10-606Conncil File #��_�r� Green Sheet # 3112716 RESOLUTION � 1 OF SAI� PAUL, MIt31VESOTA �"T Presented by 1 W HEREAS, Tri-State Bobcat, Inc , a constr�ction equipment distributoc, wishes io exchange the 1 use of a Melcoe 2 ToolCa[, 5600Turbo Work �.Viachme tracUloader, and 3 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recieation is in need of such a Mekoe ToolCat tractor/loader, and the value of iis use �s equal 4 in ralue to the cost [o Tr�-State Bobcat. Inc. of advertismg space at Midway Stadi�m; and 5 WHEREAS, paraes w�sh to enter into tbe advertising spo�sorship agreement attached hereto; 6 VOW TAEREFORE, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby authorizes the appropria[e city officials to enter into 7 the attached agreement to allow Tri-State Bobcat, lnc., to exchange use of a Melroe ToolCat tractodloader for the rental of 8 advertismg space. Yeas Nays Abse�t Reqnested y De 0rt f: ks c R cr tio� Bostrom Carter �/ Harns y By Approved by the Office of Financial Services Stark ` B y' Thune y � Approved by City AtTOrney -� o� By: ;��b� LG i- l Adopted by C�unciP Date lO�� a/'l/d Appcove ,A y r for " issio onncil ! Adopnon Cerfified by u�cil Secretary By: By: ` Approved a��r: Date �`f ZfJI� By. ♦ ,�-�� ��� si��� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ' DepaAmenUO�ce/Council: � Date Initiated: ', PR_ParksandRecreation � ZOMAY2010 I Green Sheet N4: 3112116 � Conqtt Person & Pbone: John Hall 632-2403 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 02-JUN-10 Doc.Type:RE ' E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Gary Korum Contact Phone: 266-6408 i � I � Assign Number For ��, Routing I Order Total # of Signature Pages 1_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) 6 �arks and Recreation � � Yolanda TAOmas ' � ppprove agreement with Tri-State BobCat for use of a tractor/loader valued at $6,000.00. The City would provide advertising space � behind the first-base bleachers at Midway Stadium. i Recommendations: Approve (A2 or Reject (Rp Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Persnnaf Service Contracts Must Answer the Foflowing QuesUOns: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a cify empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City is in need of a new trailer(Ioader for Midway Stadium. Tn-State BobCat is willing to provide a piece of equipment necessary for the proper mainCeoance of the field at Midway Stadium as a hade for having the City provide advertising space at Midway Stadium. Advantages If Approved: The City has a new, cntical piece of eqwpment made available at no financial cost. Disadvantages If Approved: N7A Disadvantages If Not Approved: The City would have to purchase a new piece of equipmen[ that is not budgeted. Total Amount of $Q 00 Transaction: Funding Source: Fi na ncial I nformatio n: (Explain) May 20, 2010 10:13 AM Activity NUmber. ���,��,���� ���',,A Q ��, Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Page 1 ROi3TIl3G ORDER: Below are correct routings for the siY most frequent types of doc��ts: CONTRACTS (acst�es authorized bndget e�asts) 1. Outside Agency 2. I�perhnent D'uector 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor/Ac�;dA (for contracts over $Z5,000) 5. H�� Rights (for contrects over $50,000) 6, Office of Financiet Services - Accoimting ADMINISTRAZTVE ORDII2S (BudgetRevision) 1. ActivityManagerorDeparfineutAccountaut 2. Departme�tDiiector 3. Office ofFinancia[ Services Dueetor 4. City CIedc 5. O$ce of Financial Services - Aa�oimtinB ADMIAIIST'RATTVE ORDIItS (ail o�ecs)' '. 