177924 p
NO:1VMM— 177924
'ice of .t r cil File No.
teat* it adWer
.-"Itraniligk dull PROPOSAL FOR 11%-.7'',,, e ,,p'"4'
and ow-
Theundersi edhereby proposesthemalofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
i .thr , ,m4._ .seattott* . , ' ,... • .
limmk .. ,. ire
'tango VI 0 said kriangdar shaped piece eif land ,, as being
8ogitniiiig at a point 011 the faire. line of Seetioxe 201, tswasotip $
Meths . a 22 Moats anigi paint.bd.ng O S t of Paa wa -
Drive as measured along the north line of,l "'sectien
east 155 ft. along the n line.df said Seet1 n � eE
southwesterly direction. ng.tho northeasterly of
Drive a distance of 226. 5 ft, to a point on the northeasterly .
line of Parkway Drive; thence northerly a distaste* of 165.64 ft,
to the point of be ,nningo
ivziLi1..0n0, A WiLU%, U in kiputioa iUi Va1G auaaaua Va um. avaav.,aia8 auaFavvvaaavuV,
Ong and taking. tor sewer purposes s.tria1lar.shaped piece of
land- in tho BE l/4 of the 1 kik of Section 20
Range 22 lest, said triangular shaped piece of land being described as
fellows t
Beginning at a point en the north line of Section 20, Toua4ip 29
pertly ` f 22 West, said. point being 155 ft. west of Parkway
Drive as measured along the north line of said section; thence
last 155 ft. along the north I of said Section 29; thence in a
'southwesterly irection aloe ire .
T rigthe' norsterly lid''of kwray
.-Drive a distance,of..236$5 fto to a:point. on the northeasterly
din• at rarkwar, Dz'ivi;, th cs herlT.*.,gataace At 3,65. t. #'.
...to the point of beginni •
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
Adopted by the Council MA nj
Councilman GIBBONS MA
ON -
Acting Mayor.
3000 7.54 40.0