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177832 COUNCIL FILV__NO_ 'I Pile No..MOM- r, By .hiss matter of Ipbpypa d - One feele trxL.ae . gyp FINAL ORDER _ �. _ , . .b ear' (,t ,2 ,, 9.' 9' drnst9 i:Tk: :stilt' t::s�� e.,t,- ' Tas. U , In the Matter of • improving Raymond Avenue tram University Avenue to Como Avenue by regrading, repaving ana constructing new curbs and sidewalks from Blab Avenue to the bridge over the Great Northern Railway Cammj*ny, the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, and the llaarthern Pacific Railwy Company tracks and from said bridge to llanvel Street; by ring the present wood block and brick wearing courses, from University Avenue to ll eve' Street and from Blab Avenue to Caw Avenue, and surflacing the existing concrete blest with asphaltic concrete; by removing the present concrete pavement and concrete here and ,.., .,Ie Siivermay aturns pe,haelrttrisuct_ . asses k wtt,olessai"Y; by sward rails ,mumei , °, ,..- ,. where w eoesaary; by constructing a ew r fres 233 feet ly#f t � d ly ya , ; street property lines there n ssary; by reconstruct- with sti 'o cantata and appu rteaanahs Ala,.8411 ►- - neeesearY; and by doing all Other mark which is necessary and incidental to emit Impievemont, improving Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue by regrading, repaving and constructing WV curbs and sidewalks from Blake Avenue to the bridge over the Great Northern. Railway Company, the Minnesota Transfer Railway Camay, and the Northern Pacific Railway Company tracks and from said bridge to Sanvwl Street; by removing the present wood block and brick wearing courses, from University Avenue to Newel Street and from Blake Avenue to Cceo Avenue, and sur iaing the existing concrete base with :eoplelitdoeonereterburemivitamthek'plresint,ecincrete pavement and concrete base and rope- #+i h todu ret►abs1s innel eab r4 srieremoisms nit4.4Netiri, by $vises,aUmty. void-driveway Fes; y roramiIlitroorkiesma eainixbrr:;itidowal,i 11EgF1 erlic RIAU •a*,mien eaiaeg i rm is :wblere; > tioeser rp (by wastruattoraopermutrals 233 tost . $401Y -vt the view ilime,ottiamtppertnetcrasoteadminueiiexteleding westerly from Raymond Avenue to 460 feet northerly of snit n#e p Uwe; by constructing scaler, water and gas service conneetionCfrea tbmvetrart mains to the pz apsrty lines idlers nwcsssary; by reconstruct- ing the paving, curbing ands, s ,4e urn,on ia► a _t� 1>tg: whore.ns+rt in conformity with said improvement; by aid ' s$'for future lighting and traffic control systems where necessary/; and by.doing all other wark`11i>d. ii`it necray,snd incidental to said 3.mpacoveaeent, Councilman Mayor. N GIBBO Councilman C ji . Councilman HOLLAND 0 Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON PIA ) z/V Mayor DILLON PUBLISHED 2.55 2M 2 APO ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �� • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 177 8 2 10 I M r Mnproving Reposed Avenue from University Avenue to Cone Avenue by regrading. repaving and comstr ction of new curbs aad sidewalks trot Blake Avenue to the b ri6le ewer the Great Northern Railway 0Mmamorio the Minnesota Transfer Naiiway Cam, and the Northern Pacific Railway Cawpsuy tracks and free said bridge to Manvel areal; k r rrdtoving the present wood block: and brick wearing courses, from University Avg to Manmel Street and Bret Blake Avenue to Como Avenue, and surfacing, the existing eesorete hese with asphaltic a concrete; by re1eoving the present co atxr+iete pavomeat sad concrete bass and repaving with mew concrete base and a sphaltis cement* surfacing