1 DepaztmwtD'uector 2. ,CityAttniney 3. Office ofFinanciat Secvices D'uector 4. City Clerk COLJNCII. RESOLUTiON (amend,budgets/accept graNs; 1. Depai�eat,I?irector 2. Office of Financiat Seraices D"aector 3- CifYAttorney ' 4. Mayor/P.ssistant 5 City Counc,il 6. Office ofFinanciat Services -Acxoimting, , COUNCII, �2ESOLUTION (all ofheis sad Ori3inances) 1'. UepaztmeotDirectoi' 2. CitFAttomeY , 3 Mayo[%Assist�t 4.� City Conncil EI.'ECI7TIVE ORDER 1. DepaitmentDirector 2. 'City:Sttomeg ,, 3. MayodA�dar� 4. ,LSty Clesk TOTALNUMBfiR�OF SIGNATURE,PAGES � � � � � Tn[�irAfr tfie # ofpages on whicfi sigpatures iYre required and�Psp'ekctip or'Slag escL oEtLese pages.' '' �� ACTfONREQUESTID � � � � � � � � Descnbe whatthe projecthequest seeks to accomplish m eithet chmnolo�cal ader or c�dei of impoctance, whichev� is mctt4 appropriete for ihe issae. Do not write complete senteaces. 'Begia each iEem in yo� Iist with a verb. . TtECOIvQv1ENDATIONS Complde iftfie issue in question fias be� presented before au9 �Y, P�?Iic or private. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This infoxmation w71 be used to dete�itte the city,'s liability for warkers compensation claims, taces andproper civil , service hiringmies. 3AIITIATINGPROBI EM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NITY Eaplain the si{uation oi conditions that'created a need foryourprpJect oi request , � �, � ADVANTAGES IF APPRdVED Tndicate whethet Uus is simply eu annual budget pracedise req�ed by 7aw/charta or whetket'there are specific ways in which�ti�e'CilyofSaintPaulau�litscitizevswilIbeneh'tfromthisprojecb`adiao." � � � � D7SADVANTAGESIE'APPROVED, � � � � � � � � �� � � �� What negative effects � major clisnges to eiasting or past P� �6�� ProJ��^Produce if it is passed' °' (e.g:, 4affia de}ays, noise, tasciucaeases or as�ments)7 �To wfiom? When? F� how�long�. � � � � DISADVAIITAGESIFNOx�APPROUED � � � � � � ��� � � � � What wi116e the negative,c�nsequences ifthe pmmi.sed action is nof approved7 Inability fo deii�er service7 Contimie ', Ligh� �c, noise, accedenY rate? Lass of reuenue7 �� - FINANCL4L IIvIPACT ilithangfiyounmst tailo� tfie informstion poa pmvide here ta the issue,Y� ��� � B� You mus[ answer !wo q�stions: How much is itgoing to cosq Who is goingto payl �� � �� � � r�,�A ' , ,. ,� � � ,. � ADVERTISING 5PDN50RSNiP AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND TRt-STATE BOBCAT, INC. WHEREAS, TRl-STATE BOBCAT, INC. (Tri-State), 1800 West Highway 13, Burnsville, Minnesota, 55337, a constructian equipment distributor, wishes to secure an advertising space by participating in a sponsorship agreement with the City of Saint Pau1 (City) at Midway Stadium, 1771 ener�r Park drive, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55108 �n the outfield billboards; and WHEREAS, in tieu of payment of sponsorship money, Tri-State has indicated its desire to provide the use of a Melroe ToolCat, 5600 Turbo Work Machine tractor/toader; and WHEREAS, Yhe City has agreed that the benefit of the use of the equipment is fairly valued at $6,000 per year, and that this is equal in value to the benefit of the advertisinglsponsorship space; Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual agreements and consideration contained herein, the parties agree as fottows: Tri-State will receive a 16' high by 8' wide billbaard space behind the first base bleachers at /v\idway Stadium for a period of one season{year, from Aprit 15, 2�10 to October 31, 2010. The sign must comply with the policies of the Division of Parks and Retreation and the applicable city ordinances. Final approval of any display is at the discretion of the City. 2. The City will receive the use of the ToolCat 5600 Work Machine for the same period of time. The City is responsible for all maintenance to the equipment dusin$ that period of time. The equipment may be used at City-owned locations other than Midway Stadium. 