was taking caused him to need to rest and he was not able to diligently work on cleaning up the property. He explained that there was a fire on the back porch in January and he had difficulty negotiating with the insurance company. As for the pool, he had removed most of the water and what was left, were leaves on the bottom. He did not completely drain the pool as it would collapse and he also needed to purchase a pool broom to clean the bottom which was out of season at discount stores. He requested an extension of time to be able to get the work done. Ms. Moermond reviewed the photographs and explained to Mr. Devine that what she saw was a backyard and porch full of stuff and that exterior storage was not legal. In looking at the photo of the above-ground pool, she told him that he needed to collapse the pool and store it for winter rather than leaving water in it to become stagnant and stinky. She said she was looking for a work plan on when he could complete all of the items and offered Mr. Devine the photos for his review. Mr. Essling stated that there was a ro11 off Mr. Devine was using that was located on the neighbor's property which would need to be moved onto his property. Mr. Devine responded that he had his neighbor's permission to have the roll off on their property. Ms. Moermond stated that she would need to see something in writing from the neighbor granting permission for the roll off to be on their property. Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal and granting extensions as noted on the photographs of the violations.