where neosnlsary; by' p*,i g alloy and driveway returns; by osnstrusting now curbs, sidewalks, A guard mails and retaining walls whore aeosssaryy by oos strueting a sewer from S33 feet northerly of the center lime of that part of resets Avenue extending westerly fraa Raymond Avenue to 460 feet northerly of said center line; by constructing sewer. wader and gams service connections from the street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing cad sidwaslke on the let lag streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing cOnduits and rt`nanew* far future lighting and traffic control systems where A!ossse yy cad by! doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said impro ement. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $191,770.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION j ASSESSED VALUATION f i Auditor's Subdiv ion No. , 7� St. Paul, Ramsey i 4 o., Minn. ii' 1 i 9 do . 6000. 73,300. , x. E. 17.14 ft. of SW 132.62 ft.; !' . i of Lot 10 & all that part of of 27 lying N. of a line from a I E point on the R. line 50.38 ft. from the N. cor to a point on the E. line j I 1 1 ' $4.88 ft. from sd N. cor of 127 , do ; 4200. 6050. i at part of E'ly 17.14 ft. of the SW'ly 132.42 ft. of Lot 10 & of 1 1 t 27 which lies N'ly of a line at A t© the N. line of Raymond Ave. from I point thereon 130.61 ft. N. from a S> 'ly Or of sd Lot 27, & S'ly of a ine from a point on the 1. line of d Last, 50.38 ft. from N. cor to a point e �pn the E. line thereof, 54.88 ft. frpm N.; cor of 27 do �: 125. 11 , !� f1 1 TOTAL, I, Form B.B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 2 • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AASSESSED Auditors Subdivision No. 4 ;I St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. I� That part of Lot 27 & of E'ly 17.14 eft. tf Left 10 lying between two par I lines at R/A'to the W line of Raymond Av . from points on sd W. line 1108 ft. & 130.61 ft. respectively N, frol SE cor of sd �! 27 I ( 475. 1250. That part of Lot 27 & of the E'ly 7.14 ft. lof Lot 10 lying bet two par lines at R/A to the W. line of Raym nd Afire. flrom points on sd W. line 88 ft. & 108 ft. respectively N. frcbm the SE Or of sd 27 I do 475. 2850. 'I That part of Lot 27 & of the E'ly 11.14 t. cif Lot 10 lying bet two par ! lines at R/A to W. line 'of Raymond Ave. rom points on sd W. line 56 ft. & 88 ft. respectively N. from SE co* of d ,f , 27 ' do 800. 5700. I i Ex. SE'ly 3 ft.; that part of Lot 2 & of thel E'ly 17.14 ft. of Lot 10, . . lying S. of a line at R/A to the I ine of Raymond Ave. from a point on ad Ave. 56 ft. N. from SE cor of sd I 27 do 1500. 2500. Lots 25, 26 & SE'ly 3 ft. of I 27 I do 19,100. 17,000. i 128 j do J2,500. 48,200. !I Ex. NE'ly 170 ft. measured at R/A td NE'ty Nine of Lots 48 & 49; 1 the fall: Wily 5 ft. of Lot 149 & all of 5,600. 8,950.. 1 48 ! Hewitt's Outlots, First Divisi#n + }; I Ex. Illy 65 ft. of Lot 48 lying N. of a i.ine measured at R/A to W. line from point thereon 142 S. from most N'ly cor Of se1 Lot 48; the NE'ly 170 ft. of Lot 48 & of W'ly 5 ft. of Lot 49 meosurei at ER/A to NE'ly line of sd I Lot 148 & 149. I f do 3100. 140,000. i Wily 65 ft. of Lot 48 lying N S of a J.ine >�easured at R/A to W line i3,100.from a point thereon 142 ft. from jmosti N'L ' car of sd. Lot 48 140,000. I i a I ( Hoards Sub. of Lot 19, Hewi tt s 1 I Out Lots, 1st Division Charles & ad j 4 harles N. 20 ft. of St. vac. & that part of Lots 1 & 2, Wily of a ! line from a point on the N.'ly line!of Lot 1 .3 ft. from the NE'ly cor thereof to a point on the S'ly lineof Lit 2, 5.06 ft. from the SW'ly cor of ad. ; 2 ' do 2650. 