3. During the periad of this Agreement it is understood that only City employees in the classification of Parks Worker III or Golf Course Worker III wilt operate the equipment. 4. The City waives any daims for damage to persons or property caused by the operation of the equipment, except to the extent the damage would be covered by a manufacturer's warranty. Page 1 of 2 z'd StiEL-GOb-T59 •�uI '2e�q�H a��1S-?�l WFizb=6 OTOZ 90 �dFi 5. At the end of the Agreement term, the equipment witl be returned to Tri-5tate in good condition, normal wear and tear excepted, and the City shail be responsibte for any damages caused to the equipment during the term of the Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, damage caused due to manufacturing defects is not the responsibility of the Lity. 6. Either party may terminate the Sponsorship A$reement, with or without cause, by notifying the ether party in writing and giving at teast thirty days written notice of the inteRt to terminate. In the event of early termination by either party, no additional compensation wilt be sought by either party, and the return of the equipment by the City and the removal of the signage sponsoring Tri-State will complete the termination. Dated this �� day of ���•� , 2010 TRI-STATE BOBCAT, INC. /.._��� i 1�� � By its: lrr•f,'�._ f" CITI'' OF SAiNT PAUL Finance Director Director of Parks and Recreation Approved as to Form Assistant City Attorney Glprvlq.ODER6110N5�EQUlPMET(iSERVICEYIEQUIPMENTSERVIC£SOPERdTIOMI5peclJlcafbrrslCmtrvcts,LbnoirorvlT�f-Stcle TwlCat11D101Tri�5ta[ee¢�rp)olad�reifise3- � o d« Page 2 of 2 E"d S�EL-GO++-T99 •�uI °�eoqog a1eq5-?�1 WH2ti=8 OiOZ 90 �dFJ Conncil File #��_�r� Green Sheet # 3112716 RESOLUTION � 1 OF SAI� PAUL, MIt31VESOTA �"T Presented by 1 W HEREAS, Tri-State Bobcat, Inc , a constr�ction equipment distributoc, wishes io exchange the 1 use of a Melcoe 2 ToolCa[, 5600Turbo Work �.Viachme tracUloader, and 3 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recieation is in need of such a Mekoe ToolCat tractor/loader, and the value of iis use �s equal 4 in ralue to the cost [o Tr�-State Bobcat. Inc. of advertismg space at Midway Stadi�m; and 5 WHEREAS, paraes w�sh to enter into tbe advertising spo�sorship agreement attached hereto; 6 VOW TAEREFORE, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby authorizes the appropria[e city officials to enter into 7 the attached agreement to allow Tri-State Bobcat, lnc., to exchange use of a Melroe ToolCat tractodloader for the rental of 8 advertismg space. Yeas Nays Abse�t Reqnested y De 0rt f: ks c R cr tio� Bostrom Carter �/ Harns y By Approved by the Office of Financial Services Stark ` B y' Thune y � Approved by City AtTOrney -� o� By: ;��b� LG i- l Adopted by C�unciP Date lO�� a/'l/d Appcove ,A y r for " issio onncil ! Adopnon Cerfified by u�cil Secretary By: By: ` Approved a��r: Date �`f ZfJI� By. ♦ ,�-�� ��� si��� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ' DepaAmenUO�ce/Council: � Date Initiated: ', PR_ParksandRecreation � ZOMAY2010 I Green Sheet N4: 3112116 � Conqtt Person & Pbone: John Hall 632-2403 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 02-JUN-10 Doc.Type:RE ' E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Gary Korum Contact Phone: 266-6408 i � I � Assign Number For ��, Routing I Order Total # of Signature Pages 1_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) 6 �arks and Recreation � � Yolanda TAOmas ' � ppprove agreement with Tri-State