177922 Aitigiiial to City Cdeslc 177922 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1< e N. ��CO , N IL RESO TION GENERAL, Co of C PRESENTED BY � _�aiat '; COMMISSIONS //;`—i i , //l. I ���r I ' W4011, : '7****S`' _ DA i 4 `lS'Q Mil a� )! ' RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed written agreement by and between State Veterans Service Building Commission and City of Saint Paul, approved and authorized by said Commissionts resolution dated September 15, 1954, providing for the joint condemnation.by said Commis- sion and said City of real property situate in City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, therein described, under authority thereof and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated 117.015, be and the same hereby is approved and authorized and the proper city officers hereby are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the same in behalf of said City as the same shall be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City, pursuant to said.w'itten agreement, shall become and be a party with said Commission as oondemnor in the aforesaid joint condemnation of the real estate described in said proposed written agreement, according to the provisions therein set forth for said joint condemnation, the apportionment of the real estate condemned and the allocation of the costs and expenses of the same. SAY 11956 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council • 195_ Yeas Nays MAY 18 1956 Gibbons Approved 195_ Holland Aj, Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Acting Mayor .owl ` Against 5M 6.552 PUBLISHED .. RESOLVED, by the Connell or the City or Saint Pawl, that the proposed written agreement by and between State Veterans 8ermioe Building Commission and City of Saint Paul, approved AO authorised by said,Cais lion t s resolution dated Septaeber 154 19$4, providing for the joint oondomnation by said 1** *ion and said City or real property situate in City or Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, therein dsseribed, under authority thereof and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated 111•015, be and the saw- hereby is approved and authorised and the proper city otttis.rs hereby are authorised and direoted to exseut* and deliver the sane in behalf or said City as the sane shall be approved as to torn by the Corporation Counsel momopmpvinomimmt. that the City, pursuant to said written agrotonontlpihall toOmsr and boapaillbe with said Commission as oar in the store esaid jointikm4Amnation o! the rea estate desetribed in said prepuce. written arroensat. so:lording to the provisions therein vet forth top°:said joint eodenastton, the apportianrstt of the real estate **Mamma and the allocation of the ousts and anponses or the same, NAY 18198 Ng i L358 X.. i Duplicate to Printzr CITY OF ST. PAUL . FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATF 11cf. OLWilD4 by the Council of the City of aint Paulo, thAt thi.- 'oro72ot3e0 written. Agreement 1w ,;Ald betveen StfJe Teter.ars Service Building Commission and City of aint Paul, 1:ooroved authorize0. by salil., Commission's ro 'olution leted, 7.,7'.nt,Prber 15, 1,954, providing for the joint con.demnrAion by swAid Comte- sten alv 1A1.0 City of re.A property sitwAte in City of Sint 'Nui, .',ounty of '7-Z. mgy. arl r.A,.1,te of Minnesota, therein descrlbPd, uher Authority the7pof 1.1'0 nurcul,nt t elnn,?sota '7'':t7ttuteG Anuoti,ted 117.o15, he and the same hereby to approved *n0 authc,rt7e An0 t proper city officers her:Thy are Authori%e0 an0 01rented, to execut e. an0 deliver thp V,AMP in behalf of City 1, thr SAM ehall l''e 4, rovP An to form b.: the CororAtlen Courr;p1„ '77. 7-171- FORTHR4 th.fAt the City, pursuant. to e7.111.7wittn Agreement0411. become and be a party with said. Commionion as condemnor in the aforesaid joint condemnation of the real estate 6escribed in e proposed. Tlritten agreement, acnordinc to the srovisions therein eet forth. for sal6 joint condemnAtions the a..- ortionment of the real estate condemne0 awl the alloctien of the coot xnea of the sane, • --- MX' • 1 ,,, ,,, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays r,(1 v Gibbons ........ ,. ,7 .'.;.i.'.:,_ / —Halvorson--' y-•• • Approved 195_ Holland Marzitelli Tn Favor Mortinson '''') Mayor •,._,..-- ,, • PeterSon— Against Mr.yresidentrDillon---- 5M 6-55 4D02