4100. , II I FORM•.•.n TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 3 , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER — -18 —= __— _- — _—> -- - - —----- ----- — I1 ASSESSED _I- - ---� Y - DESCRIPTION � LOT BLOCK' - ADDITION II VALUATION - _ . in If. H. Huntte Add. is-�"- St. Anthony Park I That part of Lot-I, Bik. 2, & all o Lot 14, ?Bik. 79, St. Anthony Park ; . , lying E'ly of a line comm on the lihie bet Lo f s 1 & 12, 20.40 ft. from S'1y ' cor of sd Lot 1, th NE'ly par with BE'ly; lined of sd Lot 1, 82 ft. th E'ly par with N'ly line of Lot 15,41k. 79, 'do a point on E'ly line of sd Bik, 41 ft. N'ly from NW'ly cor of sd Lot 15,} being in r 2 de ' 550. 1700. That part of Lot 1, Blk. 2, & of Loll 14, Blk, 79, St. Anthony Park lying . Wily of a line cam on the line bet Lots .& 24 20.40 ft. from S 'ly cor of 1' sd Lot 1, th NE'ly par with SE'ly l .ne #4' ad ILot 1, 82 ft. th E'ly par with ' N'ly line of Lot 15, Blk. 79, to a point/ on V ly line of sd Blk, 41 ft. N lyll from NW'ly cor of sd Lot 15, being in ' t� 2 f do '11 600.. 75o. 1 Re. of Blks. 62, 67, 68 & Lot 1+1 1 'of Blk. 75, St. Anthony Park �! o ( Lots 1 and 2 1 2 ! di . 1i 3200. 5900. Lots 3 & 4 2 ' it�� 1950. 4400. i it 5 21 do II 600. 1 6 2 i do 500. 7 ` 2 ! do i 200. 1 1 8 . 2 do li 200. { 9 2I d• �� 200. •Ex. Avenue 10 ! 21 do Ij 200. I'I do ? 11 2 s do I 1600. 4000. 1 4 I . do 1 13' 21 de 2850. 900. do i4 2 do ! I, 1 b 1 1 i do I 1575• 9000. i 'St. Anthony Park, Minnesota II i 11 �. 1 2I do `I 800. 3250. o } 2 26 do �j 800. 2850. 11 3 20 do 850. 345o. il . r 1 2 do i; 775. 3350. - -- - i- -I- -- - - !; 1 FORM SALO I TOTAL . I CITY OF ST. PAUL - Page 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION .____ LOT TLB1oN_II_.- • •ALU T ---Y • pt. Anthony Park, Minnesota 29 271 de 1650. . 30,700. .Ex. SW 88 ft.; Lots 1 & 12 291 de 375. 2350. . SW 48 ft. of NE 92 ft. of Lots 1 & j 2 j 29 de 450. 2850. iSW 40 ft. of Lots 1 & 1 2 i 291 do I 375. 2350. 7 1 291 do 475. 2100. 8 291 de (j 400. 1350. 1 . j 9 29 do 325. (1 j 1 30 do 2050. 13,600. El. NE 39.90 ft.; 1 1 34 do 25. Ex. Ave.; NE 39.90 ft. of 1 1 34 do ! - Ex. Ave.; Lots 2 & 3 31 do ` 700. ' Ex. Ave.; 4 1 3U do- 500. 7600. 5 ? 31 do j 65o. 115o. Ex. NE 10 ft.; 6 I - 3b do 400. 750. Lot 7 & NE 10 ft. of 1 6 31 do 1250. 800. 8 311 de 7 I 3$ do i 4500. 10,850. 8 i 351 do ■ 4 j 4) do 1 850. 3250. i s 5 j 43 do j1 725. 265o. 6 X13 do I 675. 9850. . ; j 7 i 4) do I 750. 2450. NE'ly 43.5 ft. of 12 411 do j boo. 1450. I I` Ex. NE'ly 43.5 ft.; j 12 4! do � boo. 1650. 13 41 do 625. . 9900. _. I ---- -_- 10 do -- 1 650. . ;200. FOAM..•.n TOTAL 1 p I i I I e CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER __Al/ <-- - - - T____ St. Anthony Park, Minnesota i 115 1414! do 650. 3650. s 11 ' 1 20 i 44! do 1i 650. I� y I . That part of Lot 6 lying W. of a line fr�m SW! cor of sd Lot to a point on N. line, .10 ft. from NW cor thereof v 351 do jl 975. 3500. That part of Lot 6 lying E. of a lire from thle SW cor to a point on the N. line 10 ft. from the NW cor thereofi 351 do 1000, That part of Blk. 148, Sub. Blk. 148, ISt. Anthony Park & of elk. 146 & 47, St. Anthony Park & the vac streets alley therein bounded by R/1P of the • N.P. Ry., the E'ly line of sd Blk. 6 extendoi, the W'ly line of Raymond Ave as widened & the NE'ly line of Kaso AvIl. I do 2000. 2142100. 10 6o1 do 700. !. Ex. Avenue; 3 611 do ;I 550. s i do 14 ' 61 do 625. 2500. 1 Ex. Ave.; all E. of a line par to the E. line1 of Lot 5 from a point on the S. line thereof 60 ft. W. from SE c¢r ef' Leta 5 and 1, 6 ' 6 . do i 600. 2500. Lots 15 and 16 ! 