BobCat for use of a tractor/loader valued at $6,000.00. The City would provide advertising space � behind the first-base bleachers at Midway Stadium. i Recommendations: Approve (A2 or Reject (Rp Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Persnnaf Service Contracts Must Answer the Foflowing QuesUOns: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a cify empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City is in need of a new trailer(Ioader for Midway Stadium. Tn-State BobCat is willing to provide a piece of equipment necessary for the proper mainCeoance of the field at Midway Stadium as a hade for having the City provide advertising space at Midway Stadium. Advantages If Approved: The City has a new, cntical piece of eqwpment made available at no financial cost. Disadvantages If Approved: N7A Disadvantages If Not Approved: The City would have to purchase a new piece of equipmen[ that is not budgeted. Total Amount of $Q 00 Transaction: Funding Source: Fi na ncial I nformatio n: (Explain) May 20, 2010 10:13 AM Activity NUmber. ���,��,���� ���',,A Q ��, Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Page 1 ROi3TIl3G ORDER: Below are correct routings for the siY most frequent types of doc��ts: CONTRACTS (acst�es authorized bndget e�asts) 1. Outside Agency 2. I�perhnent D'uector 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor/Ac�;dA (for contracts over $Z5,000) 5. H�� Rights (for contrects over $50,000) 6, Office of Financiet Services - Accoimting ADMINISTRAZTVE ORDII2S (BudgetRevision) 1. ActivityManagerorDeparfineutAccountaut 2. Departme�tDiiector 3. Office ofFinancia[ Services Dueetor 4. City CIedc 5. O$ce of Financial Services - Aa�oimtinB ADMIAIIST'RATTVE ORDIItS (ail o�ecs)' '. 1 DepaztmwtD'uector 2. ,CityAttniney 3. Office ofFinanciat Secvices D'uector 4. City Clerk COLJNCII. RESOLUTiON (amend,budgets/accept graNs; 1. Depai�eat,I?irector 2. Office of Financiat Seraices D"aector 3- CifYAttorney ' 4. Mayor/P.ssistant 5 City Counc,il 6. Office ofFinanciat Services -Acxoimting, , COUNCII, �2ESOLUTION (all ofheis sad Ori3inances) 1'. UepaztmeotDirectoi' 2. CitFAttomeY , 3 Mayo[%Assist�t 4.� City Conncil EI.'ECI7TIVE ORDER 1. DepaitmentDirector 2. 'City:Sttomeg ,, 3. MayodA�dar� 4. ,LSty Clesk TOTALNUMBfiR�OF SIGNATURE,PAGES � � � � � Tn[�irAfr tfie # ofpages on whicfi sigpatures iYre required and�Psp'ekctip or'Slag escL oEtLese pages.' '' �� ACTfONREQUESTID � � � � � � � � Descnbe whatthe projecthequest seeks to accomplish m eithet chmnolo�cal ader or c�dei of impoctance, whichev� is mctt4 appropriete for ihe issae. Do not write complete senteaces. 'Begia each iEem in yo� Iist with a verb. . TtECOIvQv1ENDATIONS Complde iftfie issue in question fias be� presented before au9 �Y, P�?Iic or private. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This infoxmation w71 be used to dete�itte the city,'s liability for warkers compensation claims, taces andproper civil , service hiringmies. 3AIITIATINGPROBI EM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NITY Eaplain the si{uation oi conditions that'created a need foryourprpJect oi request , � �, � ADVANTAGES IF APPRdVED Tndicate whethet Uus is simply eu annual budget pracedise req�ed by 7aw/charta or whetket'there are specific ways in which�ti�e'CilyofSaintPaulau�litscitizevswilIbeneh'tfromthisprojecb`adiao." � � � � D7SADVANTAGESIE'APPROVED, � � � � � � � � �� � � �� What negative effects � major clisnges to eiasting or past P� �6�� ProJ��^Produce if it is passed' °' (e.g:, 4affia de}ays, noise, tasciucaeases or as�ments)7 �To wfiom? When? F� how�long�. � � � � DISADVAIITAGESIFNOx�APPROUED � � � � � � ��� � � � � What