66 do ';� 1800. 6250. 17 j 66 do 600. 14300. 1 1 ' 1 1 li 18 66 do Soo. � 19 6ei do l 500. 250. i 1 20 6¢ do 500. 2750. H. 21 64 do II 1425. 2700. ! 22 66 do 1 800. 6000. 11 i f ! ji Lot 2 & N. i of that part of Lot 3, lying N. iof a line from the SW cor of fsd Lot to a point on the E. line thereof 1. ft. N. from the SE cor thereof in i 75 do 2350. 15,000. i S. i of that part of Lot 3 lying N.I of $l line from the SW cor of sd Lot • to a point on the E. line thereof 11.20 fit. N4 from the SE cor thereof also beg at the SW cor of Lot 14 th NE tol a paint qn the E. line of sd Lot,5 ft. - • from the SE cor thereof th N. along! the O. line of Lots 4 and 3, 50 ft. th Ij to the NW cor of Lot 4, th to beg, part lof Lots 3 and 4 I 7i de 2750. 61450. � l , i •011M Lam '�-- - R I --- } ---- TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL Page DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i ASSESSED _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ALU �:; 1 ;St. Anthony Park, Minnesota Part S'ly of a line from SW cor to al poi t on!E'ly line of & 5 ft. from SE cor of Lot 4 & all of i 5 751 do i 2300. 2800. 6 j 75 do 11 2200. 10,800. Lot-7 & that_.part of Lots 8 & 9, ly g N'Ily o1* a line from a point on Hampden Ave. 15.03 ft. N'ly from the SW'ly cot of sd Lot 8 to a point on E'ly line of sd Lot 9, 15.82 ft. fro the NE'ly cor of sd Lot 9, being in 1 751 do 15000. 18,000. • { 6 791 do 1 900. 2300. 7 791 do __ ,I 850. 33006. i 8 791 do 850. .4150. 1 ! 9 791 do 850. 1650. North 45 ft. of 10 791 do 650. _ 2050. (Ex. SE'ly 10 ft.) NE'ly 23 ft. of Lot 4,1 Blk4 2, Rear in D. H. Hunt's Add. 1 also S'ly 5 ft. of Lot 10 & N'ly 27 ft. 11 1 791 do 400. 2450-. NE 23 ft. of Lots 2 & 3 & NE 23 ft. pf t$e 5E110 ft. of Lot 4, Blk. 2, e. in D. H. Hunt's Add. also that triangular part of Blk. ?9 bet sd Re. i. Lot 11, also ex. N. 27 ft.; 1 11 j 791 do 600. . 2300. 15 7911 do 675. 2450. • 1 791 16 79 do 850. 1850.. 1 17 791 do 1 850. 3050. I i S. 118 . 79 do 850. 2000. 1 ii. . 38.50 ft. of 1 19 791 do 650. 2000. i ; j I i. . N. 38.50 ft. 119 i� 791 do 825. -1600. 1 I 80 do 2500. 5©0. 24,300. 2 801 do 1 3 j 80 i do 2200. 750. it 1 80' do 1 1 SW 24 f t. of 5 I 80 ' do j 1250. 11,300. -. _. 26 ft. of -_S _8o do 1NE FOBM LICH TOTAL 1 I 7 i ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Page 7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ii ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT (BLOCK ADDITION AL .r` • j St. Anthony Park, Minnesota j jI ; 6 80+ do ! 1600. 10,100. Part NW'ly of a line from a point on the W. 1 e, 66.70 ft. NW'ly from i SW cor to a point on Long Ave. 102.59 ft4 NW').yy from SE cor of 1 811 do 700. 365Q. Beg. at SW cor of Lot 1, th E'ly along S4 lime 63.07 ft.; th NE'ly to a point on Long Ave., 10 ft. Niftily from SE'cor pf ad Lot; th Niftily along sd i! j Ave. 92.59 ft.; th Wily to a point on W. linel of sd Lot, 66.70 ft. from beg; th to beg; being part of 1 811 do , 775. 3300. West 614.07 f t. of 2 I 811 do 500. 1200. i .West i of vac alley adj. 4 j 3 811 do I 900. 2650. E 14 811 do 850. 16,200. 11i I 5 I 811 do ; 850; 1700. } 6 811 do 850. 4500. iI Ex. alley; Lot 7 & ex. SE'ly 20 ft. 8 811 do 1325. 31,950. 'Ex, alley; Lot 9 & SE'ly 20 ft. of 8 811 do 1350. 35,000. Beg. at a point on SE'ly line of RaymondlAve.', 143 ft. S'ly at WA from C/L of N.P. Ry.; th E'ly to a poin t 87 f t. E ly seared on ad C/L & 47 f t. S'ly at R/A from ad C/L; th S'ly at B/A th d C to S'ly line of sd R/W; th Wily on ad S'ly line to SE'ly line f sd Ave ; th NE'1y thereon to beg; all in SE'ly part of 1 D1 do 825. Subj. to sewer esmt & ex. S. 40 ft. of part E. of extended W. line of Lot 18 I Blk. 3, & ex. 5910 sq. ft. in lease 79012; D I do 4,825. E do .2,100. 