wi116e the negative,c�nsequences ifthe pmmi.sed action is nof approved7 Inability fo deii�er service7 Contimie ', Ligh� �c, noise, accedenY rate? Lass of reuenue7 �� - FINANCL4L IIvIPACT ilithangfiyounmst tailo� tfie informstion poa pmvide here ta the issue,Y� ��� � B� You mus[ answer !wo q�stions: How much is itgoing to cosq Who is goingto payl �� � �� � � r�,�A ' , ,. ,� � � ,. � ADVERTISING 5PDN50RSNiP AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND TRt-STATE BOBCAT, INC. WHEREAS, TRl-STATE BOBCAT, INC. (Tri-State), 1800 West Highway 13, Burnsville, Minnesota, 55337, a constructian equipment distributor, wishes to secure an advertising space by participating in a sponsorship agreement with the City of Saint Pau1 (City) at Midway Stadium, 1771 ener�r Park drive, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55108 �n the outfield billboards; and WHEREAS, in tieu of payment of sponsorship money, Tri-State has indicated its desire to provide the use of a Melroe ToolCat, 5600 Turbo Work Machine tractor/toader; and WHEREAS, Yhe City has agreed that the benefit of the use of the equipment is fairly valued at $6,000 per year, and that this is equal in value to the benefit of the advertisinglsponsorship space; Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual agreements and consideration contained herein, the parties agree as fottows: Tri-State will receive a 16' high by 8' wide billbaard space behind the first base bleachers at /v\idway Stadium for a period of one season{year, from Aprit 15, 2�10 to October 31, 2010. The sign must comply with the policies of the Division of Parks and Retreation and the applicable city ordinances. Final approval of any display is at the discretion of the City. 2. The City will receive the use of the ToolCat 5600 Work Machine for the same period of time. The City is responsible for all maintenance to the equipment dusin$ that period of time. The equipment may be used at City-owned locations other than Midway Stadium. 3. During the periad of this Agreement it is understood that only City employees in the classification of Parks Worker III or Golf Course Worker III wilt operate the equipment. 4. The City waives any daims for damage to persons or property caused by the operation of the equipment, except to the extent the damage would be covered by a manufacturer's warranty. Page 1 of 2 z'd StiEL-GOb-T59 •�uI '2e�q�H a��1S-?�l WFizb=6 OTOZ 90 �dFi 5. At the end of the Agreement term, the equipment witl be returned to Tri-5tate in good condition, normal wear and tear excepted, and the City shail be responsibte for any damages caused to the equipment during the term of the Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, damage caused due to manufacturing defects is not the responsibility of the Lity. 6. Either party may terminate the Sponsorship A$reement, with or without cause, by notifying the ether party in writing and giving at teast thirty days written notice of the inteRt to terminate. In the event of early termination by either party, no additional compensation wilt be sought by either party, and the return of the equipment by the City and the removal of the signage sponsoring Tri-State will complete the termination. Dated this �� day of ���•� , 2010 TRI-STATE BOBCAT, INC. /.._��� i 1�� � By its: lrr•f,'�._ f" CITI'' OF SAiNT PAUL Finance Director Director of Parks and Recreation Approved as to Form Assistant City Attorney Glprvlq.ODER6110N5�EQUlPMET(iSERVICEYIEQUIPMENTSERVIC£SOPERdTIOMI5peclJlcafbrrslCmtrvcts,LbnoirorvlT�f-Stcle TwlCat11D101Tri�5ta[ee¢�rp)olad�reifise3- � o d« Page 2 of 2 E"d S�EL-GO++-T99 •�uI °�eoqog a1eq5-?�1 WH2ti=8 OiOZ 90 �dFJ