1350. it � 6� do 36,000. ; Ex. W. 390 ft. of part E. of extend d E. line of Bayle a s Ave. & S'ly of 1 a line par with & 8 ft. S'ly from f rst Itrack as constructed & ex. lily 1420 ft. of part W. of extended W. 1 e of sd Ave. & S. of ad par line; I .8,375. i 4 1 I' Ex. 96,900 sq. ft.; in lease 78626;I K j do i 6,125. 150 ft. Railway R/W across S. 29, T 29,I R. 3 5,000. 14800. • ' 1 ROAM%.L.It TOTAL i • • . CITY OF ST. PAUL • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Page a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED V _LUSE:Mina_ Anthony.t p il 1 Park South 800. 3750. . i 2 1 do 700. 3350. , 1 13 1 do ! 1 700. 12,700. 1 ! I I 14 1 1 do 1 700. ! I5 1 ; de 1 700. 1 2150. ! ! ! 16 1 ! do ! 700. 1100. 113c. East 37 ft.; 17 1 I do 1 775. 1050. 1 iSub. of Lots 1 & t in plk. 28, 1 1St. Anthony Park 111625. 10,300. 2 I do I 13 do Sub. of Lots 18, 19 & 20, Blk. 'El, St. Anthony Park 1 ■ 1 do 550. 5650. ;Sub. of Lots 16 & 17 in Blk. 44, 1St. Anthony Park I 1 , 1 1 1 do 1 425. 7600. 2 I do 1 425. i 3 i do 1 400. 'Sub, of Lots 18 & 19 in Bik. 44, St. Anthony Park li 1 ' do 1 400. li 2 do 1' 400. 1700. 3 do 400. 2300. SEfly i of vac alley adj. & Lots 16,17,1fi, !Subdivision of Block 48, 19,20, and E. 7 ft. of 1 21 iSt. Anthony Park 1700. 1 1 do 11,5oo.._ 2C/2000. _ I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 17 19_56... / 4.10- f• _• ....i.--J. Commissioner of Fi Form B. B. 12 ' a • w2. Iigarov. nt of Raymond Ave. free University to Caro NOTE: Estimated Property Share of Cost is based on the following assessment rates. (1 4.00 per front foot for paving frontage of 2328' . ( Aa75 • • w • • • • 2327' . Paving at ( 5.00 ! • - w • • 302'. ( 5.50 w w w w w w w 1471' . ( 10.00 w w w • • Mr • 1458'. . Carbinq at $1.80 per front foot for frontage of 1860' Sidewalks at $0.50 per square foot. 6' Sewer Service Connection $150.00 each, where necessary. 3/4' Water Service Connections $16.00 each, plats paving outs, where necessary 1w • w • 102.00 w • • • • • 1 .4 w w • " 142.00 • w • • • • Except water service connections between Hammel Street and Blake Avenue where the following prices shall apply. 3/4' Water service connections $ 85.00 each, plus paving cuts, where necessary. In w �► w 01.00 • n • w • w 1+ " • ' 130.00 r M • • • w tors very truly, hie 'Engineer Approved for transmission to the Caraissioner of Finance Dice ; • F_ "tank ank ,f. elli Ca■sissio f,:,L:; j� t\tt) ceji /3,z.5 ° . -r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February 27 , 1956 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 176839 approved December 89 19 55 relative to Improving Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Cdeero Awe► re „,,and oonstrnation of new curbs and sidewalks true Blake Avenue , ti ever the -Arwet R lw y , the Minnesota 1 Transfer Railway Ce pas►y rues to Marvel Street; by . re aevins_ the preset.woad_block and-,.briek roaring courses, fre s Vniv rsiti 1 Avalon* to Mawv.l Street and from Blake Avon** to Como Aveiro, and surfacing 'the,41443143 t+1►lfaS;rwith: a et !•s " Q.: the Prase* cencreto pa e�t and concrete base and repaving With near concrete base and as 4t ,.R..0"kopm a sarfacing.adistre samosa by,paving alloy and driveway rrstrtfss; lq x atinq sew` ci rbs iidls ra' ''iiit*t4d rails and retaining wale *hors sommosanr, by ceeastrucing a sewer from 233 feet northerly of the aS ter Io`of-that eaateaedinglasaltarly_ from Raymond Avenue to`96Q feet nonharifirof said center line; by eenstrneti'q I ,err,: Vikter mil qie--oorciastoexavocktoultsrals the street mains to the property lines Aware necessary; by r000nstrrusting the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets were not in conformity with said f. ixpro±±ti by otuistrueting conduits .a and aprertmaances for ratan* lighting and trifflc control systems where *oceasa i and by doing all ether work which is noiierit ere tend ina diontal 'tar'said`' ',4 e. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for >&l . . ent. 1L • � d\-,-,,, / / / -• • ._._/. , , _ RECU u \, a - / Co ,.3 L, ks. . 2M 7.49 . .8 "4- IL „ l} / ,I V,7,73,1:* 4 k .. Ca '‹.....7.- . 4 ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER ARTHUR W. TEWS CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION JOS. PAVLICEK • Prin. Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota • HERBERT S. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • BUREAU OF SANITATION BRIDGE ENGINEER JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. MAURICE W. HEWETT FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer ARTHUR H. KOCH B STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN February 24, 1956 JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for improving Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue by regrading, repaving and con- struction of new curbs and sidewalks from Blake Avenue to the bridge over the Great Northern Railway Company, the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, and the Northern Pacific Railway Company tracks and from said bridge to Manvel Street; by removing the present wood block and brick wearing courses, from University Avenue to Manvel Street and from Blake Avenue to Como Avenue, and surfacing the existing concrete base with asphaltic concrete; by removing the present concrete pavement and concrete base and repaving with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing where necessary; by paving alley and driveway returns; by constructing new curbs, sidewalks, guard rails and retaining walls where necessary; by constructing a sewer from 233 feet northerly of the center line of that part of Kasota Avenue extending westerly from Raymond Avenue to 460 feet northerly of said center line; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from the street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in con. formity with said improvement; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems where necessary; and by doing all ether work which is necessary and incidental to said improvements under Preliminary Order C.F. 176239 approved December 29, 1955. Estimated Paving Cost $ 180,349.09 Add for Engineering & Inspection 10.820.91 170.00 Add for Water Department Changes $ 191,600.00 Total Estimated Cost $ 191,770.00 Estimated Property Assessment (Includes . . Public Property) 66,020.75 City's Share of Cost (Bond Issue) $ 135,649.25 'A _..... 1 V A • d y i of r. ' v:r+ T; 1 p > ^..,to v ..f %7L + ,�.# {1 `.i f� Y.n :b �F "� r ,b^ x w }} n 1 � I iY v t r. o�`-h' rf 1.2,4 D S� 1 3'4da i'„, B. F n %ib"3 -. k 6 4 Y- s 1'1 ii ' �4 i; nM� 1 t t ,^y; ;.. a y4t t^r§a s 1:;—',',,'1,•-:.,_;.:.-,,.',._•-:„, �' F .'� b:*'jr�i���0'4 ,.r. d. S } tii 4 �w z�� 6,e td ul b s r"` " v' -{ ' a S. °, �a ,1 9• r, 4 i�; S " rxK k ; Y d� o# (4� r r ..''.44,',, �t �r 1 ` a'4 4 x� z x ? �a'v try. 'r 4 1 2 �"-4 b Nfi0 ‘:.44a ':'''''.:..Zr',',' %�' St l � t. d . t a f it '.'P'''',4=7.... ' " f°e ' r �i P 4F' + r N a yY ny.; .*6E ,. y, . e . f d-N i cA '. ' '• � }'' r ) "'x t x 'r 'd .. N. ...z.,„,,,:.:, ..,,,,t.,.. ,,,. . „. ,, ,, ,,.,,,.... ,. :.+. 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